✪ What is a variable?
✪ How to name a variable/Choose a valid variable name?
✪ Is "$" allowed in variable names?
✪ Can variable names begin with a numeric digit? If no, why?
2️⃣ Variable Declaration
✪ Is variable declaration mandatory? What happens if a variable is not declared before using?
✪ How to declare a variable?
✪ What is the difference between let, const and var
✪ What is the use of "use strict" directive?
✪ What is "Hoisting"? Give some examples.
✪ What is the default value if a variable is unassigned?
✪ How to declare multiple variables in one line?
✪ What is the easiest way of declaring multiple variables and assigning a single value to all of those at once?
✪ What is the difference between Static Typed and Dynamic Typed?
✪ Is JavaScript a Static or Dynamic Typed?
✪ How to check type of a variable?
3️⃣ Variable Scope
✪ What is variable scope?
✪ What is 'window' in JavaScript?
✪ What is a block?
✪ Which out of let, const and var allows a variable to have block scoping?
✪ What is Closure? Give some examples.
4️⃣ Assignment Operators
✪ What does an assignment operator do?
✪ What is the simplest assignment operator?
✪ What is a shortcut assignment operator?
✪ Mention few shortcut assignment operators.
✪ Explain what does "a += b" do internally?
✪ Explain what does "a &&= b" do internally?
✪ Explain what does "a ||= b" do internally?
✪ Explain what does "a ??= b" do internally?
5️⃣ Bitwise Operators
✪ Which bitwise operators does JavaScript support?
✪ Explain the behaviour of Bitwise-AND (&), Bitwise-OR (|), Bitwise-XOR (^), Bitwise-NOT (!) operators.
✪ What are different bitwise shift operators?
✪ Swap 2 numbers using a bitwise operator.
0️⃣ Basics (What, Why, How)
1️⃣ Traversal
2️⃣ IsEmpty
3️⃣ Size
4️⃣ Fetch an Element
5️⃣ Insert an Element
6️⃣ Delete an Element
7️⃣ Time & Space Complexities
1️⃣ Basics
2️⃣ Data Types
3️⃣ bool Type
4️⃣ Numeric Types
5️⃣ Variables
1️⃣ Basics
✪ What is Python?
✪ What are the advantages of using Python?
✪ What are limitations of Python?
✪ Which type of applications Python is widely used?
✪ What are some popular Python based packages/libraries?
✪ What is PEP?
✪ What is PEP 8?
1️⃣ Introduction to RDBMS
2️⃣ Normalisation
3️⃣ Introduction to SQL
4️⃣ Tables and Fields
5️⃣ Constraints
6️⃣ Index
7️⃣ DML Operations
8️⃣ Joins
9️⃣ Set Operations
1️⃣ Introduction to RDBMS
✪ What is a Database?
✪ What are different types of Databases?
✪ What is DBMS?
✪ What is difference between Database and DBMS?
✪ What is RDBMS?
✪ Which are popular RDBMS vendors?
✪ What is ACID property in Database?
💡 Are you a programmer? How do you approach while solving a problem?
A must-read for beginners.
🧵 👇
P.S: This thread is not meant to teach you about any specific approach. Rather I would give more emphasis on "understanding what is asked" and "how to program it efficiently".
✪ Problem 1️⃣
Let's take "Printing the Asterisks" problem. It's simple, yet tricky sometimes.