#Sullideals, An app which auctioned Muslim women online was created on June 13th. Twitter user @sullideals was created around that time, Shared several pics of Muslim girls generated by Sullideals app on GitHub. His bio reads 'Community driven, Open source project by Hindu Trads'
Last year in August, A twitter handle @MCMughal created ‘Maharaja Gulab Singh Alpsankhyak Kalyan Yojana’ last year allowin men to make ‘bids’ for Muslim women from Pakistan.
In May 13, 2021, two Right Wing accounts @LiberalDogeReal & @Keshu__10 started a Livestream on YouTube where they ‘rated’ and ‘auctioned’ Muslim women to their audience. The duo used photographs of Pakistani women without their consent and used sexist and Islamophobic language.
Fast forward. On July 4th. Several RW accounts shared pics of several (more than 80) influencial/vocal Indian Muslim women who were 'auctioned' on the app. The app was taken down the next day after outrage.
After the app caused outrage and there were demands that the people behind it be arrested, Twitter handle @sdfrgt4rf bragged about creating “Sulli Deals”. It shared proof (source code) that it was indeed behind “Sulli Deals”, indicating that he was behind the making of the app.
Interestingly, Ritesh Jha @LiberalDogeReal had lauded @sdfrgt4rf for creating the app on July 5. Also @NijiSachiv Co-Founder of @DOpolitics_in and Ex Opindia hindi editor promoted Sullideals app which had puts muslim women pics online for "auction".
Meanwhile there were several complaints and FIRs to arrest people behind Sullideals app. There was no response/efforts to catch the culprits behind the act.
On July 22, a now-suspended Twitter handle @dankchikitsak run by a Dentist Krunal Patel made a thread blaming a Muslim guy 'Zaved Alam' for creating the sullideal app. On 30th Aug, the exact thread was created again but by a different account. They used a Pakistani girls pic.
Krunal Patel mentioned that his friend contact had a chat with Zaved Alam. His friend used a fake ID @not_sameen to trap Zaved Alam. Interestingly, The photos used by fake account @not_sameen was of a Pakistani girl. The girl in the pic was earlier targeted in May by the gang.
Krunal Patel shared a telegram chat of his 'friend' @not_sameen (fake account) with Zaved Alam. The FAKE chat had a html source code of Sullideals. The same source code was earlier shared by @sdfrgt4rf on July 4th which indicates that person running this account is behind the app
Ritesh Jha had lauded @sdfrgt4rf for creating the app on July 5.
Ironically, when the narrative shifted to Zaved Alam, Jha offered to “help” Delhi police with information about Alam on July 24th. Both these handle (@LiberalDogeB) and (@LiberalDogeB ) were run by Riteish Jha.
Not just Ritesh Jha, Right Wing troll and Ex Hindi Editor of Opindia who had initially promoted/praised the person behind the sullideals, He later went on to write an article blaming Muslim for creating the app based on Krunal Patel's thread.
If Mumbai police can arrest Ramnagesh Akubathini from Hyderabad for posting a rape threat to cricketer Virat Kohli’s daughter from an anonymous Twitter account. Why can't @CyPAD_Delhi@DelhiPolice@Uppolice arrested the accounts behind creating/promoting the app?
There are a number of ways in which the case can be investigated including tracking down the Twitter handles that claimed responsibility (@sullideals, @sdfrgt4rf and @sullideals786) for “Sulli Deals” GitHub repo, just the way the Mumbai police probed the Virat Kohli case.
Furthermore, two domains were registered during the app’s creation sullideals.in & sullidealing.co.in. Both were registered through GoDaddy. One of the accounts (@mightyeagle30) claimed to be part of the team that created “Sulli Deals” had sullidealing.co.in
The police could reach out to GoDaddy, the registrar of the aforementioned domains, to find out payment details, including credit card details, to track down those who registered the domain names. At this point, it is only a matter of willingness.
Lol nice try to distance yourself. The account @Criccrazyygirl is not from Pakistan but a Right Wing troll from Hyderabad. His earlier accounts were : @Criccrazyygirl, @ramanheist & @pellikuturuhere.
Here, unique 'data-user-id' (1386685474182369290) is same for all 3 accounts.
It's so easy to fool viewers by sharing old & random videos & claim it to be from Afghan. Here, @Republic_Bharat anchor telecasts 1 yr old video from Egypt & explains how #Panjshir fighters are attacking Taliban. The video shared on FB has 20,000+ shares & 13+ Million views.🤦🏾♂️
The video shared by Republic and claimed to be recent from #panjshirprovince was actually uploaded in may last year by Egypt facebook page. 🤦🏾♂️🙆🏾♂️
In the same episode, @Republic shows one more old video from Yemen and goes on to explain how Northern Alliance army has attacked and killed several Talibanis who are trying to enter #panjshirprovince 🤦🏾♂️
Sorry for getting involved in your personal discussion @BharadwajSpeaks ji. But here is a screenshot with full conversation with date and time. There are several such tweets. Also, @sarkar_swati's tweet is still available. I can share several such tweets from ur old account. 😎
When I searched for his twitter I'd (now deleted). I found several fake twitter accounts with similar pics, names and tweets. Here are a few. @Policy@TwitterSafety@TwitterSupport 👇