Probably the better lesson of this Glenn Miller Biden Voter story is that it's very VERY hard to draw meaningful lessons from the account of a random person you talk to at an event. I guarantee you there's someone out there that was full Trump Train from 2015 to 2020 ...
2/ and now they're demanding the Senate pass the full $3.5 T reconciliation bill. So yeah, that person's out there. But they are not really very representative of anything. Usually it's just a way for the reporter, intentionally or unintentionally, to give an example of ...
3/ what's mostly their preconceived notion. Not always. If you really talk to a lot of people you can start picking up commonalities. And then you use one or two. But if that's the case the single one you pick shouldn't end up being pretty much demonstrably intentionally ...
4/ misleading on the part of the voter. I take that as an example that your reporting may not have been that deep. Maybe you just got unlucky. It happens. But in that case do a better correction.
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Julia is 100% right. But it's even more than that. Cable channels are trumpeting the Democratic "nightmare", a "reckoning", I believe Peter Baker said that Biden returned home to a "different country." It was a rough night. But Republicans picked up a governorship ...
2/ and had a strong night in New Jersey, in part because of poor turnout on the part of Democrats. But Dems will hold the governorship. As I wrote last night, none of this is a mystery. The President's underwater. But let's also be real. This is a fairly typical pattern ...
3/ for off year elections for the incumbent party. As Julia notes, to see Republicans act you'd think the Democratic party basically didn't exist anymore. A CNN chyron says Democrats "face a reckoning after misjudging the nation's mood." That's not true. But this isn't just ...
2/ this is a smart move. regardless of what management thinks of unions, there are two kinds of digital media companies these days when it comes to union drives. 1) those who recognize their unions more or less voluntarily and end up with a union and 2) those which ...
3/ fight by every possible means to avoid being unionized and incur all manner of brand damage and workroom acrimony and then also end up with a union. It's different in other industries. But anyone who doesn't see this hasn't watched the industry for the last five or ...
There's a part of this story that doesn't get enough attn. It's presented as a dispute abt science. But that's not exactly true. There's quite a lot of evidence that boosters provide additional protection against COVID infection.…
2/ Quite possibly a dramatic increase in protection against infection. The more operative question is whether that additional protection is evanescent or more durable. One theory is that the original dosing regimen was simply not optimal. You do much better if you have one ...
3/ dose and then wait a significant amount of time for the second. In any case, the clinicians and epis who have misgivings make the argument that we shouldn't be using the vaccine to prevent COVID cases that don't land people in the hospital. But a lot of individuals ...
2/ Another issue which I don’t address in this piece is the issue of promised pardons. That’s probably the most interesting and newiest part of the article. But again, people are misunderstanding it. I’ve seen many here interpreting this as promised pardons for the bad acts …
3/ the insurrectionists were about to commit as part of storming the capitol. That’s clearly not what it says. It refers to people who were already in legal jeopardy for other things being promised pardons for participating in the insurrection. I think we know what ….
Many more details in this LAT piece. Many of which are terrifying to hear if you're anyone with liability for what was happening on this set. But the description of events sounds somewhat different here.…
2/ As a non-movie person I'd been assuming this was during the filming of a scene. But the reference here to an accidental discharge seems less a matter of an accidental firing of a real bullet than the gun firing between scenes. This cld perhaps explain why the DP & Director ...
3/ were near enough to the weapon to both be injured from a single firing of the weapon.
Few more points on this. I know everyone is dunking on him. But I feel profound sympathy for Baldwin. This is an unimaginable nightmare. But piecing together the various facts I discuss in the thread below it appears that this was a bit of a DIY, low budget production set.
2/ Says here there was no union propmaster/armorer involved. Just a local hire. Curious what movie people say about this. But I don't think this is like you had some non-union construction guys building your house. My impression is that all the people who are prop/armorers ...
3/ in movie work are union. So saying the folks doing that weren't union sounds like they didn't really have someone on set who does this professionally. As noted in the thread, producer friend of mine tells me that most major production sets don't use actual firearms anymore ...