@LlSTENlNG_PARTY Proud day in the studio this. Needed to tell my story somehow. Needed to get it the fuck out of my body. One day I’ll write it all down but for now we bark. #TimsTwitterListeningParty
@LlSTENlNG_PARTY when I wrote the lyric 'to even get near to me was some fucking wizardry' I said to Johan ... "ok good we have the 'so i'm gonna get drunk and slag you off' of the album."
@LlSTENlNG_PARTY Ok full disclosure I feel a bit silly about the bitchy lyric in this song. Chose to keep it in because as a time stamp it’s interesting to me to remember how in my feelings I was. How gutted and hurt. So gutted and hurt i’m being a rate cow.
@LlSTENlNG_PARTY I’m interested in the way sometimes i’m the victim and sometimes i’m the cause. The fact that right and wrong is not as binary as we think. Maybe i’m over thinking it. I really liked this lad and it was very annoying!
@LlSTENlNG_PARTY Easter egg of repeated lyrics. The equation of my damn life.
@LlSTENlNG_PARTY This is a sequel to the poem Hobbies on my first album performed by @Alessandro_Babs
Forever toying with whether casual sex is akin to playing badminton or not
@LlSTENlNG_PARTY too much to say about this one but the Easter egg is the beat sample is the same from the song WRESTLING which was also the first song off my first record #TimsTwitterListeningParty
@LlSTENlNG_PARTY I find Easter eggs ded spooky and exciting.when I used to sit and watch my brother play playstation games I got such a fucking THRILL when there were special things you found? so anyway I do that in my songs for literally about 7 or 9 of you to notice #TimsTwitterListeningParty
Venues without dressing rooms or spaces for artists are so fucking humiliating. Shall I pull me pants down in the bar then? I think it could well be at my limit with it verrrry soon.
Seeee also promotors or bookers coming into the room (if you have one) after the show looking for a chat. My capacity for politeness is waning. Let me sit on my phone in silence please luv!
I’m not subtweeting anyone in particular ( though a guy (not the lad repping) did just stand in our room yesterday for ages) but more like a general plea to venues etc to care about artists. And like, have a mirror available
I am once again asking @holland_barrett to do a supplement bottle exchange. it would be so easy. legit been dm'ing you for 5 years now.
I will sort it out, for free, just let me in.
I'm thinking a large bucket, at the till, and then you guys return them to distributors when the bucket is full, and then they get reused. little bit here and there to iron out sure but cmon