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Jun 16th 2023
Some interesting reports coming out of #Afghanistan over the past few days:

- roughly 2,000 #Taliban suicide bombers have been moved to the #Iran|ian border since the end of May.
- #ISKP has also started moving their fighters to northern #Afghanistan, according to sources within an anti-#Taliban group. They are being moved to #Badakhshan, #Takhar and some others.

Apparently, there are both @CIA and #ISI fingerprints on this.
- #Taliban are moving its fighters closer to the #Tajikistan border. Fighters are also moving to the #Badakhshan province, bordering #Tajikistan.

- #TTP have become so emboldened to expand their operations around #Pakistan, including new waliyats in #Balochistan & #Punjab.
Read 13 tweets
Jun 16th 2023
1/Such a dreadful report about Bengal from America which has created panic all over the world.
Once considered a symbol of Indian culture, what has happened in Bengal today is not hidden from anyone.
2/The communal riots against the #Hindus have started happening for quite some time and now the situation has been that the banning of celebrating the festival has started.
But the famous American journalist #JanetLevy has now written the article on #WBengal
3/ Janet Levy claims Bengal will soon become a separate #Islamic country & her latest article that civil war is going to start soon in #Bengal after #Kashmir.
In which mass Hindus will be massacred and demanded a separate country called #Mughalistan i.e. another partition.
Read 15 tweets
May 23rd 2023
PM @CMShehbaz congratulations #Pakistan's spy chief for success in #ISI's "most complex intelligence operation" in intelligence service's recent history.

What did the ISI exactly do? Some details are listed in this #thread. /1
#Pakistan's premier spy agency, the #ISI captured wanted #Balochistan terrorism commander Gulzar Imam Shambay in a sophisticated intelligence operation that spanned more than a year and involved cooperation from eleven spy agencies in eleven states. /2
Commander Gulzar Imam Shambay's brother was a suicide bomber in a spectacular attack on two #Pakistan Army bases in #Balochistan in Feb 2022, where terrorists used explosions followed by incursions aiming to taking hostages to create a media spectacle. /3…
Read 14 tweets
May 23rd 2023
#Pakistan Le général pakistanais discret en guerre contre #ImranKhan. La longue lutte de M. Khan avec le gouvernement pakistanais et les dirigeants militaires ressemble de plus en plus à un duel personnel avec le général #Asim_Munir ImageImageImageImage
(ex chef de l'#ISI qui a été évincé en 2019 par #ImranKhan et qui est aujourd'hui devenu général de l'armée pakistanaise)…
Des captures en anglais pour les anglophones ImageImageImageImage
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May 10th 2023
#Pakistan 🇵🇰 #CivilWarInPakistan

Inside Info: 🇵🇰

🔸#Quetta #Peshawar & #Lahore core commonders refused to take orders from PakArmy Chief AsimMunir & they all left their houses

🔸Many officers in #PakArmy both low rank & seniors like Brig refused 2 take orders
🔸 The #PAF and #Navy 4 stars have asked President to dismiss AsimMunir and call election ASAP

🔸 Dirty Harry of #ISI conducted this unrest operation & was monitoring flying in chopper all over
🔸 The rangers who stromed in court to arrest #ImranKhan were actually ISI operative in Rangers uniform.

🔸 They want to fly Imran to #Balochistan and give poision injection but things turned very Ugly
Read 3 tweets
Apr 30th 2023
گزشتہ دن آرمی چیف کی تقریر کا وہ خوبصورت اوراہم حصہ جس کے وجہ سے یہودیوں اور انکے پیروکاروں کی صفوں میں آگ لگی ہوئی ہے...!
آرمی چیف نےسورۃ بقرہ کی آیت کی تلاوت کی جس کا مطلب تھا " کئی بار ایسا ہواکہ اللہ کی مرضی سے چھوٹی قوت نے بڑی طاقت کو شکست دی، آرمی چیف کا یہ
1/4👇 Image
پیغام امریکہ انڈیا اسرائیل جیسے پاکستان دشمن ملکوں کے لیے تھا جو دن رات پاکستان کیخلاف سازشیں کر رہے ہیں
اب آرمی چیف کی تقریر کے اس خوبصورت حصے کی وجہ سےابھی تک یہودیوں اور انکے پیروکاروں کی صفوں میں آگ لگی ہوئی ہے، آپکو پتا ہی ہو گاپاکستان میں یہودیوں کی
پیروکار جماعت پی ٹی آئی ہے، کل سے سوشل میڈیا پر ملک دشمن، یہودیوں کی پیروکار جماعت پی ٹی آئی کی جانب سے آرمی چیف کے اس پیغام پر تنقید کی جارہی ہے، تنقید کی وجہ قرآنی آیت میں آرمی چیف کی جانب سےملک دشمنوں کو پیغام دینا تھا،
Read 4 tweets
Apr 27th 2023
A US couple – ‘Jew’ husband & ‘Hindu’ wife runs two fronts respectively – one for Israel, one for India.

- Both funded by #Soros
- Both promoted by Islamists.
- Both use human rights as cover.

Objective: to run conflict industry.

Story of #HfHR and #JVP
Thread: Image
Story begins in 2002– Sunita Vishawanath co-founded Women for Afghan Women (WAW) funded by Soros.She was Assoc. Dir of Soros Reproductive Health fellowship at Columbia Uni(2006)
She was associated with South Asian Women’s Center for Anti-Violence Education & Sister Fund
(2/27) Image
SAKHI was founded in 1989 by Mallika Parvati Dutt, a carrier activist, associated with many philanthropic orgs- Ford Foundation (India, 1996-2000), the Norman Fdn. (US,1992-94) & the Open Society Foundation (US, 2010-12) & The Sister Fund (1995-98) with Sunita as Director

(3/27) Image
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Apr 20th 2023
🔴Is #IndianNavy being targeted silently❓
The 8 Indian Naval veterans arrested in Qatar wr apparently connected to a SUBMARINE project.
7 yrs ago #Kulbhushan Yadav, a Naval Veteran again, ws kidnapped & taken to Pakistan 🇵🇰

In the thread Few incidents (mostly connected…… Image
2/n 1️⃣ 2020- Op Dolphin’s Nose, #ISI honey trapped 6 Naval personnel, 14 ppl arrested in total. One of the BIGGEST honeytrapping cases of recent times.👇

2️⃣ 2018–INS ARIHANT, Submarine’s hatch left open— costed Indian Navy 10 months of repair…
3/n 3️⃣ 2018: Design leak‼️ 2018 was also the year when details emerged in an Australian media that designs of India's Scorpene submarine fleet have been leaked. Image
Read 6 tweets
Apr 17th 2023

This #Thread is In honour of Noble Soul #AtiqAhmad !

There are lot of Speculations over who got #AtiqueAhmad ki££ed, especially after he admitted his connections with #ISI ? It's said that he was about to expose details on his Political Bosses!

Who are THOSE?

So who are those Political Bosses?

I'm not in #CBI or #UPSTF to answer this, but can give you details on Political Career of #AtiqAhmad . Who must have been his Political Bosses with SAID proximity with #ISI Your Guess then!

Ready? Shall I proceed?

#AtiqAhmad , a dreaded criminal in Allahabad entered Crime World in 1979. He had around 100+ criminal cases against him wrt Murders,
Rapes,Extortions & Land-grab.

He held honour of being 1st person to be booked under Gangster Act in #UttarPradesh

Good for Political Entry?

Read 12 tweets
Apr 16th 2023
𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐚 & 𝐏𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧'𝐬 𝐉𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐄𝐟𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 ‘𝙂𝙇𝙊𝘽𝘼𝙇 𝘽𝙐𝘿𝘿𝙃𝙄𝙎𝙏 𝙎𝙐𝙈𝙈𝙄𝙏 (𝙂𝘽𝙎)’, 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐡𝐢 𝐈𝐧 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤

𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃 . . .
For Information: @IbcWorldOrg Image
1. 𝙎𝙞𝙜𝙣𝙞𝙛𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙂𝘽𝙎
GBS is a big lash on #China. #CCP has demolished several Buddhist sites and as its core communist policy, has no space for religion. GBS reminds the Buddhist countries that #India is their only 2nd home from where #Buddhism went to world. ImageImage
2. 𝙄𝙨 𝙄𝙣𝙙𝙞𝙖 𝙚𝙭𝙥𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙞𝙣 𝙎𝙤𝙪𝙩𝙝 𝘼𝙨𝙞𝙖?
Top #Buddhist countries in the world include #Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Mongolia, #Bhutan, #SriLanka, Myanmar & Vietnam. With religious & historical attachments, #India is knocking on all the fronts of Atheist #China Image
Read 9 tweets
Apr 15th 2023
A well “executed” DRAMA‼️
Wish #AtiqAhmed had survived a few more days to name other politicians with #ISI links.

Going by how the shooters were chanting “Jai Shri Ram” after the shooting— without an iota of doubt, this is a DRAMA.
A well executed drama‼️

The reason Atiq Ahmed…… Image
This will sabotage the reputation UP POLICE had created for itself. This one execution in fromt of media has watered down the efforts of POLICE. Time to go after the ATIQ’s real masters now‼️
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Mar 28th 2023
THREAD: Who is Brig Yasub Dogar?

Brig Yasub Dogar was a Pakistani officer who served in the #SSG & #ISI. He was from the ISI's Covert Action Division (CAD) based on the #CIA's Special Activities Division (SAD). He is mostly known for his services during Afghan Soviet war.

Brig Yasub was a pioneering member of the Special Services Group (#SSG) Commandos, commanded guides Infantry (FF), an armored infantry battalion and commanded the operational Brigade at #Siachin. He served in key command, staff and intelligence assignments in #Afghanistan.

He had a long and deep association with the Afghan war and knew all key Afghan Mujahideen figures. Brig Yasub was a very close associate of the famous Col Sultan Amir Tarar also known as Col Imam.

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Mar 22nd 2023
A 2021 report published by @HudsonInstitute highlights #Pakistan's efforts to destabilize #India through Khalistan separatist activism within the United States.
Their strategy is to exploit the Sikh diaspora, using propaganda, financial support, and even direct…… Image
[2/8] The report highlights how Pakistan's #ISI uses the Khalistan movement as a strategic asset against India. 🇵🇰 It's not just about supporting the cause; it's also about creating unrest in the region and weakening India's global standing. 🇮🇳 #proxywar
[3/8] Interestingly, the article points out how the US🇺🇸 has become a safe haven for Khalistani activism. 🗽 Due to the country's strong support for #freespeech and #humanrights, such movements can flourish without much scrutiny. 🌱
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Mar 10th 2023
New York Times has declared that the Press Freedom in #India is on a declining spree. But the analysis isn’t theirs, but an Op-ed written by journalist & activist, Anuradha Bhasin Jamwal, Executive Editor of The Kashmir Times.

A Thread:
Ms. Bhasin has been a vocal critic of the Indian establishment for a while. She’s one of the ‘Brown Sepoys’ to set global anti-India discourse on #Kashmir . But she has her reasons: reasons that make her qualify as a ‘Brown Sepoy’.

(2/9) Anuradha Bhasin
Anuradha Bhasin is the daughter of late journalist Ved Bhasin, founder of the newspaper ‘The Kashmir Times’. Anuradha was living illegally in the house, the possession of which remained with her father from 1990s till his death in 2015.

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Mar 5th 2023
A thread on how anti- Sikh fringe elements like #AmritpalSingh facilitate weapons & drugs smuggling from #Pakistan. Info in this thread is based on investigated facts which exposes the #ISI run anti-#India operations.
(10 mins read)
𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐊𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧?
The idea of #Khalistan was created by politician Jagjit Singh Chohan after he lost an #election in 1969 and went to #UK where he was tapped by #ISI just like Hizbul Mujahideen chief #Syed Salhuddin, who too lost an election.
He then went to #Pakistan to meet Yahya Khan in 1971 who funded him to start #Khalistan movement.

Chohan lost election because he & his ideology was REJECTED by #Punjab. Today, this junk ideology is supported by:
Read 28 tweets
Jan 12th 2023
@SquatJogz 1 - What an Honest & Upright Officer of #PakistanArmy #ISI & #IB Brig (R) S A I Tirmazi had written in his book “Profiles of Intelligence” way back in mid 90s ! @Dewan_Syed_Ali @SquatJogz @ahadmha @Sohaib97381710 @NidaFatimaZaidi @KhawajaUsmanUk
@SquatJogz @Dewan_Syed_Ali @ahadmha @Sohaib97381710 @NidaFatimaZaidi @KhawajaUsmanUk 2 - What an Honest & Upright Officer of #PakistanArmy #ISI & #IB Brig (R) S A I Tirmazi had written in his book “Profiles of Intelligence” way back in mid 90s !
@SquatJogz @Dewan_Syed_Ali @ahadmha @Sohaib97381710 @NidaFatimaZaidi @KhawajaUsmanUk 3 - What an Honest & Upright Officer of #PakistanArmy #ISI & #IB Brig (R) S A I Tirmazi had written in his book “Profiles of Intelligence” way back in mid 90s !
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Dec 9th 2022…

"Pakistan's High Commissioner to Britain Wajid Shamsul Hassan had said in a recent interview with an Indian TV channel that investigations had revealed that the [26/11] attacks were not planned inside Pakistan."

"Diplomatic and other sources told PTI that the Pakistani security establishment and the senior American diplomats had been referring to a possible Bangladeshi connection to the Mumbai attacks in the past few days."

What role did US diplomats play in the aftermath of the 26/11? Image…

Here is the original article from @dawn_com which Pakistani and US investigators tried to pin Bangladeshi militants for the Mumbai attacks.

Dawn reveals @FBI and Pakistani agencies had been investigating the Bangladeshi angle. They had seen notes.
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Dec 4th 2022
NewsLaundry gave clean chit to #MukhtarBaba against the intelligence agencies of India. It found no evidence of terror & radical Islamist link of Mukhtar Baba.

Ayush Tiwari (@sighyush) could’ve saved a lot of sweat by doing some basic Google.

Let’s help them.

A Thread:
Fact: Mukhtar Baba lives in Ankara, has strong links with Pakistan & partakes in their conspiracy against India.

Exhibit A:

Mukhtar founded Kashmir Media PR/ Events, which later became The Kashmir Press where he is Consultant Head. And Kashmir Press is run from Pakistan.

Exhibit B:

Mukhtar has been in cahoots with #ISI stooge Muzzammil Ayyub Thakur, who was exposed by the Disinfo Lab in 2021 for operating on the Kashmir theatre against India. Both attended a webinar on Kashmir in July 2022 together.

Read 13 tweets
Nov 9th 2022
Since a few days have passed and thing have "relatively" calmed down, I want to comment on the optics of bringing out APCs in #Lahore Cantt. You all have seen the images go viral on this platform, and some were rightly outraged. 1/n
However, this isn't the first time #PakistanArmy brought out APCs against protesting public. Many years ago, there was a dispute between farmers and the Army over some land in #Okara. That's when this image was shot. For me, personally, it became of the most defining images 2/n
of how the Army behaves in the country. My shock stemmed from the fact that my father commanded 40 AK, which is equipped with TOW mounted APCs for hunting enemy tanks. How could the Army bring out APCs - which are essentially troop carriers - mounted with machine 3/n
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Nov 4th 2022
#Pakistan Army requests @GovtofPakistan to initiate legal action against #PTI Chairman #ImranKhan for the "baseless and irresponsible allegations against the [Army] and a senior Army officer," describing them as "highly regrettable and strongly condemned" in a #ISPR statement. /1
#Pakistan Army responds to #ImranKhan's allegations on its alleged involvement in an alleged assassination attempt that Khan blames on the military and the premier intelligence agency #ISI.

Full text follows. /2
Text of the Military Statement released by @OfficialDGISPR:

"The baseless and irresponsible allegations by Chairman PTI against the institution and particularly a senior army officer are absolutely unacceptable and uncalled for. Pakistan army prides itself for being.. /3
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Nov 4th 2022
There is a good anti-establishment constituency in #Pakistan that opposes #ImranKhan's Islamist tilt but is tempted to support him against the Army as part of overall anti-military push timed with the feeling that the institution is politically at its weakest.
#Pakistan's former prime minister #ImranKhan is playing a dirty game. He is telling the Army and intelligence agency #ISI to join him against the country's entire political class and put him back in PM House. He has no vision for 🇵🇰 future beyond a lifetime as a populist leader.
Anti-establishment lobbies in #Pakistan that are fascinated by #ImranKhan's head-on collision with the Army and #ISI might be missing out on the best opportunity in half-century to regulate Military's role in politics. The establishment wants pluralism, not a populist-led system.
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Nov 4th 2022
We often think the military is one big brain that thinks collectively. The fact is that there are always different groups within the Army that voice dissent but the nature of the institution means that once the Chief takes a decision, everyone falls behind it. However, when 1/n
the appointment of a new chief is around the corner, things become as political as you would expect in a Pakistani setting. Lobbying the political govt through connections is often at play in these times. #Musharraf was known to have lobbied for himself through Gen Iftikhar, 2/n
brother of Ch Nisar Ali Khan. In recent times when Bajwa was in the run for Chief, a few of his colleagues ran a smear campaign against him on social media highlighting his Ahmedi faith, and even releasing questionable videos with a similar looking dude. 3/n
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Nov 2nd 2022
This is communal #ISI-#Khalistani propaganda. No "Hindu mobs" did not kill Sikhs, Congress goons did.

See my recent discussion with @madhukishwar who was an eyewitness. The Congressi paid mobs including Muslims, Sikh women were raped in a mosque. Hindus protected Sikhs in 1984.
The mobs were not based on religion. They were hired Congress goons. All across Delhi, "majority" Hindus protected Sikhs. If Hindus had turned against them, none would have survived.

Most of those who protected Sikhs in Delhi were also Hindu. This was not a Hindu motivated-riot. It was political violence engineered by Congress. The religion of the perpetrators was mixed, and irrelevant. They were hired criminals.

Read 6 tweets
Oct 21st 2022
Wasn't this the Home Minister who deliberately delayed the NSG response to the 26/11 terror attacks? @RudraVS

And worked with Digvijay to manufacture "Hindu terror."
How many of these avagunis are cryptos of one kind or another?

Don't attribute to ignorance what was part of a plan.

Based on R V S Mani's book, 26/11 was a fixed match between #UPA and #isi.

Read 5 tweets

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