Imagine not being able to say sorry. Imagine telling your kids, “don’t apologise for breaking that window. Tell the man there was no window. When he points at it, say you don’t recognise it as a window. Or better still, get all your mates to do it for you. -->
And when footage turns up of you breaking that window and laughing at the man, just say a window may or may not have been broken but that you followed all the rules of window-breaking and that you don’t think the man is actually interested in whether or not his window was broken"
We don’t teach our kids that stuff for a reason. We don’t teach them that, because we don’t want them to grow up to be in Boris Johnson’s government.
This is a government that will lie to you about having an affair, and even when you catch them in the act, will look you in the eye and tell you that you didn’t see what you just saw with your own eyes.
This government will literally deny you cherished last moments with loved ones while what they’re doing is getting drunk, playing games, and copping off with colleagues.
This government has us in a toxic relationship and treats the people of this country like idiots.
It’s about time they’re realised it’s not us, it’s them.