"A central bank, reserve bank, or monetary authority is an institution that manages the currency (...)
In contrast to a commercial bank, a central bank possesses a monopoly on increasing the monetary base." (Wikipedia)
7+15+4 = 26 (Eng. ord.)
4+6+3+3+1+9 = 26 (Full red.)
7+8+4+7 = 26 (Rev. f. red)
13+15+14+5+25 = 72 (Eng. ord.)
2+8+9+1 + 9+1 + 7+6+3+9 + 7+6+4 = 72 (Full red.)
"The Bank for International Settlements [11] (BIS) is an international financial institution owned by central banks that 'fosters international monetary and financial cooperation and serves as a bank for central banks'."
Est.: 1+9+3+0 + 5 + 1+7 = 26
Membership: 62 central banks
Switzerland - the ultra super-duper neutral country that "traditionally" has been said to have the foundation date 1 August 1291:
1+2+9+1 + 8 + 1 = 22
Which like the FED Act
1+9+1+3 + 1+2 + 2+3 = 22
Israel's declaration year
1+9+4+8 = 22
and date
4+8 + 5 + 1+4 = 22
2+2 = 4
A well balanced square flag (the only other square flag I'm aware of is that of the Vatican City State).
The number four is a representation of the square.
And its master builder variant, 22, is a representation of the circle: Twenty-two divided by seven is approximately pi.
... and if you hate reading about jewish and ancient religion mysticism, then listen to John Titus instead!
Almost as good a scare as the virus fear
"Building on his classic, Nuclear Fear, Weart follows nuclear imagery from its origins in the symbolism of medieval alchemy to its appearance in film and fiction."
I haven't read Weart's book yet, but I thought it was interesting that he might have analyzed, among other things, the seventeenth century drawings by Robert Fludd which I myself found to be quite similar to huge explosions.
In my thread DO ATOM BOMBS EXIST? above I showed that both the Trinity Test and the bombing of Hiroshima happened on dates with 33 numerology.
"If you are going to control any population for any length of time, you must have some measure of consent. It's exceedingly difficult to see how pure terrorism can function indefinitely. It can function for a fairly long time,
but I think sooner or later you have to bring in an element of persuasion, an element of getting people to consent to what is happening to them.
Well, it seems to me that the nature of the ultimate revolution with which we are now faced, is precisely this:
That we are in process of developing a whole series of techniques which will enable the controlling oligarchy, who have always existed and presumably always will exist, to get people actually to love their servitude.
"But this word 'Acception' is worthy of study. It has become obsolete, and its meaning is not quite understood now. It is somewhat ambiguous, for it means 'Reception,' but it referred more to the things RECEIVED by the Candidate
than to the admission of the Candidate himself. As a matter of fact, it was simply and English rendering of the Hebrew word KABBALAH, which means 'Reception,' although, strangely enough, no Masonic scholar has ever noticed it.
After the Jews were expelled from Spain, at the
close of the fifteenth century, many of them emigrated to the Levant on the one hand and to Holland and England on the other. But wherever they went they took their Kabbalistic lore too. They were stripped of their wordly possessions, but the secret treasures of the Kabbalah none
Detta var givetvis ett snabbt utkast som hjälp för att få igång en rimlighetsanalys av system(media)teatern.
Hur stor är sannolikheten att Expressen inte ens nämner det bisarra sammanträffandet med lördagens foton på Lars, två dagar innan han rapporterats ha omkommit i polisbil?
Egor Putilove [137, reverse ordinal] rapporterar lokalt från E4 Markaryd.
Snacka om att hålla Sveriges största väg avstängd länge!
Facebooks 7h igår framstår i jämförelse som en enkel förövning inför kommande Cyber Pandemic.
Reduktion innebär att du adderar siffrorna i ett tal, och fortsätter att göra så med resultatet tills du når något av de tolv basfallen; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 22 och 33.
För att nå mästartalet 11 behövs bara två siffror i talet, t.ex. 47 -> 4+7 = 11.
Mästartalet 11 är därför vanligt förekommande bland tal som bildas vid t.ex. gematri med ord, namn och kortare fraser. Se andra kolumnen i bilden med alla tal upp till 515 som reduceras till 11 markerade i rött.
6,9% av alla tal < 1000
9,4% av alla tal < 300
Reduceras till 11.
Mästarbyggartalet 22 däremot, kräver minst tre siffror i det ursprungliga talet för att kunna reduceras fram.
Som exempel kan vi snabbt kolla vilket det lägsta talet är som reduceras till 22 genom att addera nior:
"Med de övriga semitiska språken delar hebreiskan många drag. Ett av de viktigaste är en koncentration på konsonanter i ordbildningen. Ordens rötter och skelett byggs upp av (oftast tre) konsonanter, som brukar kallas radikaler.
Dessa anger den allmänna grundbetydelsen i ordet, och sedan skjuts vokaler in och ändelser läggs till för att precisera ordets innebörd. Dess rötter är oftast verb, vilket gör att verben får en central betydelse i ordbildningen. Verbens konsonantskelett genomsyrar hela språket,
ger det dess stadga och rytm.
Ett exempel på hur detta kan gå till är roten l-m-d, av vilken man kan bilda lāmad ('han lärde sig'), yilmĕdȗ ('de ska lära sig' eller 'de lär sig'), limmēd ('han undervisade'), lummad ('han undervisades'), mĕlammēd ('lärare'), talmîd ('elev'),