Crypto (for short) is internet money. To understand crypto, you need to understand money.
So what makes money money?
Thread 🧵
Money must have all 3 of the below:
1. Enough people must have it. 2. Merchants must accept it as a form of payment. 3. Society must trust that it’s valuable and that it will remain valuable in the future.
Our current money was designed thousands of years before the internet (bartering to fiat).
Money designed thousand of years ago CAN NOT and DOES NOT cater for the internet. It is that simple!!!
We needed a new currency that can keep up with the internet.
Imposter syndrome, also called perceived fraudulence, involves feelings of self-doubt and personal incompetence that persist despite your education, experience, and accomplishments.
I had this badly for years
What my shrink made me do👇
many of you know I am a chartered accountant and that those exams are dam hard. I passed both exams on the first attempt. Instead of celebrating like other kids, I thoroughly believed the markers made a mistake TWICE
Yes, it sounds ridiculous now, but I believed it with my heart
I took these rubbish thoughts into my entire career that followed. Whenever I went for an interview, I got the job. I was never rejected. AGAIN, I thought I just had a smooth mouth. LOL.
I got promotion after promotion and still I waited for them to catch me out😭
Everyone has a story to tell. Your story is unique. Writing an e-book takes time and preparation, but it is very rewarding. Surviving a traumatic experience, overcoming grief, competing at the Olympics or completed your first marathon...write
You can type in any company and it will display the financials.
Let's use Aveng of course
Red is bad. Black is good.
An Income Statement shows you if a company made profits or losses.
It contains all the income and all the expenses of the company
You start at the top with Revenue. This is the sales the company made. Think of it as the heart of any business. We all start a business to make sales.
You want this number to increase year on year, right???
Let's not worry about inflation now. This number must grow annually