Was reading the part of MB where bhIma kills duhshAsana and drinks his blood. Here are a couple of interesting shlokAs from Karna parva.
दुःशासनं तत्र समीक्ष्य राजन्भीमो महाबाहुरचिन्त्यकर्मा । स्मृत्वाच केशग्रहणं च देव्या वस्त्रापहारं च रजस्वलायाः… ततोऽपिबच्छोणितमस्यकोष्ण+
[Seeing duhshAsana, bhIma, of mighty arms and inconceivable deeds, remembered how draupadi was dragged by her hair and disrobed when she was in her periods….he drank his warm blood]+
bhIma killed duhshAsana due to his rage at remembering past sufferings.
The tAtparya here is that, a jIvAtma gains a desire for the true object of the Veda (Brahman) by continuous rememberance of sufferings undergone due to pursuing other petty goals of the Veda+
Here, Draupadi is the jIva. The reference to her periods is the association with prakR^iti that makes the jIva impure.
“duhshAsana” – one who cannot be ruled over – is actually the apauruSheya veda whose true meaning cannot be easily deciphered+
That is to say, those studying the Veda are misled to think svarga or other such puruShArthAs are the highest goal. So, they endeavor to attain such goals and this results in further births and misery in samsAra.
Remember bhagavAn warns of this in gIta (traiguNya vishayA vedA)+
Thus, bhIma, who represents meditation on Brahman, tore open the chest of duhshAsana – this means breaking open the Vedas to expose their true goal – Brahman, singified by duhshAsana’s blood.
As blood is red, it signifies an object of great passion or desire – bhagavAn himself+
That is not all. This is how bhIma describes the blood of duhshAsana.
[I consider this blood as superior to mother’s milk, water, nectar, drink from honey, juice, wine, drink prepared from barley, milk, curd, buttermilk, superior in taste to all substances on Earth that captivate the mind]
Each of these items have an AdhyAtmic meaning+
Firstly, Mother’s milk - this invigorates the body. So, mother’s milk signifies strength of the body. It means, bhagavAn endows one with strength of body for performing Vedic karmas, which is a form of bliss+
Water - the instructions of the Veda for attaining svarga.
A swan separates water from milk; similarly, the vedas consist of milk which is knowledge of Brahman and water which is injunctions for puruShArthas like svarga. Thus, "water" here is the latter+
amR^ita - Nectar is the attainment of a deva-sharIra in svarga after performing such means.
mAdhvIkaja - “drink from honey” is the experience of objects in svarga which are like honey.
rasa – juice or sap - also means “bliss” – the bliss arising from such experience+
madhupANa - a sweet drink – bliss of meditating on the jIvAtma – j~nAna yoga.
yavaka-pANa – the drink from barley –vision of the jIvAtma by karma yoga. Barley is used in sacrifices & so signifies yaj~na.
Both signify attainment of the bliss of the jIvAtma as a puruShArtha+
Thus far, attainment of svarga, which is a material goal, and the attainment of the bliss of the jIvAtma, which is a non-material goal different from Brahman, were defined.
The next few items class all these within the 3 well-known puruShArthAs – dharma, artha and kAma+
payas or milk - signifies the Vedas, the source of all dharma, just as havis arises from milk. Thus it signifies dharma.
dadhi – curd. That which nourishes or satisfies (dhinoti) according to shatapatha. It refers to wealth which is pleasing – artha+
mathitA – buttermilk. kR^iShNa ate butter and discarded buttermilk. Butter signifies his devotees who desire only him, while buttermilk signifies those who desire other things like svarga-bhoga or jIvAtmAnubhava.
So, this signifies kAma puruShArtha+
सर्वेभ्य एवाभ्यधिको रसो – That Brahman, signified by the blood, is superior in bliss (rasa) to all these things in attainment. It also means, bhagavAn is the bestower of all those other goals as well.
This much is the meaning behind duhshAsana’s death at the hands of bhIma.//
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When bhagavAn narasimha was angry, all the gods could not pacify him.
I had mentioned earlier that this is because he had totally assumed the manner of a lion, and seeing his own reflection in hiraNyakashipu’s blood, thought there was another lion challenging prahlAda!+
The gods had never before seen bhagavAn in this manner. Thus, they sought the mediation of shrI.
The bhAgavata and padma purANas have slightly different versions of how shrI ensured bhagavAn was pacified+
As I have said before, as per AchAryAs like vedAnta desikan, shrI performs mediation in 2 ways - by her motherly affection, she advises the jIvAs to turn towards bhagavAn, and by her beauty, she seduces bhagavAn to make him obey her and favor the jIvAs+
In all of shAstra, there has been no bhakta who has had LakShmI herself approach him or her first. Normally, a bhakta seeks devI first, then she bestows her anugraha.
Only Hanuman had the honor of devI herself taking steps towards him+
[sIta, having taken her pearl necklace off, was looking at Hanuman, the monkey (an object of her affection), which was seen by her husband and vAnarAs]+
Hanuman never approached sIta here. But it was sIta who was longing to bless him, something which is a rarity as she always waits for the bhakta to approach her.
The specialty of this was not lost on the bhaktAs as well as bhagavAn, who spoke next+
Yoga practices in tAntrika and Agamika systems is different from the yoga darshaNa propagated by brahmA, which is accepted as ancillary to vedAnta. So this is quite incorrect.
Relevant to this, is an explanation of the various systems of thought in shAnti parva as follows+
Janamejaya, desirous of knowing the valid system of thought, questions VaishampAyana,
सांख्यं योगं पञ्चरात्रं वेदारण्यकम् एव च ज्ञानान्य् एतानि ब्रह्मर्षे लोकेषु प्रचरन्ति ह किम् एतान्य् एकनिष्ठानि पृथङ् निष्ठानि वा मुने प्रब्रूहि वै मया पृष्टः प्रवृत्तिं च यथाक्रमम्+
[Janamejaya: Sankhya, Yoga, pAncharAtra and Veda which is a forest (difficult to understand), exist currently in the world. Do they have their basis as one, or are they different? In response to my question, explain their manifestations in due order.]+
Today is the thirunakshatram of swamy manavAla mAmunigal. To speak about this AchArya is impossible. As shrI PBA Swami says, he is “vAchAmagocharam” – like bhagavAn, his guNAs exceed the range of speech and mind+
Whether it is his boundless knowledge, or his utter simplicity towards devotees, or the sweetness and eloquence of his words and works, or his beauty, his glories are endless.
His ability to communicate lofty meanings easily is why he is called "viShadavAk sikhAmaNi"+
The very mention of this AchArya only renders all j~nAnIs speechless, as his greatness all but exceeds even AchArya rAmAnuja+
As lakShmaNa, he demonstrated seshatva - servitude towards bhagavAn.
As balarAma, he showed his kAruNya - becoming compassionate towards those who are sinners.
In this manner, Adi Shesha showed he was the ideal Acharya+
On the one hand, an Acharya is the model devotee. On the other hand, he alone shows compassion to even those who have incurred the wrath of bhagavAn, who are the object of his anger.
It is in this manner that Adi Shesha exhibited compassion towards the kauravAs+
The role of devI is best understood from the incident of kAkAsura. This was a son of Indra, called Jayanta who was asura by svabhava. He assumed the form of a crow and pecked at sIta's chest in lust.
bhagavAn turned a blade of grass into a brahmAstra and hurled it at kAkAsura+
The crow flew everywhere, seeking refuge with all gods. None of them aided him & said the astra of rAma cannot be stopped by anyone except rAma himself.
So finally, the crow, exhausted, fell down helplessly at the feet of rAma. This is narrated by sIta to Hanuman as follows+
स तम् निपतितम् भूमौ शरण्यः शरणा गतम् ॥ वध अर्हम् अपि काकुत्स्थ कृपया पर्यपालयः
[sIta: The descendant of kakutstha, the refuge for those surrendered to him, out of mercy, protected that crow who had fallen on the ground, who had surrendered, though deserving to be killed]+