This handle @BharadwajSpeaks , has a habit of peddling half truths to suit his agenda..To support his agenda, he puts out extracts from some books, carefully omitting to give full context.
He overlooks the fact there are many handles on Twitter, who also read books and have+
+ more knowledge on events than him..
His agenda is very clear..To show Modi government, very weak..Be it, national security or #FarmLaws or SC/ST Act or Govt control over temples etc..Basically, on every policy of Modi government..
On 19th November last month, PM Modi in a televised address to the nation, announced repeal of 3 #FarmLaws which were enacted by his government last year..Protests against #FarmLaws were infiltrated by anti-India forces, especially Khalistanis fully backed by #ISI ..
Situation in Punjab was becoming very volatile..Only a spark was needed to ignite separatist movement like that was in 1980s..
There was an apprehension that an anti-India government may win upcoming assembly elections.. Therefore, to avoid repeat the mistakes of 1980s,
Modi govt. repealed these #FarmLaws ,in national interest..Every one knows the fact, that Modi ji never backs down once, he has decided a policy issue..These #FarmLaws had become a matter of prestige issue for him..Still, he risked his political capital and backed down.
But, this handle #BharadwajSpeaks better known as #TruIndology found an opportunity to gain cheap popularity, posted a tweet, implying as if, violent Khalistani movement which led to massacres of innocent Hindu men, women and children; in 1980s was round the corner.
As it is his/her habit, he claimed capitulation of Modi govt to anti-India forces..
To prove his point, he/her gave reference of how Khalistan movement was suppressed by deployment of 5,00,000 army troops in Punjab between 1984-1992..
This was peddling of half truth by #BharadwajSpeaks ..He intentionally omitted to give context of strong action taken by government of that era (Congress govts).
I therefore asked him 4 questions.
Except 1st question, he didn't answer 2 & 3 questions..4th he admitted later.
Indira Gandhi was credited for taking strong action to suppress Khalistani movement..Admited the fact that it was Indira,who had strengthened Khalistani terrorism.
Soon, he did a volte face & denied that his tweet was at all,about Indira G.
Did his handlers sent him memo?
Sole motive of mentioning period 1984-1992 was to give credit to Indira Gandhi.
Actually strong action against Khalistanis started from 1987 when TADA was enacted..In 1988,KPS Gill took charge as DGP of Punjab & acted against Khalistani terrorists/sympathisers mercilessly.
#BharadwajSpeaks had audacity to ask me, why do I open my mouth?
Why? Because, I countered his agenda..
He/She also gave me unsolicited advise not to venture into serious topics that require knowledge..
His reply reeked of too much of arrogance and, repugnance for me.
Soon enough, his/her 'knowledge' was busted by #KesariDhwaj ..
To counter him, #BharadwajSpeaks , as is his/her style, posted an extract of a book written by an American Professor, to support his/her data..
He/she thought, this extract was enough to silence #KesariDhwaj .
But, this time, #BharadwajSpeaks aka #TruIndology chose a wrong adversary to peddle his/her agenda..An adversary, who had more knowledge than him/her, from the ground as well as antecedents of the author of the book, which #BharadwajSpeak had quoted..
From overwhelming over confidence to thrashing his/her own source,it took less than an hour, for him/her to bite the dust.
Instead of apologizing for dubious claims, #BharadwajSpeaks as is his/her character, quietly protected his/her account & deleted these 2 tweets.
Earlier he/she had downplayed Indira Gandhi's role in instigating violent Khalistan movement which not only engulfed entire Punjab but, resulted in her assassination by her own Sikh security personnel. #BharadwajSpeaks laid entire blame on Akalis for, deaths of Hindus.
My only request to #BharadwajSpeaks followers is to not take all his claims at face value..He/She is peddling agenda for which he/she will refer even to, discredited or anti-India sources.
@BharadwajSpeaks you asked, why people like me open their mouth?
Read this thread.
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Maharashtra Assembly results: Critical analysis of the strategy deployed by Congress repeatedly.
#MVA received a very severe drubbing in Maharahtra.
Their annihilation was to such an extent that, none of the parties which made up #MVA secured enough seats to be+
+recognised as LoP.
Congress did not accept the results of Maharashtra.
On the other hand #INDI Alliance won a thumping majority in #Jharkhand..
Congress immediately welcomed the results of Jharkhand.
Congress had earlier lost the elections in Haryana..It refused to accept the results here to..
However, on the same day, Congress with its' ally #NationalConference had won in Jammu and Kashmir..
Immediately, Congress welcomed the results of Jammu and Kashmir too..
Dr. Manmohan Singh: An underrated politician and an overrated human being..
Yesterday night, former PM Dr. Manmohan Singh passed away after a brief age related illness.
He was 92 years old.
I am writing a🧵 related to few events, which took place under his watch..
Corrupt Politician-
Under his watch, mammoth scams involving lakhs of crores of rupees took place.
When reporters asked him for comments, he replied with a couplet.
Same Manmohan Singh had audacity to term, #Demonetisation as organised loot and legalised plunder of economy.
In Parliament, he claimed innocence in all the scams..He claimed he had no knowledge of corruption occurring in his govt.
There was a Shayari war between him and LoP Sushma Swaraj..
Sushama Swaraj beat him hands down.
Last week, @BJP4India MPs had raised questions on #GeorgeSoros and his relationship with Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi..
George Soros is a notorious regime change agent working for the US Deep State.
George Soros also uses his money power to forcibly impose his policies in+
+many countries..
Immediately, journalists sympathetic to Congress party jumped in to give #CertificateofInnocence to George Soros citing his age of 94 years..
Rajdeep Sardesai even went on to allege that this was done by, the ruling party as Weapon of Mass Distraction.
Is George Soros really innocent?
Is George Soros only a philanthropist and promoter of democracy and open Societies world wide?
Well answer to this is emphatically No..
Let's scrutinise the activities of #GeorgeSoros & his acts of regime change in different countries.
Bigoted Father and Son duo..
When Yogi Adityanath became CM of Uttar Pradesh for the 1st time, late Senior Advocate Fali Nariman proclaimed that our Constitution was under threat..Fali Nariman believed so, because Yogi Adityanath is a priest..
However the same Fali Nariman+
+did not feel our Constitution was under threat when, his own priest son became, a judge in the Supreme Court..
On the contrary, Fali Nariman was proud of that, because his family was priestly.
Justice Nariman even claimed that, being a child priest, gave him discipline.
Nariman family did not think priest of Hindu faith, can have discipline..
So much hatred this father-son duo of Narimans have had for Hindus and Hinduism..
As soon as Arvind Kejriwal was arrested by the #ED, Germany, USA and UN Secretary General mounted pressure for his release.
The bench of J. Sanjiv Khanna and J. Dipankar Datta could not withstand this pressure and succumbed to this foreign pressure.
Over the past 2 years, this same Supreme Court had held that, Right to Contest and Right to Vote were not Fundamental Rights.
This bench has now laid down a new judicial principle of Right to Campaign, to grant an interim bail to Delhi's CM Arvind Kejriwal.
J. Khanna and J. Datta had already decided to grant interim bail to Kejriwal on 3rd May itself..
Still to display their impartiality, they continued with their farce for few more days..Finally, yesterday they decided to conclude their farce and grant+
It has been almost a month from the day, @INCIndia put out its manifesto for #2024LokSabha elections..
I have worked out financial implications of FOUR guarantees, promised by the Congress party.
If Congress comes to power and implements these, 4 promises then, it will+
+ ruin our country's economy and, lead to bankruptcy like 1991.
Our country will become NEXT Venezuela..
Let's see financial implications of these 4 promises. (1) Every graduate and diploma holder will be given a right of one year of apprenticeship:
The govt will pay them+
+₹1.0 lakh for 1 year..
There are about 1.5 crore students passing out graduation+diploma courses every year.
Let's assume, 1 crore graduates/diploma holder take up apprenticeship.
Annual outgo for the Congress govt would be:
1,00,00,000 x ₹1,00,000
=₹1 Lakh crores. __I