The GOP & NRA also have a pretty good idea that plenty of aimless White #MAGAYouth (and adults) are considering school/workplace/mall shootings, vigilante killings and domestic terror attacks but they don’t give a shit b/c the blood money keeps flowing. #WhereWereTheyRadicalized
IOW, the #OxfordHighSchool shooting is yet another example of the stochastic terrorism borne of the Trump era and the ongoing radicalization of MAGA Youth at the behest of the GOP & NRA. The insurrection rages on and it doesn’t stop at the school doors either.
Stop letting them make lame ass excuses for White supremacy and domestic terrorism. Start holding them accountable for everything they do and make it retroactive.
Stop pretending they haven’t already made their heinous intentions very clear or that there isn’t already an astronomical body count. Domestic terrorism is at the top of the laundry list of toxic/lethal White American privileges and silence/fragility aren’t making us any safer.
White privilege is lethal b/c it engenders incompetence/malfeasance: “Because he had no prior disciplinary actions on his record, school counselors decided to allow him to return to his class rather than send him to what they thought would be an empty home..” h/t @CommanderBliss
I’m gonna preface this by saying it’s mostly anecdotal but the patients I’m seeing virtually in TX (mostly White, rural/suburban) have been so medically unwell for the last month, primarily upper respiratory and gastrointestinal. Lots of flu, a smattering of COVID and colitis…
At first I was like well yeah it’s winter and cold/flu season plus vaccine refusal is off the charts, so folk aren’t keeping up with COVID boosters or annual flu shots etc., but now that it’s coupled with #InstabilityInChief shuttering public health services & communication... 🥴
And then it got even weirder this week when a patient told me school districts near him were closing in droves and said 650! students were out sick. I googled as soon as the session ended and look:…
Better yet, since we’re reliving the same pathology (and it’s been so long that the original links no longer work), I’m gonna repost all the #InstabilityInChief essays I wrote @dailykos for posterity’s sake…
'He tells it like it is:' The privileged politics of personal insult | via @docrocktex26…
Wake me when the folk who are feigning shock, awe and poutrage about Trump doing all the heinous shit he said he was gonna do direct their complaints to the MSM that propagandized them blind (b/c they wanted to be) and is still enabling/sugarcoating fascism/White supremacy.
I mean this in all sincerity b/c I have yet to see a concerted, large scale effort to boycott or even regulate the legacy media outlets that paved the way for social media outlets to finish off the bamboozlement of the masses they started *centuries* ago. Where’s the revolution?
I repeat, “America incentivizes brainwashing of the White community,” so there’s no amount of scattering to new social media apps that’s gonna stop the newspapers or Big 3 TV from peddling bullshit that trickles down. Speak with your WALLETS and starve White supremacy of GREEN.
Let me address this now (again) b/c folk keep asking: NO I’M STILL NOT opening an account on any other social media platform. Y’all are asking this of a Black, native Texan woman whose entire family tree is Black native Texan. *I don’t flee for the Confederacy’s benefit.*
Y’all can feel free to do what sits right in your spirit but I’m not scared of a damn tweet. I walk around IRL as a Black woman knowing full well that my gracefully unbothered existence in spaces racists don’t want me in is an act of civil disobedience, protest & radicalism.
Not only that but what point is even being proven right now other than a real time illustration of how easy and uncomplicated it was (still is) for certain folk to flee to bluer, “safer” territory for the Confederacy’s benefit while the space they fled becomes more Confederate?
1 more blast from the past since folk still can’t do math or handle the truth. Ds are still contending with #WeakAssUnreliableAllies who “swing” in & out of the ⛺️ on a whim based on White/White adjacent grievance every 2-4 yrs and make maintaining a winning coalition impossible.
Matter of fact, miss me with the feigned confusion altogether b/c it’s BEEN plain as fucking day that culture wars are all the GOP has left and that WW (specifically) were/are susceptible to said wars to the extent that their bigotry is superseding their woman/motherhood.