Michael Our Prince
________________________________________ #HearHim #LetGodPrevail #DezNat
We believe that Adam is the name of the first man on every new Earth.
The Adam of this Earth is Michael the Archangel of pre-existence.
You too had a name and title before you were born. Like Jeremiah, we were all known before the womb.
Adam was a man, but different from us
He was created in immortality - a transfigured state, without blood.
Still, the immortality that Adam experienced originally in Eden was not an immutable one, for he had not yet experienced a death and a resurrection which seals the temporal body to the spirit body permanently.
This may be a tad redundant - but this is an important principle.
A resurrected being CANNOT again lay down the body.
Though Adam could have stayed in the Garden in an "immortal" state - the type of immortality he was created in was not the same as resurrection.
This eternal principle is why the Father Himself did not condescend to atone for the Fall of Adam and the curse of death it would bring.
So - even before the framing of the Earth, our Elder Brother then the premortal Jehova, was foreordained and anointed to be Father's proxy.
This is a Doctrine that you must let rest upon your heart. Adam did not have blood before partaking of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil.
Blood as we know it is a mortal fluid.
Here are a few additional quotes to witness to this doctrine.
A perfect God cannot beget imperfection.
"By 'flesh' is meant mortality"
Adam was the "first flesh" because of the Fall which brought mortality to himself and ALL THINGS.
Joseph Smith spoke plainly that Adam was the first man and flesh on this Earth.
There are no preadamites.
There is no gradual evolution from sludge or monkeys or a primitive form.
These theories and ideas of men are not supported by the Prophets.
Adam was created perfect.
Remember, 'perfect' doesn't need mean 'exalted' or 'resurrected'.
Christ was 'Perfect' though mortal and not yet exalted or resurrected - because he was beget by a Father of Perfection but subject to corruption/mortality through Mary.
The Only Begotten 'In The Flesh'
A Bridge
The command to "REPLENISH" is clearly defined by President Smith here.
It means "to fill" - not to "re-fill" as proponents of preadamite theories suggest.
Stop it.
Adam was intelligent and civilized.
This is why I believe in a historical devolution of intelligence and civics v. the inverted perspective of pop society that we are superior in 2021 to previous generations of mankind in intelligence and civilization.
We are not.
Zion or bust!
Heavenly Father taught Adam in the Celestial language.
We call this the 'Adamic' language.
[I also hold the belief that certain forms of telepathy also exist in different planetary states - like a transfigured or paradaisical state. This will be a future thread at some point]
While there is no official Church doctrine as to the nature exactly of the Adamic Language - it is widely believed that Jared and his family preserved it and the writings we are to receive from The Brother of Jared will be written in it.
President Benson "alluded to its possible universal reinstatement to resolve linguistic diversity".
This allusion fits the paradigm of a chiastic restoration of the Earth to a paradaisical state in preparation for the Millennium.
When Adam is back, we will speak/learn Adamic.
In Zephaniah's vision of our day and the 2nd Coming he also alludes to a "turn to... a pure language".
The future will be a revolution of all things in a return to a higher order; a new King and new government, a new language to even a new heaven and a new Earth.
2 points I'll highlight here: 1) "he set up a government"
Government is a part of the Gospel - don't be apathetic to politics, be educated and wise.
2) 10 commandments didn't originate from Moses.
They are a fundamental part of the Gospel, and Adam had the fulness of the Gospel.
Next up - a big section touching Adam-God Theory.
I will let President Smith do the most explaining here.
Follow the main thread of logic - President Young knew Adam's identity as Michael, as well as Michael's identity in the premortal existence, as the next in line to Jehova.
I like this point I highlighted in orange.
There can be a variety of phases of bodies in the Celestial Kingdom. Our spirit bodies were birthed and nurtured there.
Adam's body was formed in the same celestial environment - but it was distinct from God's body and from a spirit.
Now he continuea to set the stage for understanding Brigham Young's comments a bit more and cites scriptural witnesses that attest to our doctrine of theosis - or that we are literal Children of God and as such capable of and on the path of becoming like Him
The expression that "Adam is the only God with whom we have to do" is faithfully explained here.
It has to do with delegation and salvatory keys and authority, and ultimately the culmination at Adam-ondi-Ahman where Christ will take the keys and crown from Michael, or Adam.
He quotes J.S. that Adam received Priesthood first.
"If the keys of salvation have been committed to the hands of Adam, under the direction of Jesus Christ, then is there anything out of place for President Brigham Young to declare that it is Adam with whom we have to do?"
In the hierarchy of the bodies born to this Earth - Adam is at the top. He is the Archangel who will gather all and turn it over to his superior - Jesus Christ, the Son of God!
Just like chain of command/authority works anywhere else. Why would it be different in Priesthood?
He continues smothering the context:
The status of Adam was revealed to Joseph Smith. Joseph spoke of him in proper context as subordinate to Christ yet the Head of mankind.
He uses D&C 29:34 and D&C 107:53-56
From Joseph to Brigham
The status of Adam was known by Brigham Young.
He basically says here - in sum,, everything Brigham Young taught reflects Joseph Smith's understanding of the status and position of Adam.
He refers to the Discourses of B.Y. compiled by Elder Widtsoe - a 'must-read' in foundational doctrinal texts after the canon to me.
He then quotes from the discourses a bit to further drive home the evidence that should make every faithful Latter-day Saint give President Young the benefit of the doubt that he knew up from down and Adam from Elohim.
President Smith then moves on to address another statement by Brigham Young - and this is one that many disingenuous trolls like to present out of context and coupled with other statements out of context for shock value.
He'll break this down in explainable 2 parts >
Here are the 2 parts he will elaborate on:
1) That the Father is the first of the human family (not Adam)
2) That the Father of Christ is the same character that was in the Garden of Eden (again, not Adam)
The first issue/misunderstanding is easy as he proclaims "This same doctrine was taught by Joseph Smith. It is a fundamental doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints"
God is the 1st of the human family to us.
He uses D&C 130:22 and Moses 6:8-9
The 2nd issue is adressed using the contextual logic built up to this point & a knowledge of our doctrine regarding the Fall.
Read this whole section carefully.
Adam was in the presence of the Father in Eden. Only AFTER the Fall did the Father retreat and Adam become separated
The next section is like the top half of a context-sandwich. He caps off his explanation of President Young's quotes by again turning to the Prophet's own words and teachings.
Brigham Young's body of work testifies decidedly against a "PrObLeMaTiC" interpretation of a few quotes
Yet another firm reiteration - Adam is not the Father of Christ. He couldn't have been because he wasn't yet resurrected.
You think you're smarter than Brigham Young tho? Many seething demons do. To Hell with them, the lot!
I love Brother Brigham and the work he sacrificed for
"We do not worship Adam and we do not pray to him. We are all his children through the flesh, but Elohim, the God we worship, is the Father of our spirits; and Jesus Christ, his first Begotten Son in the spirit creation & his Only Begotten Son in the flesh, is our Eldest Brother"
The final section in this Chapter is another affirmation identifying Adam as the "Ancient of Days" described in Daniel 7.
This is doctrine that the Gentile Christian world confuses - some believe the AoD is Elohim the Father - it is Adam who will give the keys to Christ
See my thread and video on Daniel 7 for more details about Daniel 7.
A link to the thread is in the description of the video.
Hugh Nibley called Abraham's Facsimile 2 a "hologram" - "one of the best you can find"
The whole hypocephalus is a micro-map of the cosmos. It was placed under the head of the deceased in funeral rites to guide their journey into the afterlife.
The central panel is a clear representation of the widespread global motif called the 'Axis Mundi' or world axis by all ancient cultures and cosmologies.
It is represented as a mountain, a tree, a ladder, a column, a pillar, a stairway, and more.
The greatest threat to the Church in the Latter-days is the godless conspiracy to strip the world of her freedoms and agency.
The same premortal conflict carries on here.
Communism and Socialism are the weapons of this conspiracy
The 3 specific materials recommended above are:
-President McKay's Pamphlet on Communism
-The Naked Communist by Cleaon Skousen
-None Dare Call It Conspiracy by Gary Allen
Just reading and digesting these will give you the substrate needed to identify the conspiracy
It wasn't just Ezra Taft Benson raising the warning. Those who bristle at this line of conversation in the Church intentionally ignore the other Prophets who also spoke out about Communism/Socialism like President McKay before and President Hunter after.
Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration
The Council in Heaven is a bigger doctrinal reality than most realize.
Not only were Prophets and Church leaders chosen in pre-existence, before the Earth was formed - but Kings and ministers and lesser roles were also covered and assigned.
Yours included!
Joseph Smith was chosen along with Christ, Michael, Abraham and Moses!
Joseph came as an Elias to prepare the way for the 2nd Coming.
"No prophet since the days of Adam, save, of course, our Redeemer, has been given a greater mission."
I do not pride myself on being able to remember the details or famous lines from any movies or shows that most find noteworthy (with the exception of "If it bleeds we can kill it" from The Predator).
Pop culture is cancer.
In its place I put the cosmic elements of the Gospel.
This is tough in a world of small-talk with people who increasingly have 'social-anxiety' issues.
I end up holding my tongue more and more and just smiling and only responding if asked directly or leaning into whatever they want to talk about.
Me: Should I be stronger in my desire to speak to deeper issues?
Me2: Nah, I'll just come off weird.
Me: Should I just bear testimony of things I'm studying?
Me2: I'll just come off like a try-hard Peter Priesthood
How many times in the recent years did the MAINSTREAM Media, with their reputation as "reliable", promulgate narratives and agendas that solely relied on unamed and unsources "anonymous" tips or leaks?