Is that the threshold now? I have to stay with you after you shoot yourself on the face??? Because I am gonna be real, that feels like an exit point.
Until this moment I would have felt safe saying, “yes, my last relationship ended after he shot himself in the in the face.” I would have thought everyone hearing that would nod in empathy.
I mean this is epic. It’s a top tier mentee lesson, for sure: “Have your principles, but also read more than one book.”
The way that whole franchise fell apart after Boseman’s death is kind of sad. It all feels like a very specific Obama fueled delusion now. I can barely remember the mania.
This week in the newsletter, I wrap up a three week series on what the hell is Sinema wearing. We covered speech acts, performance, pinkwashing, fitness morality, racism, and social class. Power is everyday.
This week’s issue — like previous issues — features a sociologist. This time it is Ashley Mears. The issue has one of the sickest sociological burns I have ever heard. Fave when you find it.
I spent about five years on the road talking to institutions, media, faculty, students about how tertiary “partners” like 2U brought the #LowerEd model into not-for-profit universities. I got tired. Money talks.
I had to tell my own institution that I would not partner with third-party vendors to create online graduate degrees. Because I had, uh, written a book called Lower Ed.
In that work and across those travels I saw no appetite for understanding how this works. The arrogance of elite institutions where leadership seemed to really believe they were elite enough that data did not apply to them was a real lesson for me.