Tout le monde parle de l'ARN messager qui a un effet complexe... mais ici, tous les chimistes comprennent ce que fait cet hydroxyde de graphène ! ...
Si vous voulez injecter de force toute une population, vous devez faire vos devoirs avec un soin extrĂŞme. Parce que si quelque chose ne va pas dans l'injection, vous allez tuer toute la population d'un pays. Il faut peser les risques
🚨You are divine advanced spiritual beings, you have a spark, a fragment of the Source inside,it is in your gene, keep it forever, it makes you eternal. You have been trapped in the Matrix System, a web/Net System of the Astral World
1- It is a tight grid that has just been reinforced with new -frequencies, low microwaves, that they have added to prevent you from receiving the Good frequencies from the Source, from the Creator (by dimming the Sun).
2- They are dimming the Sun of the Creator...Higher your frequency so that you are in tune with the Source and no longer impacted by theirs. Humans with a soul are attacked by these frequencies only if they are lowering their own frequency,meaning you are a flickering light...
🚨"Through the EYE of a NEEDLE"....O-PHI-uchus times, the thirteen Aeon.....started on November 30th and will end on December 17th. And Ouchus is "the nuclear donut" of Sagittarius and it looks like and eye, and the adversaries/enemies of Mankind are afraid...
1- They know what it is and they call it Omicron (OUCHUS and OMICRON have the same English gematria, 522). On November 26th they declared that the " B 1 1 529" SARS COV2 was a "Variant of Concern" : yes indeed it attacks, Money, their GOD...
2- it is a variant sticking on Business Concerns !
And it happened 666 days after the COVID 19 was declared a PHEIC, a Public Heath Emergency of International Concern, on January 30th, 2020.
And guess where is their Temple ? The Stock Exchange. And it is falling...
🚨And "OMICRON" matches with "Its all fake "in Jewish Gematria (262) as well as "Faked signs" (262) ... THEIR SCAM IS TOTALY DOWN ! And laugh too, they are in shortage of needles in some areas ! 🕊️
There is no deadly "Omicron" virus for you, Children of the Earth, hence don"t listen to them.Each time they have a "financial problem", it is because of "Climate change", the CO 2, YOU! Well, you must dig and find.
OMICRON is the AYIN letter, in the Hebrew Alphabet
The Adversaries are afraid, the Ayin, symbolized with an eye
is the "whole seing one", revealing all of them and all their deeds (the mirror of the Queen in "Snow White").
What is bad for them is good on the other side.Light is gaining power while they fall...
1- Their control system is also an experiment and exploration in the psychophysiology of the brain.They want to find out all the secrets. It is an experiment on a giant scale. humans have become the rats in Pavlov's cages...
2- They go on what the Nazi White Coats had started. Everything is measured.The notion of conditional reflex has led to experimental research in that field. Objectivist/behaviourist psychologists, attached to physiological manifestations (motor reactions), have adopted Pavlov's