Forget if I've said this on the timeline, but all of the vax stuff collapses by the time they start trying to mandate the 4th shot. It might not even survive the first booster
This is something of an intelligence test for the regime. If they keep it to the original 2, they pass
You can talk a lot of people into getting the first brand-new miracle vaccine (mRNA!). A lot of people still trust The Science, or will just go with the flow
But the more boosters you man-date, the more you admit your miracle isn't one. It is a comically self-undermining process
I fully believe this. There is a hard core, maybe as much as 25-33%, of people who will get 3 boosters a year if that's what the Powers insist on
But the middle is squishy, and will grow increasingly incensed with each new man-date
There is also a coordination problem. That's why I say sticking with 2 is the intelligence test
The more times you bump it, the less agreement there is between states, companies, etc as to what "fully vaccinated" means
You can *maybe* force through #3. #4 is the collapse point
The pig-squealing of the Troooosters is going to be very funny the longer this goes on
Sorry the cure that was so miraculous you had to force it on people didn't work and now you're getting punished for it too? Roll up your sleeve, Boost-Trooster!
It feels crazy to see a state gov recommending prophylactic and early treatments that we know get results but are almost completely ignored by the regime. This is like a PSA from Alternate America
Coordinating around this message could be a huge win for Red States
Barring some way to push the R0 below 1—which no policy, vaccine, or medical treatment to date has been able to do—there is no way to stop an endemic disease, that everyone will eventually come in contact with
But there are real ways to make people more resilient against it
Like, as suggested in this PSA, vitamin D, zinc, and exercise
And yes perhaps even the vaccine, in the high-risk groups. But that is at absolute best only *part* of a rational, even Scientific! approach, that the regime is currently neglecting altogether
Allowing Skid Rows, aka "Functional Homeless Districts," might be based
But this has nothing to do with "housing stock." Homelessness isn't some modern phenomenon, it's existed for 500+ years. Cities used to just evict them. They'd go live in homeless camps *outside* the cities
Of course, this was only possible back when even *cities* had distinct, enforceable borders. Once those borders were erased, there was no way to just toss the bums out
Hence the creation of Functional Homeless Districts. Which were later dynamited, in the name of progress
This progressive belief in human interchangeability holds that the homeless are just "down on their luck" or actively victimized, and could easily rejoin productive society if we just poured enough resources into them to restore their functionality through the magic of money
Since liberalism is the process of freeing yourself from any and every responsibility as an infringement on your rights and freedoms as a fully liberated individual, its end state can only result in anti-natalism and thus self-destruction
The high fertility of the nobles/high burghers during the Middle Ages/Renaissance is almost certainly what *led* to liberalism, an exploding middle class of people who demanded more representation of their abilities through republics and (very quickly) more direct democracies
Now that liberalism has reached its logical End State, and is no longer interested in reproducing itself, let alone expanding the middle class born from the same age that birthed its beliefs, it makes perfect sense that it's over, ready to be overtaken by some new ideology
It was so obvious the media was lying about 1/6 that it was possible to know that Officer Sicknick wasn't actually killed by right-wing lunatics in the very moment the media was reporting it
It took *weeks* before they began to walk back the lie
Or the "Russian collusion" hoax, which a plurality of the public almost certainly still believes is true despite being a mega-Watergate political-media scandal that should have resulted in mass arrests and [unintelligible fedposting]
What do you call it when you have a formerly normal place where violence is suddenly and inexplicably just "happening," and the law is doing nothing to protect that place and its people from that outbreak of violence?
If the government refuses to protect you from violence, it either lacks the power to protect you, or *wants* you to suffer that violence
In either case, a legitimate government no longer exists. By this "combat veteran's" logic, we are now immediately in fedposting territory
An ideology that refuses to protect you from violence, but then displays that it still has the power to prosecute and destroy you for protecting *yourself* from violence, exposes exactly what it is, and what it intends for you
Yes, this is 100% true. Rosenbaum raped multiple young boys.
After being cut loose from a mental facility, he then went to Kenosha, set fire to property, violently threatened bystanders, and [court testimony that can get you banned]
If he hadn't violently threatened + then assaulted [name redacted], it's almost certain no one would have died that night. All deaths stemmed from Rosenbaum
The questions that need to be answered are why was he let out, + why was he not immediately re-arrested for his new crimes
The answers are all indictments of the regime. That's why the regime had to put [name redacted] on trial
The regime continually commits crimes against its own citizens. So when its own citizens resist these crimes, the people must be made to answer for these crimes instead