The POWERS (Gods Powers/Higher conciousness) goes back in THE BALL (CALL THE BALL), which goes BACK IN THE #BAG (OF SUCK) & Given back to Gods chosen ..
The World was supposed to figure it all out on their own..
God was never supposed to be allowed to help anyone in [THEIR] eyes ..
Here is A ○ Circle, the world sees everything happening within the circle, God & Gods family have been showing what is on the OUTSIDE of the ○
Circle ..
80% of the world can be somewhat awake within the Circle but have always had A hard time seeing/comprehending what was being shown that is on the OUTSIDE of the Circle ..
I'm on the OUTSIDE, always have been, trying to get as many out of the fake world they have
I rather Support someone fighting to stop child trafficking than support someone like the many of you blind cold hearted sheep support that has been elbow deep in child trafficking for 47 plus years ..
Finger Lakes
Where do 800,000 missing children disappear to in A 1 year span
Oh yeah, that's right, Trafficked as sex slaves, organ harvesting, child camps/farms where they are taught how to be corrupt to then be placed within entertainment, government, military & sports as puppets..
It's people like Heather & other "Stars" that this Country
Is in this mess..
ALL warning signs ignored.
ALL Cries out for help, shot down because ones have been pre programmed to not care about any of the smallest details in life..
It's ones like her that will try to make watered down excuses as the truth comes out.. Even fake news is