THREAD: “Even as state/local reformers post major victories, national Democrats have almost entirely abandoned discussing criminal justice reform in public.”
Criminal justice policy is largely a state & local issue. That's how our constitution works. A fancy legal term called "federalism." States are considered "laboratories of experiment.” Allows state & local progress to occur even with a President like Trump.
In an ideal world, local advocacy for criminal justice would & could proceed unhindered by either a national party/politicians being absent from the conversation or worst case, actively working against it.
In part bc of increasing wins for reason and fairness--modest pretrial justice & unprecedented conversations on divesting from policing in favor of communities, pro-carceral forces have doubled down on old tactics of fear, which media has been willing to print unchallenged.
The response from our national/local democratic leaders to police & carceral interest group talking points & fearmongering has been more than deeply disappointing. It’s been dangerous.…
National/local “progressive” leaders have refused to use their platforms to speak truth, push back against propaganda, & educate constituents about need to end reliance on racist, costly, & failed strategies that undermine health & safety & give alternatives a chance.
National/local “progressive” leaders have done more than just fail to lead on justice. They’ve demeaned the very movement for justice they claimed to support last year. Cory Booker laughing away the defund movement. Chicago Mayor Lightfoot calling "defund" a "nice hashtag.”
National/local “progressive” leaders have done more than just fail to lead on justice. They’ve rewarded police departments for their violent crackdowns on protests with even more funds to add to historically high budgets.…
National/local “progressive” leaders have done more than just fail to lead on justice. They’ve caved to right wing police lies & fear tactics & voted to kill bail reform in NY & appear poised to do same in Illinois unless their constituents speak out.…
Here’s what’s amazing. More than just failing to rise to the occasion to push back against right wing fear, National & local democratic leaders have forced organizers to expend much needed energy on what should be the most obvious and easiest of actions for justice.
Biden has forced national and local organizers to organize to try to get him simply to grant clemency to the thousands of people released under the CARES act (under Trump during COVID), that Biden's DOJ now is arguing must be sent back to prison.…
1000s were vetted--elderly, immunocompromised, nearing ends of sentences--reconnected w/ families, jobs & housing, re-engaged in society, w/ nearly none rearrested. Biden is planning to send most back. Would be the single largest increase in federal prison population in history.
Hundreds of people remain imprisoned in Oregon based on a KKK-era law designed to legally lynch Black people & Jews. Meanwhile the one who can bring change—Progressive attorney general Ellen Rosenblum (@ORDOJ)—has fought for decades to keep them imprisoned.
1000s in Michigan remain caged in solitary confinement in remote white Supremacist prisons, while hundreds caged as juveniles to life w/o parole await resentencing hearings. Meanwhile, Michigan’s progressive governor has been silent on clemency or justice.
NYC’s “progressive” elected prosecutors continue to send hundreds to Rikers on bail they can’t afford. Same for Prince George’s County, MD’s progressive & beloved top prosecutor Aisha Braveboy (@SABraveboy). Despite horrifying conditions depicted here:
All the above said: Public defenders, organizers, people with direct experience, and coalitions are more collaborative, strategic, and energized than ever before. Despite all this -- continuing to push for change.
One of the biggest fights that underpins the potential success of all movements: fighting for better journalism, a journalism that stops only quoting police, stops only reporting on sensational outlier cases, that reports with nuance.…
If people know the truth -- that everything advocates are calling for are reasoned, rational, & cost-effective solutions to make our country healthier & safer, then maybe we can have an informed electorate actually to hold progressive politicians accountable to do right.
If people know the truth--that everything advocates are calling for are reasoned, rational, & cost-effective solutions to make our country healthier & safer, Dem leaders would be forced to stand, loudly & proudly, for principle. It’s pathetic they won’t do it on their own.
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THREAD: "Vegan ex-cop who meditates." This is how NYT normalizes--even before becoming Mayor--a cop who ran a campaign based on fear. Wants to arrest & cage even more people, increase the sky-high $11 billion NYPD budget, & police as solution to all. More on the campaign he ran:
June 2021. Eric Adams fearmongered over “black & brown babies” being “shot,” & weaponized tragedies while NYC invests a historic $11 billion/yr on policing that clearly is failing to prevent anything. This statement might as well be from Donald Trump.
July 2021. Eric Adams peddled such brazen lies & fear about judges not caging even more than the 1000s of Black & Brown people they already do, *that the racist, Trump-supporting NYPD union* started retweeting his quotes. "We have surrendered our city."
THREAD: I do not think that 20,000 NYPD will actually quit over vaccine mandates. I'd be surprised if any actually do. I hope they do, however. For a lot of reasons. This new article lays out several of them. I'll lead you through my thinking here. More:…
The fact that cops at NYPD, an agency tasked with "protecting & serving" is so willing to put people in harms way is not just telling, it's also *entirely consistent* with an agency that exacts state violence on a mass scale every day against mostly Black and Brown people.
The fact that an agency tasked w/ "protecting & serving" is so willing to put people in harms way, is *entirely consistent* w/ an agency Human Rights Watch found *planned* a mass assault on hundreds of protestors in the Bronx then praised their restraint.
THREAD: Important reporting on the state of crime reporting. Here, Mother Jones carefully assesses FBI Data weaponized by police & amplified by media to scare & misinform public. Speaks w/ non-police experts, & debunks the myths. "Don't believe them."…
A carefully worded first paragraph in this reporting. "Homicides across the United States rose by an estimated 30 percent in 2020, the largest one-year increase on record, according to recently released data from the FBI. But don’t jump to conclusions about what that means."
"As soon as the FBI shared this statistic, a flood of fear-inducing headlines made it seem like Americans are now living through a massive wave of violence. Police & journalists quickly speculated about causes blaming (w/o evidence) protests to stop police brutality."
2 years ago, Governor Cuomo hired *500 more cops* to exact violence & mayhem on the subways. The most recent example: last night maskless NYPD cops pushing a man our of the subway after asking them to wear masks. One of so many examples. More:
Gut wrenching. NYPD in subway surround woman selling churros. She’s crying. They’re telling her she stops or get arrested. Trying to talk to them in Spanish. Rolling their eyes at her. Lead out of station in cuffs. Cart taken away. This is police violence.
From April 2019: After NY Post called the head of Legal Aid Society “insane” for suggesting a moratorium on unnecessary police contact & low level arrests. Yesterday, a group of cops surround & grab a sobbing child for selling candy on the subway.
Furious. The NYPD Commissioner lies brazenly *for the purpose of* influencing law & policy. Law & policy gets changed bc of those lies. 1000s more get caged. Gets caught in lies. Keeps lying. Oh, & plans a mass assault on hundreds of protestors. Still keeps job. Fire Dermot Shea.
THREAD: Another death on Rikers. Violence. Self harm. Denied food. Medicine. Beds. Know this: This isn’t bc of a “shortage” of officers. This is bc police--enabled by media--lied about bail reform & alternatives to mass caging. Happening across the…
The horrors you are seeing on Rikers are the result of a coordinated campaign of fearmongering. Copes weaponized a handful of tragedies printed by a complicit media, to convince the public that commonsense bail reform was dangerous when opposite was…
History: In April 2019, NY passed widely popular bail reform. No jail for most misdemeanors, non-violent felonies & a few “violent” offenses that included no physical harm. It worked. Thousands who otherwise would’ve been caged were w/ families. Kept jobs & housing.