Crikey's full investigation into Minister for Employment Stuart Robert is now UNLOCKED.
@d_hardaker looks into Robert's relationship with the PM, his history of conflicts of interest, and his use of a blind trust to keep his financial affairs secret…
In part one, @d_hardaker reveals that Stuart Robert is the only Morrison government cabinet minister to have put a complete wall of secrecy around his assets via a blind trust.
@d_hardaker In part two @d_hardaker outlines Stuart Robert's history of undeclared conflicts of interest – and how his close connection with Scott Morrison makes him seemingly untouchable as the PM's right hand man and political best friend.
In part three, @BernardKeane analyses Stuart Robert's history as a minister and finds it unimpressive. His real talent lies in being a rainmaker, Keane writes, and that's what makes him perfect for our modern politics.
In part four @d_hardaker turns his attention to blind trusts.
Stuart Robert has one that keeps his assets secret – and plenty of authorities doubt that a blind trust is a rolled-gold solution to stop a potential conflict of interest.
In part five, @d_hardaker details how Scott Morrison led a strident defence of his friend Stuart Robert in 2016, as details emerged of a secret trip Robert had made to China in 2014 with a major Liberal Party donor.
@d_hardaker Part six of the series into Stuart Robert, his blind trust & the NDIS entrepreneur shows us a masterclass in connections in the tightly knit world of the NDIS.
It all starts on a pre-COVID summer’s day early last year.
In the next part of the series, @d_hardaker speaks with senior Labor and Greens figures who call for Stuart Robert to face questions surrounding his blind trust following Crikey's investigation.
And finally, @d_hardaker details one more instance that demands answers.
A share trade that delivered and windfall to Stuart Robert – and underlined the need for the fullest possible disclosure on parliamentary registers of interest.
THREAD: An investigation by @d_hardaker has raised serious questions about the use of a blind trust by Minister for Employment Stuart Robert to shield scrutiny of his financial dealings.
Since 2019, Stuart Robert’s parliamentary interests register has been little more than a blank page in a time when he was in charge of the multi-billion dollar NDIS budget and privy to confidential information about the scheme.
– Stuart Robert and close business associate and friend John Margerison (a leading entrepreneur in providing NDIS services) were co-directors of a company which made investments with and for Robert up until Robert was elevated to the Morrison ministry
Back in May, we published #ScoMosDossier – a list of lies and falsehoods delivered by the prime minister since he took office, on issues of national importance.
#NSWICAC Berejiklian is asked whether Maguire told her to announce the funding for Riverina Coservatorium during the Wagga. Berejiklian says she has been shown evidence to that effect but would not recall the conversation had she not been shown.
#NSWICAC She is asked to name which of her other colleagues supported the project. She says she can't remember, but her understanding that "everyone" was in support. Robertson clarifies "everyone?" Berejiklian is emphatic: "No, of course not." Can't name any specific indiviuals.
#NSWICAC Robertson asks whether she can recall seeking or receiving any advice from the department or agency supporting the Riverina project. Berejiklian:"I can't remember every piece of advice I received."
#NSWICAC Berejiklian says that Sarah Cruickshank adivised her in 2018 not to have anything more to do with Maguire. "Obviously I didn't follow that particular advice ... "
#NSWICAC Asked if she had told Cruickshank the relationship was over, Berejiklian says she can't recall, but that she thinks she said it had been "on again off again". "Certainly I wanted to make it clear how close we were."
#NSWICAC Robertson: "Did you lie to Ms Cruickshank about the timing of the relationship?"
Berejiklian: "No. I made it very clear that it was a very close relationship."
#NSWICAC Robertson refers to her statement the weekend after Maguire's 2018 ICAC evidence, that he had "let down" his constituents, state and party. Robertson asks if by then she suspected he had engaged in corrupt conduct. She says no.
#NSWICAC She is asked how that can possibly been the case, she says "because that wasn't the person I knew ... "
#NSWICAC Berejiklian insists that if she had any specific concerns about Maguire, she would have reported them. Robertson asks about *everything* that has come to light this morning and Friday. Berejiklian restates that she simply trusted that Maguire had done nothing wrong.