-SPREAD CRT LIE @tylerkingkade and @Mike_Hixenbaugh completely whitewash the reality that Parents Defending Education is a Koch backed fake grassroots group that has created the CRT hysteria. H/t @brucewilson.
2/ As early as April, non-reporter Americans were figuring this out. Could you guys take like two minutes and do a little research? Or is your editor telling you to be ad hoc disinformation agents for the Koch's fake group? H/t @DianeRavitch. dianeravitch.net/2021/04/05/mau…
3/ When journos reporting on efforts to manipulate society HIDE the manipulation, they are doing the last necessary piece of work for the #KochNetwork, spreading the outrage. Americans lured by the manipulation effort see it legitimized by the news. This is anti-journalism.
4/ If we can google around and find accurate accountings of the #KochNetwork astroturfing PDE and Moms For Liberty, surely corporate media can too. Yet they don't do basic journalism - informing people about the subjects of their pieces? losangelesblade.com/2021/11/14/unm…
5/ Calling these operatives "parents" is an act of malice, as the juiced outrage, legitimized by corporate media, tipped an election in Virginia toward a party built on lies. Terrible anti-health, anti-climate, anti-democracy policies will result. Malice
6/ Failing to describe reality accurately, especially when it comes to the #KochNetwork manipulating the minds of our fellow citizens, is itself an act of support for the Koch effort to manipulate the minds of our fellow citizens. Corporate media in the bag for the right wing.
1/The GOP is succeeding in their goal to kill off democracy after attempting a coup. Current and former journalists are increasingly sounding the alarm that corporate media is utterly failing as a last line of defense. Is it too late? This from @joshtpmtalkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/somethi…
2/As corporate media (CM) creates failures for Dems, numbers go down. Biden deserves criticism, but criticism must accord with context and facts. Misreporting reality affects outcomes. Journos ask can Dems govern? Meanwhile, the GOP is fascist movement.
3/"Fascist" too strong? Read the book American Fascism by @BrynnTannehill. Fascism is exactly what the American majority is up against - a GOP hell bent on lying, coups, and breaking elections. We're on the brink of permanent minority rule, Eastern Bloc stuff. "Can Dems govern?"
1/ The Council for National Policy has spent 40 years destroying the country. Its members organized the Jan. 6 coup. They are responsible for a mass Covid disinformation campaign. They created the Tea Party and anti-maskers. exposedbycmd.org/2020/11/06/ope…
2/ So how come you don't know about them? Corporate media refuses to expose them. There's so little coverage that the first page of Google news results includes info on an unrelated play written by @anelsona, who wrote a book about the #CNP. Most coverage originates from her book
1/ Corporate media put the blame for Afghanistan on Biden and his numbers are dropping. But the entire process was sabotaged by Trump et al. What factors made media avoid all context and report "Biden Chaos?"
1) An inherent RW bias 2) Media wed to military industrial complex.
2/ On RW bias: Though NOT ONE US person has died in the evacuation, media had Republicans who lied about the election on speed dial, ready to pass their propaganda onto the nation. Scalise and Scott are known public liars. Tapper assisted by making an absurd Saigon comparison.
3/ In its rush to pass on relentless RW messaging, few in corporate media provided Americans with any of the ESSENTIAL context that Trump, Pompeo, Miller, et al sabotaged the effort. Trump released the leader of the Taliban from prison!
1/ Folks are perplexed as to why GOP governors like DeSantis would be as insane as they are in refusing to allow public schools to protect children. Why is the GOP waging a disinformation effort ON BEHALF of the virus? After all, it's terrible optics to the non-Q set.
2/ Most GOP pols are backed by tons of money from a billionaire funded web of far-right groups and think tanks, built over the last 40 years to return the United States to its pre-FDR roots. Big Oil Koch in league with wealthy Christo-fascists of the CNP.
3/ Current and former CNP members include Richard Devos, Mike Pence, Scott Walker, Tom Delay, Charlie Kirk, Wayne LaPierre, Leonard Leo, KellyAnne Conway, Grover Norquist, Robert Mercer, Steve Bannon, Sarah Palin, Jay Sekulow. Massive overlap between CNP and all of GOP.