In the Solidarity Research Network on Public Policy and Society @RedePesquisa, we have just released a new policy brief on the critical situation facing children and teens in Brazil. Here are some key findings. Please read if you want to learn more. 1/15
Brazil has made considerable advances in vaccinating teens (70% with 1 dose). Nevertheless, only 8% of teens have received 2 doses, and substantial heterogeneity across Brazilian states.2/15
Children are a sizeable share of the Brazilian population. State average= 16%, but again heterogeneity matters. The Brazilian regulatory agency has not authorized (and no clinical trials being undertaken) vaccines for children 11 yrs and younger. 3/15
Why are we concerned? b/c 1) schools are reopening without sufficient safety in prevention as we have documented in our past policy briefs. 4/15…
2) Brazil lacks systematic and sufficient testing of these vulnerable age groups. Here, we show RT-PCR tests in public labs in Sao Paulo during school reopening in 2021. Children and teens are the age groups with less testing. 5/15
3/The testing policies in state reopening and municipal guidelines for schools emphasize sending students to get tested ex-post as a recommendation, and not as a mandatory policy. Contact tracing and quarantine are not reqd in most programs analyzed. 6/15
4/ Hospitalization of children and adolescents with SARS-CoV-2 increased both in 2020 and 2021 as the data analyzed by @leosbastos shows in this figure. 7/15
5/ Unfortunately death rates also increased for these age groups. The lethality rates are also worrisome. @leosbastos calculated this rate is 4-5% for children 0-9 years old. 8/15
There is so much that can be done to improve! As @AlexandraBoing stresses, in countries with relatively young populations, such as 🇧🇷, high vaccine coverage (80%) depends on vaccinating teens and children. 9/15
We advocate that Brazilian authorities should seek authorization and procure vaccines for these age groups, and we are especially concerned about what efforts are being undertaken to RAPIDLY protect children 11 years and younger. 10/15
School reopening guidelines need to be further strengthened. High-quality masks N95 need to be distributed and used in schools. Physical distancing, ventilation, etc. efforts must be enforced in schools. 11/15
Testing efforts directed at children and teens including active testing programs in schools must be strengthened as school re-opening efforts are furthered, and the data from these efforts need to be shared transparently and rapidly by educational and health authorities. 12/15
Our data are publicly available, and we are happy to answer questions or discuss our findings further. 14/15 A special thanks to @trishgreenhalgh@dgurdasani1 whose ongoing work on school reopenings in the UK has helped our research efforts.
Neste fio, vou explicar a nota da @RedePesquisa que divulgamos hoje com preocupações sobre a proteção das crianças e dos adolescentes em momento delicado de retorno às aulas presenciais. Precisamos lembrar que a população < 18 anos representa 25% da população do 🇧🇷). 1/15
Vale lembrar que @anvisa_oficial autoriza a vacina da PfizerBioNTech (COMIRNATY) para adolescentes de 12 a 17 anos, mas no início de outubro21, somente 8 % dessa faixa etária contavam com a imunização completa (veja a figura abaixo); 70% com a imunização com uma dose. 2/15
No Brasil, não temos nenhuma vacina aprovada para a população estimada de 0 a 11 anos. Em 2020, essa faixa representava 16,6% da população do país, totalizando 35,2 milhões de brasileiros. Abaixo mostramos que em alguns estados, a proporção em alguns estados é ainda maior. 3/15
This week, we released a new policy brief at @RedePesquisa. We examine the scope and depth of attacks on the CoronaVac vaccine by @jairbolsonaro and politicians in social media. We show that the negative posts occurred in key weeks and may affect vaccination in 🇧🇷. Follow this 🧵
Throughout 2020 and 2021, the increase in the absolute volume of CoronaVac-related @Twitter activity was driven by attacks against the vaccine. Between September 29 and November 14 (epidemiological weeks 39 and 46), there was an escalation in the frequency of CoronaVac tweets.
Concomitantly, we also detected an increase in publications attacking the CoronaVac vaccine on @Twitter. Here we show the volume of anti-CoronaVac posts in dark blue.
Acabamos de publicar na @RedePesquisa sobre as mídias sociais e a vacina da CoronaVac. Os dados mostram que o "Alcance e profundidade dos ataques do Presidente da República e de políticos à CoronaVac nas mídias sociais é maior do que se imaginava."
Ao longo de 2020 e 2021 o crescimento no volume de atividades no @Twitter sobre CoronaVac teve como principal objetivo o ataque à vacina. Entre 29 de setembro e 14 de novembro (semanas 39 a 46), aumenta a frequência de postagens no Twitter e os ataques à vacina.
Influenciadores nas mídias sociais, deputados estaduais e federais tiveram uma atuação importante no debate digital ao publicarem postagens questionando a eficácia da vacina CoronaVac nessas semanas: