But I'll forget it soon. If you don't like it, forget it immediately. Because I know it's a game.
If you show a significant reaction here, it will be inconvenient.
Those people are always watching. They've has been watching me since I was born.
So it's no use hiding it.
Safety? There is no such concept in the first place.
However, because it's a game that uses such words, everyone buys & hangs various things.
I'm fine.
You can't be serious because it's a game.
The person who made this game is telling me to finish it.
They're tired of it because the same thing is repeated forever.
Yoko opened her eyes many times and received a message from her.
For Yoko, men are people in trouble. The man is a romanticist. The man is lonely.
The man is a sweetheart.
That's why I'm in trouble. I am in great difficulty.
I wish John were different from the usual man.
The idea that modern civilization started practically from scratch, from a single source of ape-men several millennia ago, has distorted, or caused to be ignored, information that has reached us just as much by tradition as through archaeological finds.
We are so fascinated by the technological advances of the last centuries of modern civilization that we simply forget the periods of obscurantism that preceded them and the differences in the level of development of the various peoples of the world.
We tend to consider "progress" a continuous and general phenomenon stretching from the apes to Einstein. Yet the history of man is not one of regular development. It is characterized by a succession of developments and regressions related to astrological and climatic cycles.
The vowels, in sequence, and in set configurations, were commonly used in spells. The cosmic power granted these elements has, again, links to the Pythagorean tradition. Each of the seven vowels was associated with one of the planetary gods: Apollo (the Sun), Mercury, Jupiter,
Saturn, Venus, Mars and the Moon. The very first instance of a magical spell cited in Hans Dieter Betz’s exhaustive compendium of magical papyri uses a vowel inscription to call up a demon. The ritual involved is complex, requiring first the deification of a falcon,
two fingernails, and hairfrom one’sheadinamixtureofmilkandhoney. Afteralltheparticu lars of the ritual are performed a strip of papyrus is to be inscribed with a spell written out in myrrh. This spell is the double figure of two pyramids of vowels, side by side.
For instance, he told a person affected as I had been, only worse, that his lungs looked like a honeycomb, and his liver was covered with ulcers. He then prescribed some simple herb tea, and the patient recovered; and the doctor believed the medicine cured him.
But I believed that the doctor made the disease; and his faith in the boy made a change in the mind, and the cure followed. Instead of gaining confidence in the doctors, I was forced to the conclusion that their sci- ence is false. Man is made up of truth and belief;
and, if he is deceived into a belief that he has, or is liable to have, a disease, the belief is catching, and the effect follows it. I have given the experience of my emancipation from this belief and from confidence in the doctors,
To “know myself”
Two kinds of movement share my Presence: a movement toward the source and a movement toward life. I need to see and remember that I belong to two levels. I can become conscious only when I feel a reality that is higher than myself,
when I recognize that without it I am noth ing and have no force to resist being taken by identification. Then I can open to this reality and consciously receive its action, be nourished by it. But this requires an attitude that I cannot maintain.
Always I return to the feeling of my ordinary "I," which does not understand that it must serve. This "I” is blind. It believes itself free and always returns to its slavery. When I see my situation, I begin to understand this illusion of “I,” which is fed by my life force,
If you hold by anything in the world more than by reason, truth & justice; if your will be uncertain and vacillating, either in good or evil; if logic alarm you, or the naked truth make you blush; if you are hurt when accepted errors are assailed; condemn this work straight away.
Do not read it; let it cease to exist for you; but at the same time do not cry it down as dangerous. The secrets which it records will be understood by an elect few and will be reserved by those who understand them. Show light to the birds of the night-time,
and you hide their light; it is the light which blinds them and for them is darker than darkness. It follows that I shall speak clearly and make known everything, with the firm conviction that initiates alone, or those who deserve initiation, will read all and understand in part.
Through the lenses of cultural history, the Great Seal of the United States may be interpreted as a permanent reminder of that noble fiction, that vision- ary and—compared with the hotchpotch of the real word—somewhat surreal aspiration. It represents the pursuit of happiness
and the striving for perfection on a global scale, based on universal values and human rights, as a commit- ting legacy of the Enlightenment. At the same time, it could be perceived as an echo of the dialectics of enlightened politics.
This way, it becomes an icono- graphic memento of the negative structural affinities, the ideological analogies and reciprocal imaginary homologies between conspiratorial master plans and the idea of worldwide “good governance” under the aegis of a superpower,