A 🧵 to understand the philosophy in the book "Diamonds in the Dust"!!
What is the philosophy of Investment of Marcellus?
Invest in companies that have:
~ Clean promoters
~ Rational promoters i.e. taking proper capital allocation decisions
~ Dominant business i.e. monopolies
Fact about Indian markets
~ Most polarised markets of the world
~ 10 companies account for 90% of market profits
~ Half of the BSE 500 companies a decade ago are obscure now
~ 85% of the BSE 500 companies a decade ago failed to give returns above cost of capital
Avoid these mistakes:
Investing in companies:
~ That are poor in quality
~ Have questionable promoter quality
~ With shoddy accounting practices
~ With no to low pricing power
~ With bad capital allocation
How retail got trapped in DHFL:
~ Had market cap of 20000 Cr in 2018
~ Stock price declined 40% in a single day
~ Declined ~60% in a few weeks
~ Retail shareholding went from 17 - 18% to more than 50% of the company.
~ Stock delisted, taken by Piramal as part of insolvency
Why retail gets trapped?
~ Don't have tools to analyse frauds beforehand
~ Belief that we can get out intime, inspite of sensing wrong doing
~ Beleif in turnarounds even if the price has fallen.
Retail needs forensic accounting checklists to know if fraud is happening
Data point on Indian Indices
Nifty 50/BSE 30 are prone to:
~Survivorship bias: Bankruptices aren't part of these
~ Selection bias: Dominant companies are part of indices
Yet, they don't outperform Indian GDP.
Shoddy accounting practices even by the top companies.
Another data point:
S&P 500 10 yr rturn = 16-17%.
American nominal GDP – 6-7%.
Nifty 50 10 yr return = 11-12%
Indian nominal GDP – 11-12%.
Index is supposed to be the finest set of companies & should outperform the economy.
The way to make return is to select:
~ Companies with Good accounting practices
~ Quality companies with good accounting practices
Important parameters while selecting a business for investment
~ Should have Pricing power
~ Incremental capital deployment should have high pricing power
~ Business should be run like an institution rather than being personnel driven
Should have longevity framework!
Signs of a Institution driven business
~ Board of directors should be quality & independent
~ The management should have been groomed in the position
~ Processes should be in place
~ Decentralised decision making
~ Good businesses: are consistent compounders
Nifty 50: Is prone to mean reversion
~ Consistent compounder: Timing doesn't matter
Nifty 50: timing could work
~ You can't time the market
A myth:
People believe market timing is the profound skill in investing.
The fact:
Market timing is useless!
Choose quality companies that render timing immaterial.
Understand where you invest:
Reading foreign books won't give you practical knowledge about Indian market. The strategies discussed in those bokks will not work here.
Develop an understanding of Indian market & the business environment.
Final points for selecting business for investment:
Business should have:
~ Clean accounts
~ Good quality
~ Pricing power
~ Rational capital allocation
~ Return of capital > Cost of capital
Final advice for investors:
Share price is the outcome of the fundamentally good companies.
Don't chase the share price momentum. Chase the momentum in fundamental good companies.
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