There are so many things to do - but good to see improving communications around climate issues front and centre in the plan. Very easy to turn people off, when we need for all of us to be fully engaged with what's happening & what we can do. #YPClimateSummit
And here's the summary of what's at the heart of the plan. Nicely communicated. #YPClimateSummit
Creating a position, hopeful vision for the future is key. Imagining how things can be different. There are going to be big challenges ahead, but there are also real opportunities to make life better for us all. #YPClimateSummit
Good detail (p29 in pdf) on current breakdown of emissions in Yorkshire & Humber. Transport accounts for nearly a third, our homes a quarter. Reminder of the scale of the problem - & a reminder that getting these things sorted could have wider benefits. #YPClimateSummit
They also recommend, that emissions from aviation and shipping should be incorporated in the target for Yorkshire and Humber. "expanding our budget in this way would add 10% to our current baseline emissions". #YPClimateSummit
Very much yes to action number 33. "Promote significant expansions in community energy...." I've invested in community owned solar etc elsewhere in the country, I'd love to do it closer to home. #socent#commshares#YPClimateSummit
Similarly, let's just get on with action 34. Street by street retrofit - taking inspiration from @PeopleRetrofit & building on work previously done in Leeds and elsewhere on deep retrofit of hard to heat homes. #YPClimateSummit
Several transport related actions as you'd expect - it accounts for around a third of Y&H emissions currently. Includes an action on flying - "...promoting alternative forms of travel and changing the behaviour of the 14% of people who take 70% of all flights". #YPClimateSummit
There's a section on the #circulareconomy, including how we deal with waste. There's qualified support for energy recovery (most of us will know this as incineration) - as long as it has the "highest sustainability standards". #YPClimateSummit
In at no. 50, an action relating to consumption. The gold-plated ornamental elephant in the room. Good to see @KateRaworth Doughnut Economics referenced in the actions. "The question of how we should address our consumption-based emissions is a big one." #YPClimateSummit
Plenty more in there - I've just quickly picked out the things that jumped out at me, and that are of particular interest to me (I've not talked about climate resilience for example). I think it's really well written, and it feels like an *action* plan. #YPClimateSummit
Quick thread 🧵to pick out a few main points from this excellent post from @Josie_Warden. There's a lot of good insight in here, and praise for the kind of place-based work we do at @ZeroWasteLeeds. #JoinTheRegeneration 1/
First up, some background. @ZeroWasteLeeds have been working on clothing and fashion for a couple of years now. Why? Leeds was pretty much built on textiles & tailoring. And clothing has big environmental impacts. We believe Leeds can lead the way in showing a better way. 2/
As part of @theRSAorg Regenerative Futures project, we created #LeedsFashionFutures, exploring how together as a city Leeds could once again be a world leader in clothing & textiles - with sustainability at the heart of everything we do.
Just catching up with this. Incredibly powerful 20 minute contribution from @ian_m_greenwood from 18 minutes in - well worth a watch if this is an issue that matters to you. I share Ian's hopeful perspective - and will be watching next steps closely.
You'll know if you follow me on here that I think there are so many issues with how we deal with road danger - and there is so much to do. But it seems that in Leeds & West Yorkshire that things are beginning to change - with, for example, work on #VisionZero.
Watching the mtg, it's blatantly obvious yet again that the people not around the table are the car manufacturers & marketeers - who sell increasingly dangerous vehicles & promote them in ways that glorify speed, risk, thrill etc. There are limits to what everyone else can do.
Today, as part of our #ZeroWasteClothing campaign, we're focusing on Leeds School Uniform Exchange - a project we set up last summer that's made it easy for people across Leeds to share 1000s of items of good quality, second-hand school uniform.
Throughout the campaign, we're looking at things from 3 perspectives - what can we do individually, what can we do together as a city, and how can we influence Governments and businesses to do more. Leeds School Uniform Exchange is a brilliant example of what we can do together.
I think it's an example of the kind of project we need to invest in, in response to the climate emergency. It has big social impacts - saving families across Leeds loads of money on school uniform. It also keeps clothing in use longer & reduces waste. Social & climate impacts.
A few quick thoughts on this, in part to try to organise things in my head. Clothing is one area we're focusing on in our work, to make stronger links between waste reduction and action on climate. But as this blog outlines, it's complicated. 1/
The fashion industry is estimated to account for 4% of global carbon emissions, so it matters. 2/
Clothing is a complex system, so understanding where there the environmental impacts are, and subsequently where action is best taken to have most impact, is challenging. Growing/manufacturing materials, dyeing, making the garments, transport, retail, wear, care, disposal.... 3/
First impressions? I like the upright riding position & the step over frame - that, plus suspension makes for a comfy ride. It feels pretty much effortless - only a couple of hills on way to work but both flattened out by the e bike.
I also found it a bit boring to be honest, as it was SO easy. But I’m a bit odd like that. The fact that a bit of electric assistance can take so much of the effort out of a bike commute is an enormous selling point - and why I think they’ll go mainstream.
Having a read through @WRAP_UK report into the waste textiles market - for our @ZeroWasteLeeds project on textiles and fashion. Lots of interesting stuff in there. 5% of household spending goes on clothing.
@WRAP_UK@ZeroWasteLeeds 921,000 tonnes of used textiles ended up in household residual waste (ie to go to landfill or incineration) in 2017. 336,000 tonnes of that was used clothing. Meanwhile 620,000 tonnes of used textiles were collected for reuse & recycling.
@WRAP_UK@ZeroWasteLeeds I always find big figures like that hard to relate to. But fair to say that a LOT of clothing and other textiles that could be reused - or recycled - is ending up in landfill or is being incinerated.