1) Idea/Hypothesis 2) Specify entry,exit, SL & position size 3) Generate trade log & Backtest Report 4) Test in diff. market condn.
5)Optimise the strategy 6) Evalute the robustness & stress testing 7) Track Real Time performance 8) Deploy
1) Idea( Eg. Theta Eating Strategy)
Options decay with passage of time.
I look at the theta decay curve & wonder that some decay is intraday and some is overnight.
Can I capture the intraday theta decay by creating delta neutral positions ?
Can we create intraday straddle to capture theta decay ?
Initial Logic :
Entry : Create straddle at 9:20 am
Exit : Close the straddle at 3:15 pm
SL : 10% of combined option premium
Position Size : 1 lot (CE & PE) per 2 lakh
3)Generate trade log & basic backtest report
The trade log contains all trades as per your trading logic.
Also plot the equity curve(cumulative P&L ) & certain backtesting metrics to see if the results are decent.
If yes then proceed further else discard the strategy.
4) Generate a detailed backtest report & test across different market conditions.
Look for metrics such as-
Outlier adjusted performance
Max drawdown & Time drawdowm
Profit factor
Model efficiency etc to decide whether the systems fits your psychology.
5) Optimise :
If the basic results look good, dig deeper.
-What if we exit at pre-defined profit instead of 3:15 pm ?
- Days suitable for the strategy ?
-Days when you should avoid the strategy ?
- High vix or low vix ?
Basically generate more insights.
6) Robustness & Stress Test
Check performance on black swan days
Check performance by removing outliers & max
Are trades evenly distributed ?
Consistent performance qtr by qtr, year by year,
Even dist. Of PnL ?
Also do walk forward testing.(Advanced topic so will explain later)
7) Track Real Time Performance
Start live execution with small qty before actualy deployment to get feel of the strategy.
Try to incorporate the feedback from live execution to further improve the strategy.
8) Deploy :
if the strategy passes all above steps then it’s fit for live deployment.
Deploy the strategty and monitor the real time performance.
The live performance should be similar to the backtest results.
9) Other important points
Make sure you avoid the following backtesting pitfalls and clean the data before backtesting.
Just like a calm sea never makes a skilled sailor, easy and steady markets won’t make you a great trader!
2) Reason for this thread:
No one talks about drawdowns, but they are part of every trader's journey. Always manage risk, follow your systems, and don't fear losses. No system is profitable all the time.
No matter where you set your stop loss, it feels like it's destined to get hit. And if you don’t set one? You could blow up your account in minutes.
Let’s dive into what happened on September 20, 2024 and ways to survive such days(Thread)
1) Sensex opened at 83,611 and dropped 400 points in just 20 minutes!
But that was just the beginning.
The market then staged an incredible rally, surging over 1,300 points from the day's low to hit a high of 84,515 and again fell 1200 points to 83300 and again rallied to 84600
Crazy Volatility🎢
2) During this upmove, 84,000 CE option exploded from 36 to around 700
A 20x move in a single day!