November 2, 2021 Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting! Among the items include a proclamation honoring the life of Track coach/artist Red Estes;Appeal of 75-foot sign; Receive presentation on current and proposed County facility capital projects;Controversial Redistricting
this afternoon at 1:00 pm. Among the Consent Agenda:19. Adopt proclamation to declare November 2021 as "National Adoption Month" in Fresno County
All supervisors present. Quintero introduces a Temple Beth Israel Rabbi with the invocation.He is part of @FaithInFresno Item 7 will follow item 10 says Brandau. Item 19 and 20 pulled from Consent Agenda.
20 Adjourn in Memory of Gene "Red" Estes. Widow Myrna Estes here to accept the great Fresno State track coach. "Red was a pillar of strength says Myrna. Son says he effected so many lives. He was a coach,father , mentor, welder,fisherman/hunter" Quintero says he helped with Nike
shoes launch at University of Oregon.
19. Adopt proclamation to declare November 2021 as "National Adoption Month" in Fresno County "2000 kids to be adopted in Fresno county says @LincolnSeward Magsig" Social Services Director says exciting to help stability of a family.Trisha Gonzales: Annual event November 19th
will have 30 families adopting 47 children. It will occur by Zoom this year. We typically have Master level staff but shortage of staff currently. Approved.
3.o Presentation of Retirement Plaque to Kevin C. Ernst - Sheriff's Department - 16 Years of Service "A good day for one person! He took pride in his job. "Ernst:a great time. This will be a lift on my wife not having to worry about me at jail. Time for family!"
4. Presentation of Retirement Plaque to Sisca Anggreni - Sheriff's Department - 21 Years of Service
"She spent 15 years as accountant for Sheriff. she spent lots of time volunteering too."
5. Proclaim November 2021 as "National Prematurity Awareness Month" in Fresno County. Pacheco:Shantae Davis-Balch accepting the plaque. She is a colleague with Pacheco at First 5. Thanks Pacheco for leading the effort to reduce the disparities.
Consider and take action on request for Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity on
application for Alcoholic Beverage License Type 20 filed by Pilot California Venture, LLC, to be
used at 44779 S. Lassen Ave., Ste 100, Huron, CA 93234
Supervisors agree to forgo the PowerPoint presentation and no public comment. Approved
8. Initial Study No. 7071 and Amendment Application No. 3815
(Applicant: Lakhvir Singh Sidhu) The Application requests rezoning of the subject property, located on the east side of S. Peach Avenue,
approximately 360 feet north of its intersection with E. North Avenue and 4,038
feet south of the City of
Fresno, from the AL-20 (Limited Agricultural, 20-acre minimum parcel size) Zone District to an M-1(c) (Light
Manufacturing, Conditional) Zone District to allow a limited number of by-right light industrial uses as
requested by the Applicant. Approved
with very little discussion. #9. Consider appeal of Planning Commission’s Approval of Unclassified Conditional Use Permit
Application 3680 proposing to allow development and operation of a restaurant, convenience store
and gas station on a 2.62-acre parcel within Interstate
Freeway Interchange Area in AE-40
(Exclusive Agricultural, 40-acre minimum parcel size) Zone District; and if Appeal is denied and
Planning Commission’s approval of Unclassified Conditional Use Permit Application No. 3680 is
upheld: a. adopt Mitigation Negative Declaration and
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting
Program prepared based on Initial Study No. 7877 with recommended Mitigation Measures and
Conditions of Approval, but without additional condition imposed by Planning Commission; and b.
make required findings specified in Section 873(F) for
approval of Classified Conditional Use
Permit Application 3680; and c. adopt a Resolution approving Classified Conditional Use Permit
Application 3680 to allow development and operation of a restaurant, convenience store and gas
station (project site is located in northwest
quadrant of Panoche Road and Interstate 5 Freeway
Commercial Interchange Area, approximately 15 miles southwest of City of Mendota (APN:
027-190-05S) (46272 W. Panoche Road)) Staff:Planning Commission didn't want EV parking spaces be included in total parking spaces. State law
says EV spaces have to be included. Planning Commission didn't seem enough parking. Staff counts net square foot but not non-public spaces such as janitor closets when calculating parking spaces.Pacheco:Staff needs to be prepared to put maps up etc.applicant with presentation.
we asked for info from Planning Commission but never received any info back. Staff: we didn't receive any requests. Pacheco:if we hear of a request we want answers today.
Staff:says this a proposal and not required. 64 spaces is minimum and 93 is number. Applicant even wanted to do more. Applicant:calculated parking spaces by not using food consumption spaces.Staff:food court PLUS convenience store. Two different requirements. Cedarborg:This can
be applied. Staff:3053 sq ft convenience store =10 stalls Restaurant=50 parking stalls. (video Network Error occurred)
Applicant:various scenarios.C4 v. 854 option.
Magsig: is there any examples of where staff did include kitchen staff to get the parking space number? Applicant rep:no i didn't do an exhausting look. Was the proper application used if convenience store, gas station, restaurant parsed when they are all in same building?
State wants to encourage EV and that needs ICE vehicles to park in those spaces.Cedarborg:Supervisors need to decide if more ICE spaces are needed. If applicant wanted 100 EV spaces it would be legal. Magsig:condition can be put applicant to enforce ICE from parking in EV spaces
Only 24 spaces for ICE.Public:I am against this project. Brandau:I am not prepared to vote on this item and we have a tight meeting schedule. We have two other lengthy items to hear. Magsig:if it is at a Time Certain so we don't have to re-notice.Approve to move to December 14.
Brandau wants to hear from both sides and willing to do so in the next month.
10. Appeal of Planning Commission’s Denial of Variance Application No.4106,
(Applicant/Appellant: Brenda Ramirez) Consider appeal of Planning Commission’s denial of Variance Application No. 4106, proposing
to allow a 75-foot-tall (35 feet maximum permitted) sign, 300 square-feet
(150 square-feet
permitted) in area, on 3.97-acres in the C-2 (Community Shopping Center) Zone District located
on the east side of N. McCall Avenue approximately 400 feet north of Highway 180 on Kings
Canyon Road (frontage road), and approximately two miles northwest City of
Sanger (APN
314-120-66) (10070 E. Kings Canyon Road);Staff:Applicant is willing to drop from 75 feet down to 55 feet (still above the 35' max) Magsig:No other signs higher than 35'? A:NO. Applicant:every gas station is on 180/McCall but mine can't be seen from freeway. Engineer:
plenty of signs higher than this on 99. Planning Commission was willing to approve if sign lowered. Neighbors have no issues. Powerlines tooMasgig:Can findings be made that this is exceptional condition? Will all your competitors want to raise their signs too if we approve today?
Engineer:This is where all the Sanger growth in the future. Magsig:major anchors are going in there. Perhaps in the future we can raise sign. Applicant:National brands don't want to come unless sign is higher.Magsig:I can't make the findings.Quintero:41/Easton has a gas station
with old airplane on top. Is that higher than 35'? Brandau: i will support the compromise to 55'. magsig: I will support Planning Commission decision and deny appeal. We need to change our sign ordinances in the future. Pacheco:I can see both sides of the issue but I am not as
familiar with the area as Magsig. I can make condition of finding as the sign cannot be seen. Engineer: this is an area with new Sanger High School and growth. Magsig:People in country won't want to see a neon sign at night time. We haven't adjusted our sign ordinance since 1986.
Magsig: i want this item delayed until Dec 14th meeting to see how well signage can be seen at 35' and 55' heights.Approved.
Brandau: i would like to continue item #7.Receive presentation on current and proposed County facility capital projects and provide direction regarding priorities and next steps to November 16th. This promises to be lengthy too. We have Closed Session plus 1 pm redistricting
Public Comment portion (Brandau mentions this cannot be on Redistricting item at 1 pm) First:Heather Evans Supervisors don't have a good idea of a good wage.We have 4th highest poverty level in State. 135% the state level for child abuse. Some County Employees have to scrounge
for cans to supplement the county wages. Dale:Essential workers can be awarded federal covid dollars but Supervisors have not elected to do so. I see lots of proclamations given out today. Next:Magsig did a tremendous job at Auberry meeting regarding growing new trees where fire
occurred says Shawn. Magsig knew the name of everyone speaking. Very professional. Next:Supervisors are heading into CLOSED SESSION and return at 1 pm for Redistricting meeting which should be a packed room.
Next meetingsNovember 16, 2021 - 10:00 AM
December 14, 2021 - 10:00 AM
October 28,2021 Fresno City Council meeting!! Among the items today include hiring 54 persons from Measure P funds in PARCS and Public Work Departments; Meeting with Joint Powers Financing Authority;WaterSMART grants;@fresnoland#Fresno
Among the CONSENT CALENDAR Items:1-E #RESOLUTION - Authorizing an application by the Department of Public Utilities to the United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation for a WaterSMART Grants: Water and Energy Efficiency Grant for Fiscal Year 2022 in an amount
not to exceed $500,000 for the Smart Irrigation Controller Direct Install Program.1- F #authorizing application, by the Department of Public Utilities, in cooperation with the Department of Public Works and Parks, After School, Recreation & Community Services Department, to the
Fresno County Board of Supervisors October 19, 2021! Among the items are Supervisorial Redistricting ordinances; Appeal of Planning commission denial of 75 foot sign (double of allowed height); Liquor license at Mega Food Mart (near Shields and Chestnut) #Fresno
Selected CONSENT AGENDA items
18.1 Adjourn in Memory of Correctional Officer Toamalama Scanlan. Officer Scanlan joined Fresno County Probation in June 1998, before joining the Fresno County Sheriff’s Office on April 10, 2006. In 2012 Officer Scanlan was promoted to Correctional
and go Dodgers (boo!). Chavez:$60 million generated by the Fresno Fair.Transportation Corridors are cleaned as well leading into the Fair. Homeless:We had sporadic money coming in to triage motel rooms but we are not at that point now. Phase 2 is now to put in permanent homes as
well as tiny homes etc. Homeless are everywhere now and in every district. Karbassi:In august I was asked about Cannabis dispensary while on tv. My thoughts were not City's position. Also Go Giants! Mayor:Poverello trees planted. Top 100 women named. Boxing match at Chuckchansi
was originally set for another State but will be here this Saturday. District 5 @BeautifyFresno will be at Kings Canyon and Clovis @Coldrain76 should be there helping! Tommy Esqueda:Call wait times for 911 will take a larger facility. Also tree damage from winds. 7 days out to
October 14, 2021 Fresno City Council meeting! Among the items include:Bus Fare reduction;Possible Farmers’ Market conversion;First step in sale of Spiral Garage; Compassionate Medicinal Cannabis Use Act;Two WORSKHOPS:Airport as well as Code Enforcement/ASET;Non-minor league
Some select Consent Calendar Items:1-G Approve Title VI Fare Equity Analysis for the Department of Transportation/Fresno Area Express (FAX) New Fare Structure. The Department of Transportation/FAX provides transit service for the city of Fresno. FAX is implementing a fare change,
Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting October 5th, 2021!!Among the Items include Redistricting Update;Presentation of Gubernatorial Recall Election;Appointment of David Luchini to Public Health Director;#Fresno@VoteFresnoCo@FresnoCountyCA
Among Consent Calendar:16.Adopt proclamation in recognition of the Centennial Anniversary of the Fig Garden Woman's Club
17. Adopt proclamation in recognition of the 40th Anniversary of the Fresno County Economic
Development Corporation
Fresno City Council September 30,2021! Among the various items include:portable shower/restroom trailers for homeless;Broadband plan using American Rescue Plan Act $$;Controversial Environmental Impact Report Plan;WORKSHOP on possible sites for Senior Activity Center; Myra Coble
named to the Tower District Specific Plan Implementation Committee (a friend of mine and a perfect choice).@fresnoland#Fresno Watch at 9 am
Some CONSENT CALENDAR Items:1-B .Approve a First Amendment to the Security Service Contract with Turner Security Systems, in the amount of $1,071,182.68 for security services at the new Department of Public Utilities Operations and Maintenance Facility located at 1626 E Street.