OK - now US v. #GhislaineMaxwell trial Day 2, afternoon. Epstein's pilot Visoski still on the stand. AUSA asks Judge to tell court arts not to sketch some witnesses. Inner City Press is reporting innercitypress.com/sdnytrial30max… & will live tweet - thread below
Judge Nathan: Mr. Everdell, you may continue with your cross examination of Mr Visoski. And Mr. Visoski, I remind you that you are under oath.
Maxwell's lawyer Everdell: People liked to go hiking on the Zorro Ranch, right?
Visoski: Yes.
Everdell: But since there were snakes, one needed boots, right?
Visoski: Yes, that would be preferred.
Everdell: And you never saw Ghislaine looking pregnant, did you?
Visoski: I never did.
Everdell: And Ghislaine seemed like a nice person to you, did she not?
Visoski: She did.
Everdell: And you have two daughters - and you let them ride horses with Ghislaine, right?
Visoski: I did.
Everdell: You saw nothing in 30 years that made you think Mr. Epstein was an abuser, right?
Visoski: I did not.
Everdell: Nothing further.
Judge Nathan: Re-direct.
AUSA Maurene Comey: Did you let your 14 year old daughter massage Mr. Epstein?
Visoski: I did not.
AUSA Comey: Nothing further. And we call our next witness, "Jane."
Judge Nathan: I order the sketch artist not to accurately depict the witness.
AUSA Comey: What is Government Exhibit 12, under seal?
"Jane" - It is my birth certificate.
AUSA Comey: How old were you when you first had sexual contact with Jeffrey Epstein?
Jane: 14.
AUSA: Who was in the room?
Jane: Ghislaine Maxwell.
AUSA: Do you see her here?
Jane: Yes. There. In sort of a beige turtleneck.
AUSA: She has identified the defendant.
AUSA Comey: What type of work did your father do?
Jane: He was a musical composer. Then he died of leukemia. His employer had canceled his health insurance without him knowing. We essentially went bankrupt and had to move out.
AUSA Comey: When you were at Interlochen, did you meet a couple?
Jane: Yes. The woman had a dog and the man said they were big benefactors. They asked for my mother's phone number. A landline.
AUSA Comey: When you visited, what do you remember about spending time at the pool?
Jane: There were four woman and Ghislaine, all topless and some of them were naked. I was shocked. I hadn't seen that before. Maxwell would ask me if I had boyfriends.
AUSA Comey: Did Epstein begin to pay for things for you?
Jane: Voice lessons. Clothes. Things for school.
AUSA: Did Ms Maxwell give you some advice?
Jane: That if you f*ck them you can always f*ck them, they're sort of grandfathered in. I didn't know what it meant
AUSA: What did they tell you about their social circle?
Jane: Donald Trump. Bill Clinton. Mike Wallace.
AUSA: How was the house decorated?
Jane: Art, sculptures. Pictures of famous people, presidents. I thought some of the art was odd - naked women, creepy animals
Pseudonymous witness "Jane" - Epstein took me into the pool house. He proceeded to masturbate on me. Then he went into the bathroom & cleaned himself & acted like nothing happened. I'd never seen that before.
AUSA: Did you keep spending time with them?
Jane: Yes.
Pseudonymous witness "Jane" - Jeffrey [Epstein] proceeded to masturbate again. Ghislaine was rubbing on him, kissing on him.
AUSA: How old were you?
Jane: Fourteen.
AUSA: What was Ms. Maxwell's demeanor like?
Jane: She was very casual, like this was entirely normal. I was confused. When you are 14 you have no idea what is going on.
AUSA: Did Jeffrey Epstein touch you?
Jane: Yes. Everywhere.
AUSA: Did you touch Mr. Epstein?
Jane: [pause] Everywhere.
AUSA: I'm sorry to ask you this, but did he use sex toys?
Jane: Yes. Like those back massagers. They were painful. He did it anyway.
AUSA: Did Maxwell touch your body?
Jane: Yes.
AUSA: How often did these things happen?
Jane: Every time I visited his house.
AUSA: Did you travel to his other homes?
Jane: Yes.
AUSA: We'll back back to that. When other people were present, how did incidents start?
Jane: Jeffrey would say, follow him.
AUSA: Follow him where?
Jane: To his bedroom. Or to the massage room. He would get on the massage table and it would sort of turn into this orgy.
AUSA: How often was Maxwell present?
Jane: I can't give a precise number.
AUSA: During the incident when you were 14, was Maxwell in the room?
Jane: Yes.
AUSA: When you were 14, 15 and 16 how many times did you travel with them?
Jane: About ten times. To NYC, and New Mexico. On Jeffrey's plane.
AUSA: What kind of art work did they have?
Jane: Yes, it was weird. Animal heads. Naked women. Orgies. It didn't seem very unusual at this point.
AUSA: How did you feel, in the New York house?
Jane: Like someone was always watching you.
AUSA: What would Epstein asked you to do?
Jane: To straddle his face. To pinch his nipples.
AUSA: Were there times that Maxwell was present?
Jane: Yes.
AUSA: In the NY house, where did this happen?
Jane: In the massage room.
AUSA: On the trip to New Mexico, where did you spend most of your time?
Jane: On the ranch. It was in the middle of nowhere.
AUSA: Did anyone come into your room?
Jane: Yes. Someone came in and said, Jeffrey wants to see you and escorted me to see him.
Jane (sobbing) I did not want to go see him.
AUSA: Who told you Epstein wanted to see you?
Jane: Don't know. I had to fly back to Florida to go to school. I took a commercial flight. But I was only 15 and didn't even have a [drivers] learner's permit.
Jane: So I couldn't get on the flight back to Florida, having no ID. I freaked out. But Maxwell helped solve it. She talked to someone & I got on the plane.
AUSA: What was your home life like at the time?
Jane: We were losing our home. We moved into a pool house.
Jane: My mom was enamored by the idea that these affluent people were taking an interest in me --
Maxwell's lawyer: Objection! Hearsay!
AUSA: It's for the effect on the listener.
Judge Nathan: You may ask that question. But not what the mother said.
AUSA: Could we approach?
Judge Nathan: The jurors' snacks are hear. Let's take a 10 minute break.
Podcast coming...
OK, did fast cast, now back with limiting instruction:
Judge Nathan: Jurors, you will hear what the witness' mother said. That is not offered for the truth of the matter asserted, but for the impact on the witness. You may proceed.
Pod: anchor.fm/innercity-pres…
AUSA: What did your mother say?
Jane: That I should be grateful for their attention.
AUSA: Did you tell your siblings about the abuse?
Jane: No. I was ashamed. And I had a manic-depressed mother who didn't know how to cope. [sobs] It seemed hopeless.
Jane: I spoke to my school guidance counselor, who then called my mother. My mother told me, You don't talk about what happens at home and embarrass us.
AUSA: Jane, what kind of work do you do now?
Jane: I am still an actor. I got work in LA. But I didn't know how to trust, how to reciprocate.
AUSA: When did you stop being in touch with Jeffrey Epstein?
Jane: In 2002. I fell in love with someone.
Jane: Epstein kept calling me and saying he wanted to see me, that I needed to be grateful to him, that my mother was living in one of his apartment. Do you want me to continue?
AUSA: Was that the last time?
Jane: Yes.
AUSA: Later did you tell the man I'll call Matt about Epstein?
Jane: Yes. Not in detail. But I did. By then you saw Epstein on the TV all the time. He had been arrested.
AUSA: Did the FBI interview you in September 2019?
Jane: Yes.
Jane: May 2019.
AUSA: Did you sue Ghislaine Maxwell?
Jane: Yes. In 2020.
AUSA: And the Epstein Victims' Fund?
Jane: Yes. They awarded me $5 million. Of that, I got approximately $2.9 million.
AUSA: Would the verdict in this case impact that?
They're back.
AUSA: Would a verdict here impact that?
Jane: No.
Judge Nathan: This is not a legal opinion.
AUSA: Why do you want to be anonymous?
Jane: Because I work in Hollywood and victim shaming is still the norm.
AUSA: No further questions.
Judge Nathan: Ms. Menninger you may cross examine.
Maxwell's lawyer Menninger: You waited 20 years to complain, correct?
Jane: Correct.
Menninger: Two full decades before your first report to the police. By then Mr. Epstein was dead, correct?
Jane: Correct.
Menninger: And you had two personal injury attorneys with you. Mr. Glaxman and Mr. Workman. And AUSA Moe.
Jane: Yes.
Menniger: In the 20 years, you spoke to several people close to you. To the person we're referring to as Matt. Your sister Camilla-
There is a sidebar.
Now they return.
Menninger: You told one of your older sisters, right?
Jane: Right.
Menninger: But you didn't mention Ghislaine Maxwell, correct?
Jane: I don't know.
Menninger: You have four older sibling?
Jane: One older sibling, three older half siblings.
Menninger: Show the witness 3509-008.
Objection! She'd just reading document not in evidence. She can refresh -
Menninger: I'm not refreshing, I'm impeaching.
Judge Nathan: Well, you're not impeaching yet, Ms. Menninger. The objection is sustained. I'm going to reach the document to myself.
Menninger: You told Ms. Moe you lived in the same house --
US: Objection! No foundation.
Menninger: I wasn't going to ask for the street address, I was going to ask if she knows it, where the country club is.
Jane: I don't know. I've never been to a country club.
Menninger: I'd like to show the witness another sealed document.
Jane: I recognize my mother's signature and mine. But I don't recognize the document.
Menninger: What do you believe this document to be?
AUSA: Objection!
Judge Nathan: Sustained.
Menninger: How about this page?
Judge Nathan: You should do this on paper, I always thought that was a better idea, not the screen. So this is J-5? And the question is, do you recognize the document?
Jane: I do. It's the application for Interlochen camp.
Menninger: And is your signature on the 2d page?
Jane: Yes. It's dated 5/7/94.
Menninger: Before you met Jeffrey Epstein, right? Did you apply for financial aid or scholarship?
AUSA: Let them offer it into evidence. Under seal.
Judge Nathan: So ordered.
Menninger: You did not apply for aid.
Jane: I guess not. I was a child.
Judge Nathan: It's 5 o'clock and we're going to break.
Clerk: All rise!
Jury leaves.
Judge Nathan: No communication on substance between US and witness, since she's under cross. Be seated.
Judge Nathan: We have some matters to take up.
AUSA: The defense never showed up these documents. It violated Rule 16.
Maxwell's lawyer: The rule does not apply.
AUSA: Then it's not admissible.
Judge Nathan: It's one page of J-36? How does it impeach?
Defense: It shows the street she lives on.
Judge Nathan: It's a current photo. It is not impeaching.
AUSA: It's in violation of Rule 16. We would ask that the Court direct them to produce it forthwith.
Defense: But today's we've seen, and you've admitted, a photo of the Epstein home today.
Judge Nathan: But they had a witness saying it's fair and accurate representation.
AUSA: We'll brief it. [and we'll report on it]
Judge Nathan: Both sides should put in letters by 9 pm tonight. Now we have to deal with the the identifying information.
AUSA: We will speak with the defense about it, this evening.
Judge Nathan: The witness is on cross, do you agree they can talk to her? Then raise it to me in a letter tonight.
AUSA: We'll confer right after the court day today and submit letters by 10 pm.
Judge Nathan: Fine.
AUSA: "Matt" will be the next witness.
Judge Nathan: So I'll await your letter today.
[Hopefully they'll go into the docket, and Inner City Press will report on them]
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OK - Now Luigi Mangione NYS criminal case, packed courtroom, his lawyer Karen Friedman Agnifilo waiting at defense table. Inner City Press wrote the book, Lone Wolf and will live tweet, thread belowbooks.google.com/books/about/Lu…
2:12 pm, the prosecutors march in, some at the front table, some in front row. Luigi Mangione has not yet been brought out from the holding cell
2:21 pm Come to order!
Justice Gregory Carro takes the bench.
2:24 pm Luigi Mangione is brought in, green sweater and bullet proof vest, shackled.
Friedman Agnifilo: Please allow him to be unshackled.
OK - now US v. Eric Adams hearing on DOJ bid to dismiss without prejudice - Inner City Press wrote the Sovereign District? book and will live tweet, thread belowamazon.com/dp/B0DXGMKN49
All rise!
Good afternoon, Emil Bove for the Government.
Alex Spiro for Mayor Adams.
Judge Ho: Thank you for coming in on such short notice. On Feb 14 the Government filed a motion to dismiss the charges without prejudice. I have a few questions...
Judge Ho: I want to proceed carefully. I need your assistance, this is an unusual situation. Let's bring the motion to dismiss up on the screen. I want to ask about Paragraph 2, the written consent. Mayor Adams, I have to ask you a few questions...
OK - now at Treasury Dep't data access preliminary injunction hearing at SDNY after NYS AG Tish James spoke outside, including on Eric Adams (City of Maybe book:
Inner City Press will live tweet, thread below amazon.com/dp/B0DPCKZYSW
All rise!
Judge Jeannette A. Vargas: We are here on the preliminary injunction request. I have accepted three amicus briefs, including by the State of Iowa and 19 other states in support of the defendants. Any evidentiary objections?
No. No.
Judge: Let's begin with standing.
NYS lawyer Andrew Amer: Blocking funding on ideological grounds confers Article III standing. There is also PII, personally identifying information, access by DOGE. It's all part of a single plan.
Judge: Has there been disclosure?
All rise!
Judge Lewis J. Liman: I have consolidated the cases. I'd like to hear from the Lively parties first, then the Wayfarer / Baldoni parties. I'd like to hear the information I'll need to manage this case, discovery information required, and legal issues
Lively's lawyer from Willkie Farr firm: Our plan at Docket 49 is not longer feasible. Counsel for Wayfarer did not tell us they planned to file an amended complaint, including a 168 page compendium [full of text messages]. There is authority to deconsolidate cases
OK- now at case against crypto firm Binance, CZ, Syria and Iran by victIms of Oct 7 attack. The UN has been similarly sued here @SDNYLIVE but claims total immunity. Inner City Press will live tweet, thread below
Binance lawyer [from Cahill Gordon] We are accused of non-feasance, failures to prevent money laundering and to file SARS. Such cases are routinely dismissed-
Judge: Not recently.
Judge: Secondary liability for aiding and abetting is hard to dismiss.
Binance lawyer: Crypto is used by 100 million people. It is not inherently dangerous.