0️⃣ Basics (What, Why, How)
1️⃣ Traversal
2️⃣ IsEmpty
3️⃣ Size
4️⃣ Fetch an Element
5️⃣ Insert an Element
6️⃣ Delete an Element
7️⃣ Time & Space Complexities
0️⃣ Basics
✪ What is a Doubly Linked List?
• a LINEAR bi-directional data structure
• its elements may not be in contiguous memory location
• each element has a reference to its next and previous element
✪ Why do we require a Doubly Linked List?
• The shortcoming of a normal Linked List is unidirectional.
• The traversal always begins from the starting which may be slower when an element is very far.
✪ What is an element in a Double Linked List popularly called?
A Node.
✪ How is a node structured?
A node has 3 parts.
• The reference (or, pointer) to the previous node. For the first node this is NULL as there is no previous node.
• The value to be stored
• The reference (or, pointer) to the next node. For the last node this is NULL as there is no next node.
✪ What extra is required?
For convenience and performance, we store 👇 as well
• Head: A reference of the very first node.
• Tail: A reference of the last node.
• Length: Size of the list.
✪ Why do we need to traverse?
Elements in a Double Linked List are not stored contiguously. In order to reach at an element, we need to traverse through the list till that element.
✪ How to traverse?
2 ways.
1️⃣.1️⃣ Traverse from Start
✪ Where to start?
• Start from Head
• If Head is NULL, List is empty hence no traversal required
✪ How to traverse from one node to another?
• Using "next" reference of a node
✪ Where to end?
• When "next" reference of a node is NULL.
1️⃣.2️⃣ Traverse from End
✪ Where to start?
• Start from Tail
• If Tail is NULL, List is empty hence no traversal required
✪ How to traverse from one node to another?
• Using "prev" reference of a node
✪ Where to end?
• When "prev" reference of a node is NULL
2️⃣ IsEmpty
If Length is 0 or, Head is NULL or, Tail is NULL. In any case, it means there are no elements in the list. Hence it is empty.
✪ Pseudo Code ✪
Return Length is 0
Return Head is NULL
Return Tail is NULL
3️⃣ Size
The Length contains the size of the list.
✪ Pseudo Code ✪
Return Length
4️⃣.1️⃣ Get Front Node
Head has the reference to the very first node aka the "Front Node".
But when Head is NULL, linked list is empty and hence there is no front node present.
✪ Pseudo Code ✪
If Head is NULL
Throw Error
Return Head
4️⃣.2️⃣ Get End Node
Tail has the reference to the very last node aka the "End Node".
But when Tail is NULL, linked list is empty and hence there is no end node present.
✪ Pseudo Code ✪
If Tail is NULL
Throw Error
Return Tail
4️⃣.3️⃣ Get Any Node
Let's say the task is to get a node at kth index
• k = 0 ⇨ the very first node
• k = (Length - 1) ⇨ the very last node
• k <= Length / 2 ⇨ Traverse from Head
• k > Length / 2 ⇨ Traverse from Tail
✪ Pseudo Code ✪
👉 Is k less than or, equal to (Length / 2)? If yes, traverse from Head.
Pseudo code 👇
current = Head
i = 0
while i < k and current is not NULL
current = current->next
If i < 0 or current is NULL
Throw Error
Return current
👉 Is k greater than (Length / 2)? If yes, traverse from Tail.
Pseudo Code 👇
current = Tail
i = Length - 1
while i > k and current is not NULL
current = current->prev
If i < 0 or current is NULL
Throw Error
Return current
5️⃣.1️⃣ Insert at the Front
Given: "node", which will be inserted at the front
• "next" of "node" should point to current Head node
• "prev" of "Head" should point to "node"
• "node" should be the Head node
• In case of empty list, "node" should be the Tail node as well
✪ Pseudo Code ✪
If node is NULL
Throw Error
node->next = Head
if Head is not NULL
Head->prev = node
Head = node
if Tail is NULL
Tail = node
5️⃣.2️⃣ Insert at the End
Given: "node", which will be inserted at the end
• "prev" of "node" should point to current Tail node
• "next" of "Tail" should point to "node"
• "node" should be the Tail node
• In case of empty list, "node" should be the Head node as well
✪ Pseudo Code ✪
If node is NULL
Throw Error
node->prev = Tail
if Tail is not NULL
Tail->next = node
Tail = node
if Head is NULL
Head = node
5️⃣.3️⃣ Insert at any position
• "node", which will be inserted at kth position
• "current", which is the node at (k-1)th position [Use 4️⃣.3️⃣ to get it)
We should do as 👇
✪ Pseudo Code ✪
If node is NULL or current is NULL
Throw Error
If current->next is not NULL
current->next->prev = node
node->next = current->next
node-> prev = current
current->next = node
6️⃣.1️⃣ Delete from Front
After deletion,
• the Head should refer to the current 2nd node
• the "next" of 1st node should be NULL
• the "prev" of Head node should be NULL
• In case of empty list, Tail should be NULL
✪ Pseudo Code ✪
If Head is NULL
Throw Error
temp = Head
Head = temp->next
temp->next = NULL
If Head is not NULL
Head->prev = NULL
Tail = NULL
6️⃣.2️⃣ Delete from End
After deletion,
• the Tail should refer to the current last but one node
• the "prev" of last node should be NULL
• the "next" of Tail node should be NULL
• In case of empty list, Head should be NULL
✪ Pseudo Code ✪
If Tail is NULL
Throw Error
temp = Tail
Tail = temp->prev
temp->prev = NULL
If Tail is not NULL
Tail->prev = NULL
Head = NULL
6️⃣.3️⃣ Delete from any position
• "current", which is the node at kth position
Do 👇
• "next" of "prev" of "current" should be "next" of "current"
• "prev" of "next" of "current" should be "prev" of "current"
• "next" and "prev" of "current" should be NULL
✪ Pseudo Code ✪
If current or current->next or current->prev is NULL
Throw Error
• The questions covered here are mostly conceptual
• I never claim during interviews, only these type of questions are/should be asked
• For interviews, you should have fundamentals strong. And you should be able to provide solutions to practical problems.
✪ What is a variable?
✪ How to name a variable/Choose a valid variable name?
✪ Is "$" allowed in variable names?
✪ Can variable names begin with a numeric digit? If no, why?
1️⃣ Basics
2️⃣ Data Types
3️⃣ bool Type
4️⃣ Numeric Types
5️⃣ Variables
1️⃣ Basics
✪ What is Python?
✪ What are the advantages of using Python?
✪ What are limitations of Python?
✪ Which type of applications Python is widely used?
✪ What are some popular Python based packages/libraries?
✪ What is PEP?
✪ What is PEP 8?
1️⃣ Introduction to RDBMS
2️⃣ Normalisation
3️⃣ Introduction to SQL
4️⃣ Tables and Fields
5️⃣ Constraints
6️⃣ Index
7️⃣ DML Operations
8️⃣ Joins
9️⃣ Set Operations
1️⃣ Introduction to RDBMS
✪ What is a Database?
✪ What are different types of Databases?
✪ What is DBMS?
✪ What is difference between Database and DBMS?
✪ What is RDBMS?
✪ Which are popular RDBMS vendors?
✪ What is ACID property in Database?