Germany's new government is doing the absolute minimum for abortion rights - decriminalizing doctors who inform on availability & methodology of procedures - and in the same breath drafting plans to legalize "altruistic" egg donation & surrogacy pushed for by the Neoliberal Party
I say "altruistic" cause when Austria legalized egg donation that way there was a mysterious influx of Eastern European women coming to the country for this exact purpose - because commercial reproductive exploitation masquerades as "altruistic" but works through backdoor payment
It's specifically because I support women's rights to make free reproductive decisions that I vehemently oppose that the "free" market interfere. When you legalize surrogacy and egg donation - backdoor or front door - you exploit and put at risk the lives of impoverished women.
It's because I support women's rights to continue or end a pregnancy with as little outside interference as possible that I vehemently oppose installing a system (commercialized or not) where she signs a contract with childless people who will be involved for the next 9+ months.
And let's not kid ourselves: Once the fertility clinics in Germany can legally profit from egg donation and surrogacy (even when it's just the "altruistic" market they are always making bank) they will push for legalizing commercial, too. It will be "reproductive work is work".
German faux feminists and leftists will fall over themselves to let impoverished migrant women not just be assaulted and have their health ruined in prostitution - we will also happily exploit them in fertility clinics so they can risk their very lives for childless rich people.
I don't have time to go into all the medical risks and ethical concerns with surrogacy. For anyone interested read Kajsa Ekis Ekman:…; watch the work of @JenniferLahl whose films are free on YouTube: &
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Here are quotes by German men from the thread. German legal "sex" buying is one of the most shameful things my country is currently tolerating. We didn't criminalize paying to rape trafficking victims until 2017 (and have had 0 convictions since).
It is really important that we come to understand that prostitution and sex trafficking are not separate AT ALL. They happen frequently in the same locations, women are advertised on the same websites and the same men purchase access to (and commit rape against) both groups.
Its impossible to legislate on prostitution without affecting sex trafficking & vice versa as Germany poignantly illustrates: If the man who pays is just a "client" then our law held for the longest time he can't be held accountable for the "service providers" circumstances.
Don't understand how Western academics studying global south women & kids exploited by "sex tourists" aren't embarrassed when they argue that these groups are "constructed as vulnerable". Socioeconomic power, white and male privilege are real everywhere - except here apparently🤡
Reading an article by a Candian "feminist" researcher interviewing women in Brazil, inc. favela communities, concluding that they're going through a "moral panic" and that really white men aren't doing any particular harm when they purchase access to women from these communities.
This Canadian "feminist" researcher is crying that women in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil who organized massed anti-rape protests were against "sex tourism" & had slogans like "We scream that we are women and not World Cup souvenirs, that we are women and not commodities." The gall
"Porn consumption is an individual choice"="drug consumption is an individual choice". Without making an exact equation (cause women are not dead substances) there can be severe adverse effects on other people in your environment and there often are during the production process.
Like porn doesn't drop from the sky. It has to be made. There's usually at least 1 other person behind the camera. Often a whole team. Often there's a pimp involved. Then there are the distributors. You realize this about drugs (I hope) - you have to understand the same for porn.
If you smoke weed ur cousin grew on a balcony- don't care. If you're consuming drugs distributed by organized crime - there's tangible ethical concern. If you read erotica ur friend wrote - don't care. If you're consuming porn, you cannot be sure smn wasn't traumatized to make it
15 months probation for 🇩🇪 man who ran illegal brothel advertising 3 women on a legal prostitution website. 1 woman was a rejected asylum seeker whom he forced to be raped by 42 men. 1 woman says she chose to be there. 1 was too terrified to speak in court. 15. Months. Probation.
Tell me again how prostitution & trafficking are totally separate when women are advertised on the SAME websites & are in the SAME brothels (thats assuming the woman who says she chose to sell sex next to the trafficking victim really did and isn't speaking from a place of fear).
Sexual torture of women and girls in Germany gets you less than 5 years prison time or just probation. We have a long track record of this:
I dont care to be polite here: The actual brain worms of liberal feminism. I discuss #surrogacy disproportionately exploiting impoverished "third world" women, interfering with their bodily autonomy & sometimes killing them and the response is "you don't respect women's choices".
Replace surrogacy with the sale of kidneys and you see exactly how insane and neoliberal you sound. Poor people are not wealthier peoples organ farms. Poor women are not baby farms. The small numbers of altruistic surrogates carry many of the same severe medical risks ffs.
Where the comparison falls apart is that of course people give kidneys to loved ones. But this is when people are DYING. Nobody is dying from lack of genetic children. Genetic children are not a right when it requires the use of someone else's body.
In many places of the world the sex trade was created or vastly expanded by colonisers and military. Those roots have morphed into modern "sex" tourism. Its rape when a man exploits the desperate poverty of racialized women in countries his military tried to brutally control.
Online you can see white wealthy "sex" tourists posting images of themselves with Asian women on their laps. The women frown in every picture, the men gleeful, cause they can act like brutal kings by virtue of their wealth that came in part from not letting her country up for air
The modern "sex" tourism industry continues to hold women and girls (duh "sex" tourists rape kids) and their countries' economies hostage. "What else will feed these families?" Families that often have to hand over daughter after daughter cause this system isn't supposed to end.