Next up is Julliet (@Ulgrid) Director @together_sac talking about our work together over the past year. Talking about how our experience of the #HumanRightsAct can support the incorporation of #UNCRC in Scotland
@Ulgrid "The Human Rights Act is for all of us, it doesn't matter what our age is... The Human Rights Act gives us power". Important words from @Ulgrid
Next up is Rachel Jennings from Wakefield Adult Social Care Service talking about how our #HumanRightsAct can support staff working in Adult Social Care.
Rachel is describing how her and her colleagues have been working on a tool to support human rights based decision making.
Next up is @charliclement_ . Charli is a Lived Experience Consultant on our Human Rights in Children's Inpatient Mental Health Services project. Read more about that project here
"It is the Human Rights Act that means that there are responsibilities to long at patients individually."
"We need to get to a point where staff know about their human rights duties and young people know about their rights."
"This is why it is so important is that every part of the training for CHAMS staff and other work in our current project is talked through with me and the other lived experience consultants."
Based on this quote, she asks the audience - "Are we there yet, if not why?"
@CarlynSMiller What do we need to embed this culture of respect for human rights real in the UK?
@CarlynSMiller How did we support people with lived experience of the #HumanRightsAct to share their views and experience with the Independent Review of the Human Rights Act panel
Carlyn talking about our "give/get" model to policy word. Focusing on our work around DNAR orders
"At the heart of this project is consultation". At our #HumanRightsDay event today, Mandy from @Warrspeakup spoke about the importance of participation
"For the 20 self advocates who are currently involved it's really making a difference in their lives" @Warrspeakup
📢 "Human rights are the basic rights that belong to all of us, simply because we're human" @Ulgrid from @together_sacr
Today we have been working through all the information and views that was shared with us during our "Co-design a human rights support solution" workshop last week.
Here is some of the things that we have learned.🧵⬇️
This workshop was open to community and voluntary sector groups across the UK. 61 people registered for the workshop.
Groups and organisations from all 4 nations of the UK attended. This map shows the percentage of workshop attendees across the nations.