We are in the middle of a mass-propaganda campaign to deny the obvious fact that Joe Biden and other anti-oil politicians have unnecessarily driven up oil and gasoline prices by reducing the *supply* of oil through massive restrictions on oil production and transport.
President Biden and other anti-oil politicians around the world are in a bind: they want the *prestige* that comes with their decades of restricting the production and transport of oil, but they do not want the *results*: voters angry about rising oil and gasoline prices.
Since November 2020, crude oil spot prices have doubled--rising from about $40/barrel to over $80/barrel and the avg price for regular gasoline has risen from $2.10/gallon to $3.30/gallon. These skyrocketing prices are contributing to low Presidential approval ratings.
The cause of unnecessarily high oil prices is simple:
1. Anti-oil politicians around the world artificially restricted the *supply* of oil with massive restrictions/threats.
2. These restrictions prevented supply from keeping up with demand.
Instead of leveling with voters and admitting "Of course my decades of supporting restrictions on oil production has led to higher prices, and things will get much worse with the restrictions I have planned," anti-oil politicians are denying any responsibility for rising prices!
Joe Biden: "My effort to combat climate change is not raising the price of gas."
Absurd. How can his "effort to combat climate change"--which has largely consisted of restricting oil production in the US and pressuring countries and companies to do the same--not raise prices?
Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm says, “As we come out of an unprecedented global economic shutdown, oil supply has not kept up with demand”—but she totally evades the main reason why: restrictions and threats by anti-oil governments such as hers.
Fatih Birol, head of the International Energy Agency:
“The current situation on the energy market has nothing to do with the clean energy transition.”
Really, it has nothing to do with Birol’s/IEA’s last decade of efforts to reduce the production of oil, coal, and natural gas?
The Center for American Progress: “Fossil fuels are driving up consumer energy costs…These rising costs are yet another great reason to invest in clean energy now.”
But the fuels are unnecessarily expensive because of restrictions and threats supported by CAP!
The propaganda campaign to deny anti-fossil fuel politicians’ responsibility for today’s high gasoline prices is dangerous, because it is allowing them to get away with supporting far worse policies in the future—with “Build Back Better” being the worst.
Skyrocketing oil and gasoline policies are not a failure of the oil industry. They are the total failure of *anti-oil politicians*, who have artificially restricted the *supply* of oil with massive restrictions and threats to oil production and transport.
Elizabeth Warren says gasoline prices are rising "because giant oil companies like Chevron and ExxonMobil enjoy doubling their profits." Joe Biden says "companies have not ramped up the supply of oil quickly enough."
These anti-oil politicians should blame themselves instead.
Contrary to rhetoric by Elizabeth Warren and others, oil and gasoline prices are not rising "because giant oil companies like Chevron and ExxonMobil enjoy doubling their profits." If oil companies could control prices they would have done so during often-unprofitable 2015-2020.
"despite the enormous growth in world population, deaths due to natural disasters plummeted over the 20th century....As author @AlexEpstein notes, fossil fuels didn’t take a safe climate and make it dangerous, they took a dangerous climate and made it safer." @RossMcKitrick
"Do city councils that issue climate emergency declarations begin ramping up disaster preparedness? Do they upgrade their drainage systems....No, more likely they just book tickets for an ever-larger delegation to whichever climate conference is coming up next..." -@RossMcKitrick
"When I think climate change, I think [Chinese] jobs."
--President Joe Biden
Here's why the reconciliation bill, aka "Build Back Better," will create mass "green joblessness." One of many reasons it should be called "Make Everything Worse." alexepstein.substack.com/p/talking-poin…
"Climate envoy" John Kerry is also clueless about energy jobs.
For my actual relationship to industry, which I am proud of, see this video.
I admire the Kochs and would be proud of being funded by them, provided they respected my independence--as I require of everyone I deal with.
But Koch hasn't funded me.
The only "evidence" I've seen offered for the "Koch-funded" lie is: 1. Koch supposedly gave my former employer a small contribution a long time ago. 2. Of the hundreds of speeches I have given, 4 have been to Koch-connected groups. 2 for free because I admire them.
If you want to see how my humanistic approach to energy/climate compares to the approach of prestigious climate catastrophists, watch the just-released "Opposing Views" by @MikhailaAleksis, which features me vs. Dr. Andrew Dessler.
It's changing minds!👇
"I was expecting Alex Epstein to be an idiot, but to me he clearly comes out as the winner. I guess I'm moving away from the 'save the planet people'"
"Dr. Dessler has many political comments, but little scientific comments. Some of his scientific comments are debatable. I believe Mr. Epstein had a more cogent set of arguments."
Need talking points for this year's Thanksgiving energy/climate conversations?
Here's a 🧵 with my top 6.
Summary: Fossil fuels are making the world a better and better place by providing uniquely low-cost, reliable energy to billions of people--and are needed by billions more.
1: Contrary to rhetoric that we've "destroyed the planet," the world has never been a better place for human beings to live. Life expectancy and income have been skyrocketing, with extreme poverty (<$2/day) plummeting from 42% in 1980 to <10% today.
2: A root cause of today's amazingly livable world is fossil fuel. Low-cost, reliable energy enables us to use machines to be productive and prosperous. And only fossil fuels (80% of energy) provide low-cost, reliable energy for all energy needs on a scale of billions of people.