@scottsantens@brikeilarcnn@EvanMcS Their kids are foster kids too. (It’s not clear if it’s 7 or 9 of them are) but they get $800 per kid at minimum per month(rate goes up to 2700 depending on need.) So that’s $5600-7200 per MONTH.
@scottsantens@brikeilarcnn@EvanMcS FYI #fosterkids can attest to this- this is so damn common where people take in a large number of kids, they are getting thousands per month, and uh guess how much of it the kid ever sees? You also get free lunch/breakfast at school. I’m just sayin- numbers don’t add up here.
@scottsantens@brikeilarcnn@EvanMcS I’m not saying kids aren’t expensive and that covers anything but it’s fucking red flag city when you see people taking in 4-5+ kids (that aren’t one sibling group.) No way in shit they are emotionally available for 7-9 kids who have/are going through trauma.
@scottsantens@brikeilarcnn@EvanMcS You can also qualify for SNAP using your foster kids. Also foster kids in TX are eligible for free healthcare so don’t give me shit that they have to pay extra costs. There are red flags and skepticism needed all over this bs.