In Google We Trust. Os bilionários americanos nos amam e protegem. Decidirão o que devemos ou não ouvir, pq nos amam e querem o que é melhor para nós. Deixe-nos ter um momento da gratidão aos bilionários americanos do Vale do Silício por manter nosso discurso seguro e limpo.🙏❤️
Você está dizendo que se criar um sistema onde o poder de controlar a internet e determinar "verdade" e "falsidade" reside nas mãos dos Vale do Silício, eles podem um dia usá-lo contra a esquerda? Oh, uau. Eu não consigo acreditar que isso aconteceria!
Esses são os elementos mais doentios e sujas da esquerda: usam seu marido, casamento e filhos contra você no minuto em que expressa uma opinião que não gostam. A única coisa que os irritava de Augusto Nunes fazer a mesma coisa era a ideologia: usam as mesmas táticas pq são iguais
In a London court this morning, the Biden Admin is appealing a ruling from a UK Judge that rejected the US request to extradite Assange to the US, on the ground that his physical and mental health cannot endure US prisons. Follow @richimedhurst reporting on the hearing today:
The Biden Admin's attempts to extradite Assange to the US to imprison him for life for his reporting - and their ongoing success in keeping him imprisoned pending appeal - is the worst assault on western press freedom by far. That only independent journalists care speaks volumes.
In February, virtually every press freedom and civil liberties group urged Biden to cease the prosecution of Assange, warning it was a grave threat to press freedom. He ignored them, and few cared, because feigning concern for press freedom ended in 2021:
What matters with dog experimentations is the US Govt is using taxpayer funds to conduct gruesome, morally reprehensible and medically useless experiments on canines. Liberals seem desperate to claim it's not Fauci's fault - just the agencies he controls - but that's secondary.
The idea that Fauci doesn't know that these experiments are going on and lacks the power to stop them is laughable. This has been an activist issue for decades within his agencies.
But even if liberals need to defend Fauci, the experiments should still immediately be banned.
This video is from the great @beaglefreedom, which rescues beagles after the government declares them useless (most are killed). This shows one of the beagles -- like most, "devocalized" so they can't make noise" -- stepping on grass for the first time:
Judge Amy Berman Jackson releases a 1/6 defendant from pre-trial prison, where has been held since March, after he writes a letter promising that he has changed his political views and now hates Trump. The judge directs his father to keep Fox and MSNBC off in the house. Thread:
Trump "is not a leader and should be ostracized from any political future, what he honestly needs to do is go away! -- 1/6 defendant Thomas Sibick, writing a letter renouncing his political views on Trump, to be released from pre-trial prison.
He should have been made to throw darts at a picture of Trump's face before he was released, to prove he really meant it. Maybe Judge Berman Jackson will consider that for the next defendant seeking to be released from this harsh prison despite having been convicted of no crime.
After the behavior of the corporate media over the last 5 years -- an endless string of lies and deranged conspiracy theories to promote a clear agenda -- people are right to assume they're lying.
When CNN gets caught in lies, it either denies it or won't even acknowledge it:
1) CNN lied about Joe Rogan so blatantly even Sanjay Gupta admitted it. Then they forced Gupta to backtrack.
2) CNN lied about the Biden emails being "Russian disinformation," and won't *even acknowledge* the proof in @SchreckReports' new book proving this
In the weeks before the 2020 election, almost every corporate outlet disseminated a blatant CIA lie: that the Biden family emails were "Russian disinformation."
A new book from a POLITICO reporter has the proof that the emails are authentic and *they won't even mention it*.
O Google excluiu um dos melhores e maiores veículos de mídia de esquerda no Reino Unido. Nenhum aviso ou explicação foi fornecido. Só apagou-o da existência.
Parabéns aos defensores da censura online: este é o sistema de repressão e silenciamento arbitrário que vocês criaram!
Algumas pessoas da esquerda brasileira se convenceram de que, se você der o poder de censura aos monopólios corporativos ou ao estado, esse poder só será usado contra seus inimigos, mas nunca contra eles. Eu gostaria de saber onde esse mundo existe.
A primeira reportagem que fiz sobre a censura por monopólios tech foi 2016, quando o Facebook estava banindo jornalistas palestinos a pedido do Israel.
A justificativa: a fala desses palestinos era "perigosa" porque "incita a violência" e "literalmente mata." Parece familiar?
Google has deleted one of the best and largest left-wing media outlets in the UK. No warning or explanation was provided. Just zapped it out of existence.
Congratulations to online censorship advocates: this is the system of repression and arbitrary silencing you created!
Maybe the unseen Google overlords who made this decision will reverse it. Maybe they won't. 🤷♂️
@novaramedia and its employees will now just wait around helplessly as they see if hidden authorities allow them to be heard, like desperate, hapless defendants in a Kafka novel.
In many ways, liberals and even the left are reaping what they've sown: not just by cheering a regime of censorship in the belief it wouldn't be used against them, but also serving tech monopolies by demonizing any free speech alternatives - like Rumble - as right-wing sites.