@incense20@TheProjectUnity (1) Sure. In my experience and research, ETs and other paranormal beings tend to have telepathic abilities. To varying degrees, they can read and influence your thoughts and feelings. And that means they can also influence your dreams, maybe even more easily.
@incense20@TheProjectUnity (2) And if the particular ETs have abduction + conscious memory wiping abilities, then they can install subconscious programming during an abduction that you won't remember but that influences you (compulsions, biases, preferences, and dreams) afterward. So that's another method.
@incense20@TheProjectUnity (3) Now consider what a negative ET faction, bent on covertly influencing individuals and society at large in their favor, could do with just telepathic and subconscious programming abilities.
a. Seed in you a false gut feeling that they are the good guys and you want more contact.
b. Give you dreams where they present a half-true narratives meant to warp your understanding of the alien presence and gain your cooperation and submission.
@incense20@TheProjectUnity (5) c. Do the same to others, who are then sent your way to seemingly independently confirm exactly what you've been thinking and feeling. This can come off as a synchronicity, even though it's not because it's artificially arranged via telepathy and programming.
@incense20@TheProjectUnity (6) and d. Install a compulsion to stay away from certain viewpoints, don't ask certain questions, ignore certain inconvenient truths, i.e. "All ETs are positive, so no need to think about the possibility of impostors or how to differentiate them from the genuine good guys."
@incense20@TheProjectUnity (7) So you go out on a CE5 event, flash lights at some ETs and they flash back, and the entire time you're advertising how ready and willing you are to receive more and deeper contact. Your freewill no longer becomes a sticking point for them as you've chosen to open the door.
@incense20@TheProjectUnity (8) If there's a nonzero chance that deceptive ETs exist, and you have no protocols to handle that during your CE5 attempts, then you become a sitting duck. Which is exactly what they'd want. Since you opened the door, you have less protection against telepathy and programming.
@incense20@TheProjectUnity (9) So if you start getting foreign thoughts, compulsions, dreams, and people 'synchronistically' coming at you reinforcing these, don't instantly take it as a divine sign. Question it all, think hard, research widely, and don't let ego stroking disable your discernment.
@incense20@TheProjectUnity (10) If they're good guys, truth is on their side and critical thinking on your part (not ignorant pathological skepticism, however) would be encouraged rather than chided. That's a good test. Here's a writeup I did on sussing out the impostors: montalk.net/alien/152/disc…
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@sc0tty_do0@Deepfryguy76@EdmondHWollmann@gangatoday1 If tulpoids play a part in the Phenomenon it would definitely add "noise" to the data due to subjectivity playing a bigger role. On the other hand, we do have a pretty strong "signal" (consistent pattern) of grays, hybrids, 'humans', reptilians, mantids, and MIBs to account for.
@sc0tty_do0@Deepfryguy76@EdmondHWollmann@gangatoday1 Identifying and classifying noise sources would be a difficult but useful project. So we have the tulpa/thoughtform idea. Another is occult entities (demons or ghosts) jacking into person's psyche to induce controlled hallucinations. These can involve trips to other planets, etc.
@sc0tty_do0@Deepfryguy76@EdmondHWollmann@gangatoday1 That one's particularly dangerous because the person's experiencing a staged fantasy 24/7 in some cases, or at night via artificial dreams, that build a very detailed narrative about various alien beings, agendas, cosmology, but it's like 75% B.S. and just an energy feeding fest.
ETs = demons
ETs = underground critters
ETs = from another planet
ETs = from the future
ETs = from another dimension.
Anything that appears humanoid and advanced we tend to label "alien" without knowing the true nature...
@MagneticNightm1@DoormanForCats If some Air Force pilot gets in an alien reproduction vehicle and lands on a farm in Iowa, Mr Farmer will report it as an alien encounter. If a demon knows someone loves sci-fi and telepathically masks itself as a gray alien, the person will claim to be an alien contactee.
@MagneticNightm1@DoormanForCats So "extraterrestrial" is the catch-all phrase for today's secular culture. As you know, before modern times the catch-all phrases were jinn, angels, devils, devas, asuras, fairies, etc. depending on culture.
@lachiemx Right, that's what I call the Etheric Tide in my Gnosis articles. It's either a region of stronger etheric energy, or higher-vibrational etheric energy, or what physics would call a region of altered gravitational potential. These may be related.
@lachiemx Time/Space is the inversion of Space/Time in Dewey Larson's Reciprocal Theory. 3 dimensions of time and 1 dimension of space. Like a network of timelines you can observe from the outside. Viewing the fractal hologram of all possibilities. Spirit in the afterlife is in this state.
@lachiemx You can rotate between Space/Time and Time/Space. The first is like the x-axis of a graph, the latter the y-axis. More accurate would be to say Space/Time is the real number axis of a complex plane, and Time/Space the imaginary axis. You can be one, the other, or a mix of both.
@PEdison369 Great question! There are different methods of cloaking: bending light around an object, making it go through/past an object, and interfering with someone's conscious awareness that something is there...
@PEdison369 I think aliens use the second method mostly, making light go through/past. If it were just optical bending, that wouldn't explain how they can dematerialize or walk through walls/windows. But the past/through method explains both. It would be like a slight shift into a 4th D.
@PEdison369 As you know, all is energy and vibration, and these are just thoughts within the field of universal consciousness. So to alter this 'persistent illusion' you have to alter the properties of the vibrations that create it...