„At its general assembly, the German Marburger Bund doctors' association spoke out in favor of job-related vaccination requirements in Germany“
Corona-Pandemie: Ärzteverband für berufsbezogene Impfpflicht | tagesschau.detagesschau.de/inland/debatte…
The obligation to vaccinate against the coronavirus should therefore apply to people who work in medical facilities, old people's and nursing homes as well as schools and day-care centers.
According to the association, medical representatives have expressed concern that, without a job-related vaccination requirement, many particularly vulnerable groups of people could be at considerable risk
Among other things, with regard to increasing numbers of infections, espec. among 👶 increasing vaccination breakthroughs and, in some cases, too low vaccination rates for employees. The introduction of a compulsory vaccination should be based on the existing mandat.measles vacc.
«This is a song that arose from a photograph that I saw when I was a child of some people in striped pajamas prison uniforms with violins playing beside a smoke stack and the smoke was made out of gypsies and children…»
The photo above, post of prisoner musicians at Camp Mauthausen is only one of several such images and is unlikely to be the specific photo that inspired Leonard Cohen’s „Dance Me To The End Of Love“