🚨And "OMICRON" matches with "Its all fake "in Jewish Gematria (262) as well as "Faked signs" (262) ... THEIR SCAM IS TOTALY DOWN ! And laugh too, they are in shortage of needles in some areas ! 🕊️
There is no deadly "Omicron" virus for you, Children of the Earth, hence don"t listen to them.Each time they have a "financial problem", it is because of "Climate change", the CO 2, YOU! Well, you must dig and find.
OMICRON is the AYIN letter, in the Hebrew Alphabet
The Adversaries are afraid, the Ayin, symbolized with an eye
is the "whole seing one", revealing all of them and all their deeds (the mirror of the Queen in "Snow White").
What is bad for them is good on the other side.Light is gaining power while they fall...
And they have a Financial Problem. That's the worse of calamities for those who have built their lives on "Money". watch at the exchange. They know what is happening, they can't stop it. Hence they take revenge on you, Humans. You're the children of the Creation. Don't obey them!
Why do they use the Hebrew Alphabet ? You have to know who they are... The language of the Khazars/Chazars (and later Caesars, Czars, Kaisers..) was an asian dialect which became yiddish. They chose judaïsm as a disguise for their diasporas (Khazar in Turkish comes from Kaz...
meaning "to wander") AND decided to adopt the Hebrew alphabet to suit their judaïc cover, the CLASSICAL Greek Alpha-bet.
They are not Israelites/Judeans/real Greeks ; and they are not semites either.The AYIN is indeed the 16th letter of the Hebrew Alpha-bet..
in the classical Greek alphabet and it represented the sound [o] (closed) in contast to Omega, the Open vowel (like Space). The Alpha-bet makes WORDS, and words (spells become swords) are SOUNDS...and the alpha-bet evolved...Classical Greek became Modern Greek ...
and now omicron has become One with OMEGA.. It is the 15th letter in that new alpha-bet. All is about SOUNDS. The ancient AYIN, is pronounced EYE ...Always think in sounds (phonetics)... Play with SOUNDS, play with WORDS and their phonetics and come back to the BIBLE...
" I AM THE ALPHA AND OMEGA" (in the Ancient Alphabet),
I (EYE) AM the ALPHA ( the Alpha Time Zone where MAN has lived so far...from the Beginning, since alpha is the first letter in that Alpha-bet code, the clock master created all...
and OMEGA (the last letter in the Alpha-bet, is Space, the infinite Zone of God, it Is Open like the vowel.. and eternally expands). The way to go to the portal was given from the beginning, the oculus/ the gate being narrow, "through the Eye of the needle"...
They are terrified by the EYE, the Omega...because they fear the Last Judgment.
(Shrunk)Time never existed for U, it was an illusion in that 3D world in which the adversaries wanted to imprison your minds and souls. It is what they did with their bio weapons
that the weak/already "degenerated" people accepted, lowering more their IQ...in order they never reached enlighten-ment/mind and be lost forever.
BUT the adversaries are deceivers and have not respected "FREE WILL". You can only use it when you are free and not a prisoner...
and not threatened. They lied about FREE WILL...And they used your offspring as shield to enforce v@k*cination, it was a direct threat. Some parents understood and protected their children, LOVE had still its place in their hearts. Hope to awaken you fully, was not lost.
But lost parents (contaminated & already dying ), offered them to the MAN of Science...(We were back in the times of Ba'al). Even if it seems sad, many died. It was the only way to save them... God called the children back to him before their weapons contaminated their souls ...
(quick heart arrests), they are safe.
In those days, you can see Demons standing up from all places, they're all being revealed. They are all falling...
To come back to "I AM THE ALPHA AND OMEGA, the beginning and the end". Understand that there is only SPACE TIME
for divine beings, understand therefore the real meaning of RELATIVITY !
In that spirital War, LOVE/LIGHT/LIFE have won. You, the virgin (the unv@k*cinated) children of God..the true faithful, are on the way to end that journey, reaching the berth to be born again soon...
Love being weighed...
When TIME and SPACE are UNITED, it means MAN has succeeded His connection back with GOD, synchronicity of SPACE TIME...The true apostles will find their way to Bethsaïda, their home-town (John, 1:44) recognizing their true Elisabeth.
Will their faith be strong enough to the end ? Is their heart full of LOVE, are they truly shining ? Do they know the secret of life ?
Have you cracked the Alpha-bet code of the Bible ? Do you know the use of "Numbers" (Bible) in sacred Gematria ?
Alignment starts in your heart...Is align-ment reached ? Are you in tune with God frequency ? Are you fully connected with your heart ? Do you share the same language, the multiversal language ?
And for you, the adversaries, the enemies of mankind, it is #GameOver
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🚨Dr Andreas Noack, AUTRICHE. Vidéo 2 traduite en Français et à retraduire dans toutes les langues...
Tout le monde parle de l'ARN messager qui a un effet complexe... mais ici, tous les chimistes comprennent ce que fait cet hydroxyde de graphène ! ...
1- L'histoire de l'ARNm pourrait être une diversion possible. Je n'imagine pas que quelqu'un puisse me donner, en tant que spécialiste du carbone, une explication correcte de la présence de ces lames de rasoir en carbone dans le vaccin.
==>C'est la guerre
2- Ils nous distraient avec l'ARN messager, mais les gens ne peuvent pas s'effondrer aussi rapidement à cause de cela, juste après l'injection.
==> Il se passe quelque chose d'autre.
Et cet effet devrait être étudié. Il prétend être un spécialiste (visage à 0:49)
🚨Dr Andreas Noack est mort le 26 novembre, après avoir diffusé cela : la mort assurée avec le GRAPHENE ! Je vous traduis en urgence cette 1ère vidéo, d'autres suivront
-->L'épithélium est très doux et moelleux, et il est coupé par les lames de rasoir...
1- Si vous injectez le vaccin dans une veine, les rasoirs vont circuler dans le sang et découper l'épithélium.Les tests toxicologiques sont faits en boîte de Petri et là vous ne trouverez rien.Ce sont les structures les plus tranchantes car elles ont un atome d'épaisseur en plus
2-C'est une énorme molécule qui est extrêmement tranchante. "J'étais un spécialiste du carbone activé. J'ai transformé des oxydes de graphène en hydroxyde de graphène dans ma thèse. J'ai rejoint le premier fabricant mondial de carbone activé. En charge des nouveaux produits ...
🚨"Through the EYE of a NEEDLE"....O-PHI-uchus times, the thirteen Aeon.....started on November 30th and will end on December 17th. And Ouchus is "the nuclear donut" of Sagittarius and it looks like and eye, and the adversaries/enemies of Mankind are afraid...
1- They know what it is and they call it Omicron (OUCHUS and OMICRON have the same English gematria, 522). On November 26th they declared that the " B 1 1 529" SARS COV2 was a "Variant of Concern" : yes indeed it attacks, Money, their GOD...
2- it is a variant sticking on Business Concerns !
And it happened 666 days after the COVID 19 was declared a PHEIC, a Public Heath Emergency of International Concern, on January 30th, 2020.
And guess where is their Temple ? The Stock Exchange. And it is falling...
1- Their control system is also an experiment and exploration in the psychophysiology of the brain.They want to find out all the secrets. It is an experiment on a giant scale. humans have become the rats in Pavlov's cages...
2- They go on what the Nazi White Coats had started. Everything is measured.The notion of conditional reflex has led to experimental research in that field. Objectivist/behaviourist psychologists, attached to physiological manifestations (motor reactions), have adopted Pavlov's
🚨La FRANCE découvre les trahisons en cascade comme N. Sarkozy, dont la campagne présidentielle a été financée discrètement par Frank George Wisner, l'époux de sa belle mère, clef de voute de l'exécution de l'espionnage économique pour la CIA (Suite) francophonie-avenir.com/Archives/press…
Sarkozy qui a fait rentrer la France dans l'Europe (Traité de Lisbonne en 2007) en dépit du Référendum ; Sarkozy qui couvre F. G Wisner et son implication dans la "Démolition" orchestrée des Tours Jumelles du 11 septembre (Suite)
(et qui a permis à Wisner d'échapper aux poursuites judiciaires dans la fraude de la Compagnie ENRON) ; Sarkozy qui en août 2007 annonce qu'il fait de l'Europe une priorité absolue pour créer un Nouvel Ordre Planétaire (Suite)
🚨L'EMA a autorisé el vaccin Pfizer avec deux doses mais les extensions étaient-elles prévues ?
1 - Il n'y a que des Autorisations PROVISOIRES et qui arrivent bientôt à expiration. Les rappels sont des faux (que des nouvelles demandes d'autorisations distinctes) car on ne peut pas faire un rappel (d'un v@ccin) sur une autorisation provisoire et donc non HOMOLOGUEE !...
2- Par contre, on ne peut "procéder à un "rappel" que dans le cadre d'un "retrait" d'un produit du marché. Le Droit, c'est jongler avec les mots, chaque mot est pesé. Ils ont joué sur les mots depuis le départ car au Pirbright Institute à Londres (Fondation Bill Gates) ...