USA (2) The British branch of the #KnightsHospitaller also has a priory in the Unites States of America - members include Grayson Kirk, who was instrumental in the formation of the United Nations.
USA (3) undersecretary of Defence for Intelligence is a Knight of Malta via the unrecognised #EcumenicalOrderofStJohn but speaks on the importance of the Order in Western European history.
The #maltesecross of the #KnightsHospitaller are displayed by the Order of St John, Royal Victorian Order & Order of the Bath (GCB) - dynastic orders / orders of chivalry in the UK honours system.
The last 8 Lord Mayor’s of the City of London Corporation, all Knights in the Order of St John - the British branch of the #knightshospitaller
The city brands itself as the oldest continuous municipal ‘democracy’ and serves as the model for the British Parliament.