If you’re wondering why this ad never mentions what the scary book was that she wanted to ban or what course it was used in, well, it was Toni Morrison’s Pulitzer Prize winning novel Beloved and the class was senior-year AP English.
If you think your high school senior can’t handle college-level novels in a college-credit course, maybe he shouldn’t take Advanced Placement English?
A lot of people are embarrassed for her son, but (unless I’m mistaken) he seems to be a 27-year-old Republican Party lawyer so he’s probably fine with all this?
I mean, here's how @julianzelizer and I covered the 2011 fight over the debt ceiling in Fault Lines.
Congress sort of looms large in this telling, as it should.
If you grab any work of American political history, even a work ostensibly about a presidency, and you'll still find a great deal of attention to Congress.
I'm teaching the New Deal now, for good or bad, Congress keeps coming up an awful lot in my lectures and our readings.
Look, I know a lot of people are saying @claudiatenney and I are “the greatest heroes in American history” fir our bold pro-dinner, pro-Christmas stances.
Are we better than Lincoln and Washington? Too soon to say, but I think its going to be close.
And listen, I don’t want to speak too soon, but I hear that @claudiatenney is going to insist she’s celebrating New Year’s Eve no matter what those bastards at Olive Garden and the Trilateral Commission have to say about it.
I do love that the guy who’s repeatedly attacking the children of a civil rights icon and screaming about CRT from his campaign Twitter account in a desperate plea for votes calling *them* “race profiteers”
The King children know that their father anticipated many of the same issues called out by CRT … and that work made many people denounce him divisive and made him quite unpopular.
He had a 75 percent disapproval rating the year he died.
Looks like he’ll make it but several days in the animal hospital ahead followed by a couple months of recovery. Ugh.
Pupper prayers appreciated.
Thanks so much for all the kind words.
Avoided the worst. No broken bones, but lots of cuts and scrapes. Ugh.
The doctors and staff at Princeton Animal Hospital are pretty damn amazing people, so a very special thanks to them and the Animal Control guys who got him there.
It seems Sarge isn't out of the woods just yet, so thanks so much for the kind thoughts and prayers.