Assembly meeting continues tonight, picking up where they left off. We'll see how much actually gets done today. #ANCgov
Chair LaFrance makes a statement in the beginning about how they are unable to create a safe space in the chamber, because the administration is unwilling to implement the COVID plan. "The body does not concede." But there is work to be done. #ANCgov
Constant is participating by phone to limit exposure.
Dunbar outlines the budget timeline, including 2 public hearings, tonight and November 9.
Perez Verdia says body worn camera policy will be discussed at the Public Safety committee meeting on Nov 3. #ANCgov
The administration submitted 2 versions of a funding request for mass care at the Sullivan, but did not label which is one.
Others laid on the table by the administration, 8 in total. #ANCgov
Audience participation. Looks like the usuals showed up again. #ANCgov
Darden continues his one person war with the justice system. #ANCgov
Hans Thompson testifies about the school resource officer program, and that we should fund counselors to focus on mental health. #ANCgov
Nial Williams says APD reports to Amy Demboski, the Municipal Manager, who reports to "the Office of the Mayor." Which these days is an empty office. #ANCgov
Francesca Allegrezza talks about "tampering with the public record" and seems to think that the livestream of the meeting is like a TV show. She is one of the testifier handlers, not so strong on her own talking points. #ANCgov
Dustin Sherman memorializes Eugene Haberman, then says "We live in two realities." And that everyone on the Assembly should have a mental health evaluation, he has. #ANCgov
Sounds like the next "wonder" drug for COVID is making the rounds on social media "research" forums. Now we'll hear about this one too, whatever it was.
Andria Dolan, of "Bronson's big brass balls" fame, mentions "enjoying boners and shit" on the record. Then "Bye!" #ANCgov
The next testifier thanks the Assembly for a mask mandate, and that the crowd here is not representative. He's wearing a mask. #ANCgov
Noria Clark has an interesting tactic: encourage reaching across the aisle and be nice to people you don't agree with. Says it's very important to tour the election center, ask a lot of questions. Signals to the others it's time to (nicely) harass election workers again. #ANCgov
Nial Williams is running against Kameron Perez Verdia in District 3. Probably will be as successful as his School Board race. Which was still too many votes. #ANCgov
The next testifier ignores Clark's good cop routine about elections, repeats more lies about fraud, and we should go back to voting in person. It's just impossible to fairly win an election for this crowd. #ANCgov
Consent agenda. At this rate, the meeting may run with a semblance of normalcy today. #ANCgov
Where is Bronson? Did anyone explain WHY Demboski is running the city, not just that she legally can? And if he is sick with COVID, shouldn't the public know his status? #ANCgov
Clarification about a marijuana establishment too be renewed.
Demboski, not even pretending to *not* be acting mayor at this point, is putting herself in the queue.
Larry Baker, a contractor, is sitting in the mayor's chair. #ANCgov
Next up are appointees for confirmation, being postponed to Nov 9 so the Ethics Board can meet and take action with their report regarding Dan Zipay for Solid Waste Services, to review potential conflicts of interest. Such as his daughter owning a waste company. #ANCgov
Next appointment: Joe Gerace, Health Department. Allard moves to approve tonight. Zaletel moves to postpone to Nov 23. Discussion about procedure. #ANCgov
5 minute break.
Things are much calmer in the room tonight, even compared to last night. Security staff must be relieved. #ANCgov
Back on the record.
Zaletel brings up Gerace was just recently employed by Visit Health Care, asks for time for the ethics board to review.
Weddleton points out postponing the vote is not great given all the needs for COVID, the Sullivan facility, need someone in place. #ANCgov
Allard points out this is the second health director who stepped up, and postponing is a form of intimidation.
At least she acknowledges we are still experiencing the COVID pandemic, even if it's just for political benefit in this case. #ANCgov
Demboski, although she was an Assembly member for several years, forgot to be acknowledged by the Chair. She would probably just run the entire city alone if that was an option. #ANCgov
Every time the Assembly steps up and asserts its role, is the instant that Demboski, Allard and usually Kennedy speak up and start the delay, undermining or outright opposition tactics. #ANCgov
Allard says, for maybe the first time, that the Assembly should follow legal advice.
She asks Gerace to testify about whether he sees a conflict on interest being appointed.
Even if "no" is true here, what appointee who wants the job would answer yes to this question?
Allard delays. Looks like negotiating the timeframe to be 2 weeks sooner than Zaletel did is still a "win." #ANCgov
At least Kennedy is wearing a mask tonight. She must support following the policy her colleagues passed.
The audience members without masks make it easier to see that it's all the same people showing up again. Two of them are reading books during the meeting. #ANCgov
Now hearing the confirmation of Jim Winegarner for Real Estate.
Weddleton points out the city needs a Heritage Land Bank director with experience in land management.
Hard to imagine why the administration has had some challenges finding & keeping qualified staff. #ANCgov
Voice votes on Winegarner from members on the phone. Constant appears to not be on the line, so a default abstention. Item fails 5 to 5. #ANCgov
Constant is back online now, technical issue.
Discussion about the Muni's fuel contract, only one of 3 bidders are considered, the other 2 non responsive. Purchase approved 11-0. #ANCgov
Bronson wanders into the meeting, only 2.5 hours late.
Allard asks if they can reconsider the vote on Winegarner.
LaFrance says they will address during the break. #ANCgov
Zaletel moves to postpone emergency procurements, noting they appear to be routine items, wants more answers about the interfund loans. CFO Frisk seems to have trouble keeping all these funds straight. Constant asks them to add a note about the fund source. #ANCgov
Bronson is eager to show off his natural immunity to the public, well before the recommended quarantine period is supposed to end.
Plus he left a half-finished game of Freecell on the computer he's been thinking about all month, since he hasn't been here for weeks. #ANCgov
Dinner break. Budget testimony begins at 8:15. #ANCgov
Back on the record! Budget testimony begins.
LaFrance asks everyone to stay on topic. #ANCgov
Yarrow testifies: don't cut pre kindergarten funding, don't reorganize departments with politically motivated moves. #ANCgov
Victoria, head of Victims for Justice: this budget completely cuts funding for victims of violent crime. In a state with terrible violent crime statistics.
Even Allard can't believe it and asks for clarification. #ANCgov
Andrew Gray testifies about not cutting the Mobile Crisis Team, and not cutting this program that just started. #ANCgov
The next testifier says he does not respect the Assembly, and doesn't want to respect them. He takes issue with how "his" tax money is being spent. #ANCgov
He says there are a lot more people like him, and that they are the majority. The District 4 recall vote says otherwise.
Allard makes a big show about not knowing him. Why? #ANCgov
Stephanie Berglund testifies against cutting early childhood funding. Funding kids programs has lifetime benefits. #ANCgov
Celeste Hodge Growden with Alaska Black Caucus, points out we need everyone to succeed, and fund upstream programs. "Reimagine Anchorage." #ANCgov
Dustin Sherman asks for funding school programs. Claps from the audience. #ANCgov
Cathy Gleason testifies to support funding for the Federation of Community Councils. #ANCgov
Andria Dolan says, as her entire testimony, that the Alaska Black Caucus should give some of its grant funding back if they are concerned about the budget. #ANCgov
Angela Butcher, a bit of a wild card, calls the pre K cuts terrible. Asks "who wrote this terrible budget." Demboski actually raises her hand.
Allard defends cutting pre K funding because the schools have money already. #ANCgov
Operating budget hearing closed. Capital budget hearing open.
Yarrow speaks again about cutting Chantsnu Town Square Park.
Capital budget hearing closed. #ANCgov
No one testifies on the enterprise and utilities budget, or the Anchorage Community Development Authority budget. Hearings closed. Next hearings November 9. #ANCgov
Next, a hearing on solid waste services rate increases. Demboski says it's time sensitive and must pass by the next meeting.
But it was listed for 2 public hearings, so they will hear it again. #ANCgov
Order of the day changed, now taking up COVID emergency funding ordinances. The first is for the 99p1 contract funding. The others for other services.
Allard asks Frisk to continue claiming the city has massive debt, and why no matter what the Assembly proposes is bad. #ANCgov
Allard asks Frisk to say he knows more about the city's funds than anyone. Even he doesn't touch that question.
Kennedy repeats the same narrative about why spending money to keep people off the street, which FEMA will reimburse, is irresponsible. #ANCgov
Remember the guy who showed up and said he was randomly stopping by the meeting on his way to the store? It was John Hendrix, who according to LinkedIn is a prominent oil and gas consultant, owner of HEX that now owns Furie, and previous advisor to Gov. Walker. #ANCgov
Constant and Quinn Davidson call out this has been discussed many times before.
Allard, Kennedy & Frisk keep hammering the idea that paying for these services will bankrupt the city, or make taxpayers pay it back.
FEMA would reimburse, if the admin applied for it. #ANCgov
Weddleton asks how much the Muni has in savings? Another Muni employee on the phone states that there are at least $400 to $500 million minimum in the Muni cash pool. On top of that is the tax money that comes in each year for the operating budget.
Frisk attempts a save. #ANCgov
Allard calls up Gerace, asks the question someone else prepared for her to continue this narrative that the Muni can't afford spending the funds.
Gerace says they can't submit reimbursement until "they come into compliance with some things." #ANCgov
Allard is really trying to not make the Muni eligible for FEMA reimbursement, apparently.
Zaletel clarifies that the mass care site was not running continuously since the 2018 earthquake. It's for COVID. #ANCgov
Amendment passes, changes funding source. Now main vote.
Kennedy tries another approach: will the Assembly be in trouble if they "knowingly" fund something they can't pay for?
Attorney Ennis says no, this isn't an issue.
Kennedy has no follow up. #ANCgov
Next item, smaller amount, same amendment to not take the funds from the funding intended for building purchases for the homelessness plan.
Allard asks last minute to delay the vote again. #ANCgov
Allard is delayed even in her actions, maybe waiting for text instructions to come through?
"Miss Demboski said it for me" is the summary of everything Allard says.
Asks to amend to show that there will be economic effects, based on Amy's speculations. #ANCgov
"The money was already there" in the capital fund intended for another purpose, the building acquisitions for the plan, but "it's not there" for the several hundred million in the cash pool for an interfund loan.
Frisk is struggling to justify this logic. #ANCgov
Bronson is surprisingly silent tonight, not even trying to undermine the meeting proceedings. Maybe he finally realized "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." #ANCgov
Objections to all this funding, and trying to take it from the capital funds set aside for building purchases, is the administration undermining the plan that they have supposedly been engaging in good faith to negotiate. 2 of their 3 person team left this week. Curious. #ANCgov
Another funding item, same motion to amend funding source. This one is $5.6 million for services at the Sullivan.
If the administration really wanted to free up the Sullivan, weird to keep trying to cut the legs out from the plan to fund alternatives to move people out. #ANCgov
Meeting extended to midnight. A few people, audibly bored, walk out. #ANCgov
Dustin Sherman and Nial Williams excitedly return to the podium now that it's their turn to speak again.
Sherman engages in 3 minutes of silent performance art.
What does "Let's go Brandon" mean? Apparently it means "Fuck Joe Biden" for conservatives. #ANCgov
Nial did his own legal research, arguing that it's okay to intimidate elected officials as long as it's about policy.
He also feels he is not heard because of a piece of plexiglass. #ANCgov
The administration forgot to tell their mob this is their ordinance. One man sits down when he's told it's not from the Assembly. Allard has to explain to Save Anchorage handler Francesca Allegrezza she should stand down. More silent "protest." 3 more minutes wasted. #ANCgov
More "Let's go Brandon" from the small Save Anchorage crowd still here. They don't know what's going on so they are going with the social media anti government talking point they understand.
Noria very concerned about attendance, and policing Assembly members. #ANCgov
Why aren't the Save Anchorage people upset about the misuse of public funds & cronyism by their own champion, Bronson? Should anyone tell them? #ANCgov
Michael Savitt stays out of the fray, but chuckles every time his Save Anchorage buddies yell out or heckle. #ANCgov
Another testifier rationally says that remote meetings are helpful during a pandemic. #ANCgov
Janelle Jones testifes again about 5G conspiracy theories, like the previous times. Claims there are disrespectful hand gestures.
This testimony doesn't quite land the same way when there isn't a full mob cheering. #ANCgov
It's hard to remember what this item is even about, based on the testimony. This is to allow Muni boards and commissions to meet virtually, so they have meet quorum and make sure people can participate on these boards. Such as the board of ethics. #ANCgov
Ennis clarifies this does not even apply to the Assembly, and that it helps people participate and serve in volunteer government activities. The only reason they have to spend this much time explaining is because they forgot to tell Save Anchorage to stand down. #ANCgov
It's routine business:
Weddleton has amendments.
Then Allard delays.
Bronson stares off into the center-right distance, while Demboski does all the work. This is an art he's perfected over decades of sitting on auto-pilot. #ANCgov
Allard keeps interrupting last minute, this amendment might be the most petty yet.
LaFrance keeps letting her do it, even though she's not actually following the rules.
Demboski should send better instructions sooner. #ANCgov
It's not clear why this is also becoming another proxy fight, over the word "remote" versus "virtual," especially since the administration wants this.
This might have to do with delaying the vote about classification of AWWU employees? #ANCgov
The local plumbers union lead who represents many AWWU employees. This ordinance would allow the people who manage our water system to have the same negotiating rights as other essential workers like first responders. #ANCgov
Allard attempts to undermine this vote and challenges that the union is bringing in out of state negotiators. Is it just anti union? Is it that Dunbar, Perez Verdia and Weddleton are sponsors? Does she know Bronson just retired from his own union? #ANCgov
The union members come up and testify.
Bronson, since this is a topic he knows something about, cannot help but interject to signal how he knows a lot about it. There is concern about how their arbitrator is selected.
Allard, who doesn't know much about it, agrees. #ANCgov
Even Allard decides to support this ordinance, even after having questions.
Dustin Sherman is torn: he doesn't support unions, but supports the people who belong to unions?
Anchorage is a strong union town. #ANCgov
So despite all the support for unions, a lot of suspicion about union negotiations and binding arbitration. #ANCgov
Counsel for the union Heidi Drygas explains how arbitration works.
They are represented locally.
Bronson asks about the method for selecting, which she responds has been in code for "a very long time."
Bronson mansplains about arbitration, and getting outnegotiated. #ANCgov
Baker seems to wonder silently why he is even in this meeting. It's not clear why. #ANCgov
The item passes.
Constant moves to introduce an emergency ordinance regarding control of the chambers, for a hearing at a special meeting next week. #ANCgov
A flurry of activity before the meeting has to end at midnight. Trying to figure out timing and whether they can vote on the Solid Waste Services rate increases.
Sounds like a special meeting, or two, Monday and or Tuesday. #ANCgov
Special meeting on Monday November 1st it is, for unfinished business items. #ANCgov
Adjourned. #ANCgov

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30 Oct
1 action today: take some time this weekend to read up on the 2022 Bronson (but really Demboski) proposed budget. There are many bad choices for our city, but there's still time to fix it. #ANCgov
Read the details:
Testimony form:…
Budget 🚩🚩🚩: long 🧵
❌ Hides a flat-funded budget with complicated reorganization
❌Achieves “cuts” by using dedicated alcohol tax money for general government
❌Creates a top-heavy executive team, with 4 new positions
❌Cuts $1 mil for new ASD pre-K, funded by alcohol tax /🧵
❌Cuts Mobile Crisis Team & abandons mental health first responders model, funded by alcohol tax
❌Cuts Fire & Police, after promising to hold public safety harmless - $800K cut to AFD overtime & Community Risk Reduction program
❌Cuts $250K for providers serving DV victims /🧵
Read 8 tweets

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