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2 Dec, 143 tweets, 48 min read
December 2, 2021 Fresno City Council meeting! Among the items 6 pm Redistricting;600 unit Oasis Master Plan subdivision;Club One Casino; ARPA funds;WORKSHOP:Measure P define “Highest-need neighborhood”Among the Consent Items:1-B Award a three-year Requirements Contract to RO
Bus Sales of Corona, California, for Medium Accessible Paratransit Cutaways Unleaded Buses for the Department of Transportation Fresno Area Express Handy Ride to purchase no more than 69 buses for a total amount of $7,235,874.98 plus annual CPI adjustments
1-C Approve the award of a purchase contract to 72 Hour LLC of Watsonville, California, for the purchase of 91 Dodge Durango marked patrol vehicles in the amount of $3,635,531.35 for the Police Department. Delay of action on this item will result in an additional six months added
to the procurement as a result of COVID-19 pandemic supply constraints.
1-D Authorize the Director of Transportation to execute an agreement between the City of Fresno and Cal State University, Fresno allowing CSUF students, staff,&faculty to use their university-issued identification cards to access Fresno Area Express fixed-route buses at no cost.
1-E Authorize the Director of the Department of Transportation (or designee) to enter into an Agreement with Fresno Unified School District, to enable the Municipal Fleet Division to become a work-based learning location for non-paid student internships focused on automotive
technologies and fleet maintenance through June 1, '23, with provisions for three one-year extensions, at no cost to the City. fits within Mayor's One Fresno Vision for Youth Initiatives and Economic Mobility, as this includes job training, education, access to a career path.
1-K Actions pertaining to a Solar Energy Ground Lease between City of Fresno and Fresno Community Solar Developers, LLC., at the Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility (Council District 3): 1. Adopt Mitigated Negative Declaration No. P21-02498 dated November 10, 2021, and
Addendum to Mitigated Negative Declaration No. P21-02498 dated November 23, 2021, prepared pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sections 15070 through 15075, and find based on the City's own independent judgment and analysis, that with the mitigation incorporated, there is no substantial
evidence that the project will have a significant effect on the environment. 2. Approve the Agreement for Solar Energy Ground Lease between City of Fresno and Fresno Community Solar Developers, LLC., to lease 74.41 acres of land at the Fresno Clovis Regional Wastewater
Reclamation Facility to generate solar energy under the California Public Utilities Commission Disadvantaged Communities-Green Tariff Program.
1-L Actions pertaining to a Discontinuation of Residential Water Service for Nonpayment Policy: 1. ***RESOLUTION - Adopting a Discontinuation of Residential Water Service for Nonpayment Policy (Subject to Mayor's Veto) 2. BILL - (For introduction) Amending Article 1 of Chapter 6
of the Fresno Municipal Code, relating to billing and collection procedures for municipal utilities.
1-T Approve First Amendment to Agreement with Provost & Pritchard Consulting Group adding $22,700 for a total of $195,150 with a contingency amount of $17,245 for the Van Ness and Weldon Pocket Park project (Council District 1).
1-W Approve the appointment of Amy Fuentes to the Council District 2 Project Review Committee.
1-X Items related to Campus Pointe development: A. Approve Implementation Agreement modifying 2007 Settlement Agreement with Kashian Enterprises, L.P.; and B. Approve Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) amendment for a total of $517,022.00, for reimbursement of certain
development fees paid under protest .
1-Y Confirming emergency conditions continue to directly impact the ability of legislative bodies to meet safely in person, and authorizing remote teleconference meetings of City legislative bodies for 30 days, pursuant to Brown Act provisions
1-Z Approve Employment Agreement of City Clerk, Effective November 15, 2021. New City Clerk: Todd Stermer
1-AA Approval of City Council Meeting Schedule for Calendar Year 2022
Watch live beginning at 9 am
Council meeting beginning with all Councilmembers present at 9:10 am with Soria on Zoom @D7Esparza jokes if we will be on TikTok? Chavez says Councilmembers will be wearing ugly Xmas sweaters next week Pastor DJ Criner with invocation. He prays that this prayer is short enough to
make the Mayor and Councilmembers smile . Kashian refund development is being moved to December 9 meeting. 1-R,1-AA moved to contested consent. She would like 1-J Copper River Ranch Water Supply to next meeting too although it is Bredefeld's district.He would like it heard today.
City Manager: this has been talked about for 6 years and we would like closure. Karbassi asks Soria if she had reached out to Bredefeld before hand. Public Utilities Director Carbajal: some what time sensitive. Arias: one week would be an issue? Bredefeld:makes motion to keep it
on today's agenda. Soria agrees reluctantly to have it discussed today.Arias:wants 1-C, 1-G,1-L pulled. 1-P tabled to future date. 1-H put on Closed Session December 9. 1-E pulled by Bredefeld.Registering a NO vote on 1-O and 1-Y.Soria recusing herself on Club One Casino. Esparza
would like ARPA item discussed but not voted on today.
“Special Presentation from Fresno County Sheriff Margaret
Mims to the Fresno Police Department in Appreciation for
Support of the 2020 Creek Fire.”She thanks Fresno Police Chief Paco Baldorama for help evacuating 28,000
people without a single casualties. She presents a coin and plaque to Chief. He promises to share this with the staff and officers. Bredefeld:Thanks Mims for their tremendous work. "He has property up there that was saved.We hear from the small minority that puts law enforcement
but they are a small minority. Karbassi:thanks for the cooperation between the City and County. Dyer:Deputies help patrol shopping centers during Xmas. A true partnership. Mims:we know there is no consternation between the two agencies. Chavez:It is mainly the Supervisors that we
have the problem with. Arias:Thanks Mims for acknowledging pulling PD officers to patrol mountain did take officers from our streets.
Proclamation for “Jay Kalpakoff Day”
Councilmember Karbassi Councilmembers joined by family. Son says father loved meeting people in the community with his trucking business.Dyer:whenever I met him he always kissed both of my cheeks.
Proclamation for “Valley Caregivers Month”
Councilmember Karbassi. Karbassi:Day Model that allowed demented to have dignity and also give their caregivers a needed break was recently defunded. That is a travesty says spokesman Michelle.
Soria:Reports 9th annual toy drive in conjunction with small businesses. Public Works replacing old sidewalks is a big plus.Local airports:janitors are hearing they may be privatized. I am not in support.1000 of clients of Housing Authority jobs like these would be a good entry
way for these adults. No guarantee if privatized. Karbassi:thanks Soria for bring that point up.I am inclined to privatize either. Operation Gobble occurred as well.Thanks his staff as well.Asks Police Chief to join him. Karbassi:Chief came to us during a pandemic and a new state
Thanks him for all he did . Chavez: Chief you have the right to be silent he jokes. Chief: it has been hard but I don't regret moving to the community.We have not had the mob thefts that have occurred in other parts of the State but we are prepared.Karbassi:Newsom says retail
theft cannot stand. Oakland Mayor says we need more PD. We also need more PD and I will be more adamant in the future. This was part of Hmong symbol of slavery but they have turned it around.
Arias:Thanks staff for getting Maxie Parks center opened. City needs $25 million is needed according to Tax Franchise Board. City Manager Esqueda says that conversation will occur. Even though we are getting more so far we have zero from Cannabis where we predicted $4 M at this
point. Arias:Cal Trans Interchange EIR has major errors and I want development to pay their fair share. Downtown artwork repair and damage update? I know we will have cadets patrolling now. $70,000 poles lost. Water Tower is now lit up with LED. Maxwell:Operation Gobble happened.
Some people said they would not have any holiday meal and cereal only without this.Trees are a huge issue in some older neighborhoods. We were able to get some of that done. I went to Kashian's 142 unit Active Adult Senior complex opened at Campus Pointe. I asked them to put me
on their 30 year waiting list he jokes. This is the type of infill and mixed use projects we need.Bredefeld:Sign that Outfront put up despite my opposition. I was wrong and I want to acknowledge that. Chavez: I have never heard that from you before he jokes. Bredefeld:large car
racing occurred first in Clovis. Police Chief:We joined Clovis PD and chased this group and impounded some cars for 90 days plus fines.Bredefeld:Omicron variant has occurred. He has heard it is a mild variant but already government wants to restrict travel. Fauci couldn't say why
that didn't apply to those crossing the border illegally. Austria has unvaccinated camps. We have to oppose these unconstitutional mandates.People need to say enough as this virus is not going away. Esparza:welcomes Tyrone Williams new head of Housing Authority. Welcomes his new
chief of Staff Araceli Garcia Munoz. Also get a Booster as it is the best thing to help our economy. Esqueda:Soft opening in District 7 of the cleaning. We will look to go to Tower and Downtown as well as rest of city.Chavez:Health and Wellness for First Responders is opening.
Esqueda:New parks will open up positions as available due to promotions and transfers to other departments.We will get this to Council as we know. Arias:Bollard poles have been found! they were in the Berkley Building. Dyer:A check from Out front for that sign showed up and jokes
that check may have changed Bredefeld's mind. Councilmember jokes "does FBI know about this?" (I couldn't tell who said this).New Fire training center. I also want to supply officers with the equipment they need. Anarchy is always a possibility with this. Record number of shoot-
-ings have happened. We will be investing in PD this next year. Esqueda:We will need to show council rate changes that will be needed. Interim Airport Director has been installed. New Director will be announced next week.Convention Center interest in purchase. Barfield:Cost com-
parison will occur with airport janitors. Feds make us go through that process. There is an open positions for janitors due to airport. We have hired 11 and we need more for this 24/7 operation.@gregorybarfield Arias:everytime we outsource for savings the vendor shows up later
asking for cost adjustments. Barfield:I want to keep it inhouse too but Feds have us go through this as airport revenue is generated by airlines.Chavez: this is an agenda item so we don't want to get too far into this. Soria:are we advertising the jobs other than online? we need
think outside the box for our community. Barfield:Job Fair occurred. Asking temporary pool to see if they want something more permanent. Esparza:We can post these to our social media as well as tv.We have only done full court press for jobs in Public Safety. We need to do this on
janitors etc.Barfield:I thank Soria for taking our posts and advertise it on her page. We are getting less job applications such as bus drivers though. PD Chief:We have hired 50 police officers but lost 60 due to retirement, other local agencies or move to other states.We have to
work harder to hire more. Esqueda:we will kick up hiring and incentives. Dyer:We are working with Police Association (union) to help attract officers from other agencies but also retain current officers. We need to solidify contract though. Dollars for officers who live south of
Shaw. This plus 0 percent will help with mortgage. Incentive to take PD vehicle home as well.It has not been the most desirable job the past year.
This will change. Esqueda:lots of contracts behind.Karbassi: are these the ones being shot at regularly?Esqueda:No.
Who made the decision to make it South of Shaw for officer incentives? A: Council Dyer: I just want to clarify I was joking that check came from Outfront changed Bredefeld's mind.Bredefeld just happened to be in my office when that check came. Bredefeld thanks him.
Unscheduled Public comments: @LisaYFlores1 Cal Trans EIR has major issues. Please call Caltrans to extend their comment time period. Marissa:ARPA dollars is a great opportunity for City. Needs to be transparent though.Invest in affordable housing.Karla Martinez of @LCJandA ARPA
needed for those hit hard by pandemic and leverage dollars. @LovesMercy Homekey Items. City has not been publishing the Redistricting process very well.Low turnout so far.@JanineNkosi $175 M needs to be invested in curing inequality and poverty that has gone on for too long.
Stop investing in systems of harm. Do not invest $10 million into PD. This is a direct slap at Police Public Commission. Robert McCloskey:ARPA is not for revenue replacement such as $10 M to PD. I have thought tax revenue is up. St Louis has committed a lot to homeless. Parks in
low income areas.Chavez mentioned in April portable showers for homeless.Ruben Lucero:$171 M should have a real public process.Reject system of harm. Need housing, infrastructure projects,masks etc. (Many people here in person) conexus System:CEO says these are in Chambers now.
This takes humidity and reduces area for airborne microbial to thrive.John Liao of SEFCEDA. Top 50 percentile of park equity factors should be taken into account of Measure P. We need more parks and soccer fields in SE Fresno.Homekey project is for walk ups and not having beds
empty for Dyer's media friendly sweeps. We need tiny shelters now. We have a local person who can make these for $13,000. Bredefeld has several camps in his district but why is he so interested in my camps says Dez Martinez. Next: congratulates Soria for her recent wedding. Women
are often the best for Councilperson jobs. Officer passed away after 20 years of service. No wonder PD is falling apart. Daisy Lopez:I am part of organization Health Collaborative that will help Youth Commission and encourage them to engage in community.
Rain Chamberlin:You are disrespectful to those in person by having your social portions first and then you ignore us or roll your eyes when we do speak as well as cutting our time down to 2 minutes.We need actual community engagement and not 2 minutes. Christopher Washington:ARPA
needs to be for those who were hit the hardest during this pandemic. Rental Assistance. @FresnoBarrios Ruben E:policy advocate for youth in District 7. Do not invest $10 m in PD. Need to help youth thrive and develop their dreams. Mental health. Gabriel Lozano:I have written 3
successful park grants. SE Fresno is a place of need. Council needs to be equitable. Council approves Consent Agenda.Constested Consent:1-C Approve the award of a purchase contract to 72 Hour LLC of Watsonville, California, for the purchase of 91 Dodge Durango marked patrol
vehicles in the amount of $3,635,531.35 for the Police Department. Delay of action on this item will result in an additional six months added to the procurement as a result of COVID-19 pandemic supply constraints (Bid File 3841). Arias:26 vehicles were added than what we approved
Esqueda:These are the vehicles we would use to incentivize officers to move into South of Shaw take home.General Fund will pay for some but we can use straight cash using ARPA funds as this is cheaper. Urgency here due to Dodge Durango only opens their window once a year. Arias:
haven't approved the ARPA dollars yet we need to delay this vote until that happens.Esparza:Are these separate from ARPA? A:Today's item 3-A will pay for 58 of these.Approved to delay this until after 3-A.
1-E:This is an outstanding program says Bredefeld. That is all.Authorize Director Dept of Transportation enter into an Agreement with Fresno Unified School District, to enable the Municipal Fleet Division to become a work-based learning location for non-paid student internship
1-G Actions pertaining to a solar and energy storage project at the Fresno-Clovis Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility Arias:how about for parks?A: solar proposal for parks is two weeks away.Approved
1-J Approve Amendment No. 7 to the November 17, 2016 Copper River Ranch Water Supply Implementation Agreement requesting to eliminate the requirement for the construction of PS 371 Carbajal:Changes to code,outreach to customers etc.Developer has complied with everything except
for this particular pump station 371.We recommend it is not actually needed.Soria:City won't be on the hook in the future? A:no. Will this arise in West of 99 area as well?Soria:I will be long gone when this may become a problem but come back to this meeting (or my tweets!) to
see where we may have gone wrong. Carbajal:$3.8 m paid for by developers for this as answer from Karbassi question. New changes have led to more water recycling. this well is no longer needed. Water capacity fee will still need to be paid. Arias:historic drought at the same time
as this recycling.Maybe not more wells but possibly deeper wells ? Carbajal:With 2015 drought we were still able to reduce water usage even during times of reduced surface water supplies.Arias:if we let developers, Amazon make their own determination they don't need to provide
more water can be an issue especially as I hear we may have to raise water rates next spring. New development needs to pay their share and not current users. Wages are not going up though.Soria:can there be language that takes City off the hook in future? City Attorney:not as
written now.Esqueda:old project GPM is covered but new project has to cover. By law current users don't have to pay but developers. Users do have to pay for cost to get water to them.Karbassi:SGMA has dropped the use of water.Approved 6-0 with Arias absent.
Council breaks for lunch until 1:30 (12:12 now)
Beginning at 1:35 pm. 1-L Actions pertaining to a Discontinuation of Residential Water Service for Nonpayment Policy: 1. ***RESOLUTION - Adopting a Discontinuation of Residential Water Service for Nonpayment Policy Arias:this would allow us to pay down by using this $4.5 M State
dollars and use it for rental assistance. Carbajal:only can be used for water.Maxwell combining next item too 1-M Authorizing the Department of Public Utilities to apply for and participate in the California Water and Wastewater Arrearage Payment Program:Staff applied automatic
-cally. Carbajal:clarifies the info.Maxwell:I think it is great it will be done automatically as they can spend the money immediately. Arias:this wipes $4.5 M from water bill and then be applied to Rental Assistance.Bredefeld:How does that apply to previous years? A:$18 M but it
has climbed to $10M just for services and not late fees.Bredefeld:What happens when these funds run out? A: it will run out.We will have to look for other sources.Bredefeld:what prevents someone who could pay it but taking advantage? A: we ask for all of their outstanding debt
Bredefeld:no accountability It is a real problem as this is tax payer dollars. I am find with helping those who truly need it.Arias:Record corporate profits and they were still able to apply for small business funds during the pandemic. Maxwell:there will be some bad actors but
that is outweighed by those who are struggling. Not sure how many people knew about this $4.5 M and then plotted to not pay their water bill a year in advanced. 1-L and 1-M approved.
1-Q Authorizing joint application to and participation in the HomeKey Program to sustain and rapidly expand housing for youth experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness, and who are, thereby, inherently impacted by or at increased risk for medical diseases or
conditions due to the COVID-19 pandemic.Arias:asks that this and 1-R are continued until next week when there is another home key item.
1-AA Approval of City Council Meeting Schedule for Calendar Year 2022 Esparza:a conflict with conference. We will move Feb 24th meeting to Feb 17th.
HEARING regarding a proposed Development Agreement by and between the City of Fresno and Fagundes Bros. Dairy, relating to the development of the Oasis Master Plan, which consists of a total of 599 single-family residential homes as a component of Vesting Tentative Tract Map
Arias:first major single family housing in West Fresno. Developer is building park space first. Approved 6-0 with Soria absent.
10:00#2 &(CONTINUED FROM NOVEMBER 4, 2021, AT 10:00 A.M.) Actions pertaining to Club One Casino, Inc. Card Room Permit Application: 1. HEARING to consider the Club One Casino, Inc. Card Room Permit Application. 2. RESOLUTION - Amending Resolution 2021-225 relating to the Card
Room Permit held by Club One Casino by increasing the number card room tables from 31 to 51.Bredefeld:"I want to say I had lunch and tour October 3rd at Club One. Anything I said there I had already stated at past meetings."Maxwell:what did you order?? Chavez cuts it off. Public:
commenting on an item already discussed. Bredefeld:my lunch was paid for by City Manager. Arias:jokes the conspiracy grows! Casino owner Kirkland at dais. Maxwell: i appreciate the 90 days that allowed the city to get feedback from neighbors. I have found there is a sweet spot.
How many of the card tables being used the past 90 days? Kirkland:We have used all 31.We have re-hired 170 employees but initially it was hard to find them originally. Some disciplines have been hard to find though. Maxwell:has the 90 days cause you to lose 100 workers as some
have said? Kirkland:we do hope to hire quickly to ramp up the second phase. There was a lot of chatter in media and outside. We could not have hired everyone day one. Parking close to casino is desirable for patrons.More signage as well as correcting the online maps etc.
We have had customers and employees park on dirt lot but that should change as we develop the front entrance.Signage on Cedar especially at night.Maxwell:you had mentioned in past you may have a spot for police officers a spot to rest etc. Kirkland:Officers get preferred parking,
use of wifi, restrooms etc.I want to find out exactly what they need though. We had 5 calls for PD service in the 90 days (one for medical needs).St James Church asked about gamblers anonymous.We have given them support and found most of those gamblers were slot machines Maxwell:
thanks for being proactive.Esqueda:we have got calls for service for homeless at Granite Park as well as vandalism to city sprinkers. Kirkland: we have been open 60 days. I would like to see the area as a more developed commercial district such as empty lot at the church. Maxwell
thanks for showing you are a good neighbor. Bredefeld:4 things found in City Manager's report. These were all found July 15th correct? My colleague was trying to find "sweet spot".Kirkland has been a long standing neighbor. I hope no other business person would be treated like
this.Because of the actions of this council some were not hired. Kirkland: more nuanced than that . I like the strong support of this Council and City Manager. Some completion work still needs to be done on second phase so even if we had all 50 tables earlier. Always an education
process working with a municipality. Bredefeld:you and your employees should never been treated this way. You won't say it but i will. Arias: to correct my colleague who often has partial stories. Moving from downtown was educational for us, Kirkland and the neighbors.Bredefeld
earlier this year voted against a billboard even though they are a good company and employer because of the surrounding neighbors. Today he said he was wrong. Also 6 of us councilmembers abided by the "No contact" with the casino but one did (bredefeld) and risked delaying this
project with an investigation by DA. Approved
10:00 #3 &&&&&&&&(CONTINUED FROM NOVEMBER 4, 2021, AT 10:00 A.M.) HEARING to Consider Text Amendment Application No. P21-05185 and related Environmental Finding for Environmental Assessment No. P21-05185, amending Section 15-2706 of the Fresno Municipal Code, relating to the
sale of alcoholic beverages for off-site consumption (Citywide) - Planning and Development Department 1. ADOPT Environmental Assessment No. P21-05185, dated October 20, 2021, that Text Amendment Application No. P21-05185 is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA) pursuant to the Common Sense Exemption that it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the proposed Text Amendment may have a significant effect on the environment pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3). 2. BILL (For introduction) - Amending
Section 15-2706 to the Fresno Municipal Code, relating to the use regulations for alcohol sales.Arias: I am in support but I would like to add 1000 feet from 600 feet to notify the neighbors and apply for CUP. Karbassi agrees. Approved 6-0 with Soria absent.
10:05 WORKSHOP - Defining highest-need neighborhoods as it pertains to the Fresno Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks Transactions and Use Tax, also known as Measure P Not an actionable item as it is a workshop. Next week it will be.
Lots of dollars and percentages in the Measure P. Today's meeting is dealing with the 50 % for "highest need neighborhoods" and rest unrestricted 50% will be for rest of neighbors.Arias:Measure P is only part of the funds going to parks.Top 25% census tracts by
Looked at 4 options
Most voted for top 25% with top 50% close behind.Arias:Regional Park in SW Fresno is not used by neighborhood like Woodward or Roeding. Both it and Hyde park are mitigation from landfills.San Pablo park is under two freeways.This is not comparable to a north Fresno/SE Fresno park
Soria:What is the commission's recommendation ? A:25% Soria: I am struggling with that % as it leaves a lot of her parks in the pipeline. I can't support the 25% as the benchmark.Arias:do we have to define equity as a percentage? or can it be anything else? Is it in Measure P?
Esqueda: it is fairly prescriptive. Arias: I don't need it today but soon.Blue is the parks in the pipeline. Staff Aaron:several are shovel ready about 6.
At 25% level these are the existing parks that fall within it of pipeline projects v 50% .Rest would need to funded by remaining 50%. Soria:that makes me more comfortable.Chavez:we need to factor those who go to Regional Parks not near their home.Karbassi:close vote by commission
We have to wait three years after we select the top parks. What happens if Prop 68 funds one of these? Staff: should not be a problem as Quigley is only one not funded. Karbassi:Pinedale and Herndon Town are low income. Map doesn't show Pinedale doesn't have a park.Arias:please
remove the land that isn't eligible under Measure P such as land that has been already sold OR can only be acquired by eminent domain. City manager agreed.
3-A Action pertaining to budgeting American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) funds: 1. RESOLUTION - 30th Amendment to the Annual Appropriations Resolution (AAR) No. 2021-178 appropriating $38,155,000 for citywide operational support that be funded from first tranche of ARPA funds
Esqueda:these are the 10 top items. Some are for public safety equipment but not for actual officers/fire fighters. Homekey projects brings matching funds. Only $13.2 M Maxwell: Facade Program can't be 20-30 years out. Esqueda:we need to get property owner and business owner on
same page.Soria: We need to show some success with our already existing pilot program. Need one facade done first. Esqueda: we want to make it straight forward. Karbassi:how much for facade? A:$1 million. Rest $3.5 M for small businesses.Karbassi:we need to be sure it protects
business first. Esqueda: if we can make the businesses look better the tax revenues will go up.Tax base has gone up 1.1 % and is how we measure success. Arias:many have said the more we invest in PD the more the crime will go down. We have invested $40 M over 3
years. We have made businesses whole for pandemic but don't make residents whole for those who had their packages stolen off of our porches? are we going to put the same benchmarks on our largest department the Police Department if crimes goes up? Esqueda:Mayor and I will present
those measurements next year. Arias: i don't think there is a direct correlation of large budget for PD as there are many reasons for crime.If that is so we need to invest in the other things besides PD that can lower crime such as Advance Peace, park activities etc. Esqueda:
Mayor and myself agree. Chavez:There is not enough money to make it go away. Fresno Unified has a $1 billion budget and still can't stop it. Esqueda:911 dispatch is not being done on time due to too small of a space. Chavez:Rebuild Fresno and Council submitted their projects.
Esqueda:January 13 will be first meeting. We will bring it then. Maxwell:porch pirates and Ring doorbell rebate was brought up by Karbassi in the past. Karbassi: we have the vendor and just working on who processes it. Maxwell: I am supportive of the extra vehicles for PD but I
am not quite ready to vote for the rest of this ARPA yet. I need a week to digest it.Dyer: we can not put money into reserves due to Federal Treasury rules. We would like 10% of our general fund in reserves. Karbassi:My request for that was denied during budget. I am glad we are
talking about it now. PD is not responsible for crime. It is the people committing the crimes. For a small business crime is very tough as you cannot be open that day and employees have to go home. Number of PD bodies out there makes a difference. Bredefeld: I agree PD are not
responsible for the crime. We used to have 1000 PD officers. Mayor and Chief agree we need that much. But biggest reason is there is no consequences due to Prop 47 and Prop 57 with the failed governor in this failed State. During 3 strikes crime actually went down. Advance Peace
and other projects won't help as no consequences for those committing crimes. In California DA's in SF and LA love to release criminals.Weak judges and weak laws are the problem. We will try to get 1000 PD Officers but until we have consequences crime won't go down.Arias: can we
delay this while we look for other sources outside ARPA? I can vote for PD vehicles today. Esqueda:We need to fund our City employees.Dyer:3000 calls in to 911 a day. Karbassi: that is public comment right there.Esparza: we will get ARPA funding for the PD vehicles today. I want
more public transparency and vote on the rest next week the 9th. Arias:Motion to table ARPA and vote on 1-C regarding the PD vehicles today. Public:Rain Chamberlin You won't get the same public response with a survey. You bias it with you making the question as well as 2 minute
public comments. We don't want PD funded more or Homekey. Chavez clarifies with City Attorney that public comments were done earlier in the day. ( So no more comments). 1-C approved 7-0
6:00 pm &Actions pertaining to Redistricting: 1. HEARING - regarding redistricting 2. BILL (for introduction) - Adopting new Council District boundaries pursuant to the Council (it is now 4:30 pm)
Last meeting of the year December 9th!🍻

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16 Nov
Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting November 16, 2021! Among the items includes the second hearing of the controversial Redistricting Map at 1 pm; Also Capital Project updates;Fresno Ag report;Behavioral Health Dept report on Mental Health/substance abuse services;
Negotiations with City of Fresno on purchasing old Valley Medical Center will be held during Closed Session;Selected Consent Calendar items:21.*Proclaim December 2021 Toys for Tots Month
*Adjourn in Memory of Mike Cavallero
Read 88 tweets
4 Nov
Fresno City Council meeting November 4, 2021!Among the items include Club One Casino increase in card room tables;WORKSHOP - Police Department Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Program;Actions pertaining to the acquisition of the UMC Campus Property;Authorize the Chief of
Police to enter into a First Amendment to the existing contract with ShotSpotter Inc., (SST) for an additional three square miles in the City of Fresno for a total cost of $535,849;6 PM HEARING Regarding redistricting;
Among the Consent Calendar items: 1-C Actions related to the Airline Operations Agreement with ExpressJet Airlines LLC.,:
Read 128 tweets
2 Nov
At the Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting on the redistricting map. Image
(Sorry the connection at Suoervisors meeting was poor. I had to screen shot my tweets. Not the ideal but…)
Read 12 tweets
2 Nov
November 2, 2021 Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting! Among the items include a proclamation honoring the life of Track coach/artist Red Estes;Appeal of 75-foot sign; Receive presentation on current and proposed County facility capital projects;Controversial Redistricting
this afternoon at 1:00 pm. Among the Consent Agenda:19. Adopt proclamation to declare November 2021 as "National Adoption Month" in Fresno County
20 Adjourn in Memory of Gene "Red" Estes
Read 46 tweets
28 Oct
October 28,2021 Fresno City Council meeting!! Among the items today include hiring 54 persons from Measure P funds in PARCS and Public Work Departments; Meeting with Joint Powers Financing Authority;WaterSMART grants;@fresnoland #Fresno
Among the CONSENT CALENDAR Items:1-E #RESOLUTION - Authorizing an application by the Department of Public Utilities to the United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation for a WaterSMART Grants: Water and Energy Efficiency Grant for Fiscal Year 2022 in an amount
not to exceed $500,000 for the Smart Irrigation Controller Direct Install Program.1- F #authorizing application, by the Department of Public Utilities, in cooperation with the Department of Public Works and Parks, After School, Recreation & Community Services Department, to the
Read 93 tweets
19 Oct
Fresno County Board of Supervisors October 19, 2021! Among the items are Supervisorial Redistricting ordinances; Appeal of Planning commission denial of 75 foot sign (double of allowed height); Liquor license at Mega Food Mart (near Shields and Chestnut) #Fresno
Selected CONSENT AGENDA items

18.1 Adjourn in Memory of Correctional Officer Toamalama Scanlan. Officer Scanlan joined Fresno County Probation in June 1998, before joining the Fresno County Sheriff’s Office on April 10, 2006. In 2012 Officer Scanlan was promoted to Correctional
Read 53 tweets

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