"The Artificial Intelligence (AI) group in Hong Kong behind this new emotive software is called Open Cog. As an open-source foundation, Open Cog (‘Cognition for All’) lead by co-founder Ben Goertzel" #Sophia#Grace
Many of the links in this article now scrubbed from the internet: "Jeffrey Epstein told a journalist he funded Sophia the robot, who he claimed would have 'more empathy than a woman'.." searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/34…
But thank god we had a bot that did the archiving automatically..
"To move children faster into the world of A.I., Hanson Robotics (Hong Kong-based founded in 2013) has introduced Little Sophia.."
"If you are parent are you even remotely aware of the games your children are playing that this AGI has access to? Let’s get a friggin’ grip here parents.
Look how Ben Goertzel gets idolized on the Joe Rogan show."
"People are not being given the choice on whether or not they want to use this technology. Governments are choosing to use SingularityNET to post their A.I. research and it is a massive project. "
"Want to see a fantasy-driven internet mind virus? Watch YouTube clips of Anonymous...children making videos playing around with Project Zorgo and Anonymous hackers while all these children are being tracked by Anonymous hackers. "
"New York science investor, Jeffrey Epstein, has backed H+ board member Ben Goertzel’s OpenCog Hong Kong based research group."
Another well-known Epstein associate who frequently blogged about parties at The Serpentine, is Nicole Junkermann. Yes, let's not forget she served on Matt Hancock's Healthtech team and had access to all that NHS data...
Ben Goldacre was also on that Healthtech team with Junkermann. Here he is hanging out with Dr. David Gorski who is very active on Twatter posting about 'anti-vaxers'.
Do you see how even the medical profession has been corrupted?
And how corrupt is our media?
Human Augmentation, a new paradigm.. by the Ministry of Defence in partnership with German Bundeswehr Office for Defence Planning..
"The row over Aids research at the Nyumbani orphanage is the latest controversy over the way HIV-infected children are used in research. Last month The Observer revealed that the drugs giant GSK used orphans at a New York children's home in experiments."
"At age 84, Spock won 3rd place in a rowing contest, crossing 4 miles (6.4 km) of the Sir Francis Drake Channel between Tortola and Norman Island in 2.5 hours."en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_…