INFO:📌 An Amhara farmer Majete says they fought hard & had it not been shortage of food, TPLF & OLF wouldn’t have captured Majete. He also says they’ve no issue of weapons.He states the ENDF can clear the area with ease, if they wanted too.
For those seeking to understand why the Amharas are striving to free themselves from Abiy's Oromumma-centric government, the horrifying images and videos are a succinct answer.
#Ethiopia: War Report: 1/3
▶️In Dessie,TPLF rebels urge residents to intercede with the gov. for free passage
▶️In Tita, TPLF using town for injured rebels
▶️Debresina,suffers heavy losses
▶️TPLF move rebels from Shewa Robit to Jewha
▶️TPLF move rebels from Shewa Robit to Jewha
▶️TPLF rebels break bridge between Degolo & Were-illu
▶️In Jama, local Amhara TPLF agents captured
▶️TPLF is still control of Molale & Jewha
▶️In Sela Denay, TPLF rebels kill their leader, after defeat
▶️In Jewha, near Abdi Illey Gora, TPLF sets up satellite communication
3/3 ▶️In Mehal Meda, Amhara militias claim white mercenaries seen with TPLF rebels
▶️In Afar front, near Adelina & Daleh Ela areas, TPLF attack thwarted swiftly
▶️In, Akasta, TPLF rebels dispersing & some local Amharas hide TPLF rebels
2/2 ▶️In Jama & Degolo, Tigray rebels continue to towns
▶️In Western Wello,in Lugoma, Tertera area, Tigray rebels massacre Amhara civilians
▶️The federal government arrests several people in Wolayta Zone