I like Carey's metaphor of DNA being like a script for a play. There is considerable room for variation and improvisation - that's the epigenetics. Genotype is the DNA, phenotype is the epigenetic expression.
Epigenetic modification come through methylation (turning genes off) and histones (which is a little more subtle)
Carey outlines the implications of the Dutch Hunger Winter. Birth weight was affected, depending on which stage of pregnancy the child was born in.
If the starvation came in the later stages of pregnancy, the child's birth weight was lower. They stayed smaller and were less likely to become obese. If earlier, their birth weight was closer to normal...
Later in life though, those whose mothers starved in early pregnancy were more likely to become obese.
The theory is that environmental factors play a role in development, and epigenetics may be involved.
Sometimes we pass on epigenetic information. This runs contrary to evolutionary theory and DNA dogma. Returning to the Dutch Hunger Winter, the grandchild of a survivor is also more likely to be obese. But is this association rather than causation?
But there is other evidence of epigenetic inheritance. In Sweden, boys who experienced protracted hunger before puberty had sons who were less likely to die of cardiovascular disease. If well nourished, sons more likely to get diabetes.
"Childhood trauma seems to have epigenetic effects." this fits with the adverse childhood experiences study findings, and it might have something to do with cortisol receptor expression (at least in mice).
Today's free blink is Moneyland (2018) by @OliverBullough. Some of the stuff that people do to avoid paying back to society, and some of the stuff they get away with seems outrageous to me after listening to this book summary.
This is her biography from her website. Looks likes she's the CEO of a consulting firm, and used to be head of HR with expertise in diversity and inclusion.
When @DrShirleyDavis speaks, "90 percent of the audience agrees that they would live their lives differently if they could do it again. They’d live purposefully – with more passion and less procrastination."
There are a lot of left leaning people working for Google according to Vorhies' account. He feels that they "lacked a fundamental grasp of civics".
Part of retorts - who says representative democracy is a great way to govern?
Listening to the @UniMelbMDHS Graduate Research Symposium for Department of Medical Education and Department of General Practice students. Cassie McDonald talking about presenting research to an audience.
Wow. She went on radio. Certainly pushing the envelope.
Co design. I like it. Warning, it might not work so well for a PhD though.
"Devote more time to evaluating your ideas, values, and goals." They want us to be strategic. This reminds me of planning out your exam answer in a short answer question.
The Contrarian is a book written by @chafkin about Peter Thiel. I had heard of Thiel before - I think in the context of Hulk Hogan.