How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App up, some background. @ZeroWasteLeeds have been working on clothing and fashion for a couple of years now. Why? Leeds was pretty much built on textiles & tailoring. And clothing has big environmental impacts. We believe Leeds can lead the way in showing a better way. 2/'ll know if you follow me on here that I think there are so many issues with how we deal with road danger - and there is so much to do. But it seems that in Leeds & West Yorkshire that things are beginning to change - with, for example, work on #VisionZero. the campaign, we're looking at things from 3 perspectives - what can we do individually, what can we do together as a city, and how can we influence Governments and businesses to do more. Leeds School Uniform Exchange is a brilliant example of what we can do together. fashion industry is estimated to account for 4% of global carbon emissions, so it matters. 2/ impressions? I like the upright riding position & the step over frame - that, plus suspension makes for a comfy ride. It feels pretty much effortless - only a couple of hills on way to work but both flattened out by the e bike.