While @PhrMA wants you to think companies raise #drugprices to fund R&D, our investigation revealed that drug companies raise prices to:
💰 Turbocharge sales
💰 Keep their stock price growing
Here’s an internal company document admitting they raise prices to fuel “growth”:
Worse still, drug companies spend far more to reward shareholders than on innovative R&D.
(Read our staff report on buybacks and dividends here: bit.ly/3pGmkR)
Here is the money they make vs. what they spend on R&D for 7 drugs:
Our investigation also found that drug companies hike prices for life-saving medications because the U.S. allows them to get away with it.
Here’s an internal document admitting US policy lets the drug company Teva “successfully” raise prices:
Medicare’s lack of negotiating power has made it a target for these practices!
That’s why the Senate must pass #BuildBackBetter and allow Medicare to negotiate for the fair prices Americans deserve.
Here’s a company admitting privately it rakes in profits from Medicare 👇
Our investigation shows that @PhrMA uses patient assistance programs as smokescreens to keep drug prices high.
Teva’s copay assistance program gives them a 4.5X return on the dollar.
Let’s be clear: Patient 👏 assistance 👏 programs 👏should 👏 not 👏 make 👏 drug 👏 companies 👏 more 👏money.
We’re not done—One of the documents uncovered by our investigation shows that one @NovoNordisk employee wrote “all I want for Christmas” is for insulin manufacturers to increase their prices in lockstep.
🧵Reminder: When Donald Trump says he wants to pardon January 6 "patriots," "warriors," "political prisoners," and "hostages," he means people who violently assaulted 140 police officers. Here are a few examples: nytimes.com/2024/07/31/us/…
Officer Fanone suffered a heart attack and traumatic brain injury after being savaged by the mob. One attacker, Alburquerque Cosper Head, was sentenced to 7 years for assaulting Fanone and dragging him by the neck into the mob.
One of "the darkest acts committed on one of our nation's darkest days," according to the judge. apnews.com/article/capito…
Trump has rejected interviews w/US media like 60 Minutes but eagerly appears on Saudi state-owned propaganda TV. Our January report exposed that the Saudi Royal Family paid Trump businesses at least $615K during his term in office & the money ties have since grown into billions.
Saudi Arabia puts tens of millions of dollars into Trump family pockets through Jared Kushner's "investment" firm. The firm doesn't show profits or investments, but Saudi Arabia is collecting some fine political returns by paying millions in "management fees" to Kushner.
🚨BREAKING: RM @RepRaskin / @OversightDems release a new report exposing how Donald Trump violated the Constitution by fleecing U.S. taxpayers with unlawful and exorbitant hotel charges that lined his pockets.
Records obtained by @OversightDems for an 11-month period for just ONE of Trump’s 500+ businesses show nonstop taxpayer rip-offs.
The Constitution forbids the President to take any payments from the government other than salary; Trump took hundreds.
Hotel ledgers from Trump’s DC hotel show he used the Secret Service like a personal ATM.
He charged the Secret Service inflated rates well beyond the authorized per diem. He even charged U.S taxpayers more than he charged foreign royals like the Qatari royal family.
Chairman @RepJamesComer is withholding from the public EVERY TRANSCRIPT from Committee interviews in his probe into Biden's classified docs, including then-VP Biden's assistant Kathy Chung and NARA's General Counsel Gary Stern.
NEW: In a letter to @Trump, RM @RepRaskin thanked the org for confirming our factual finding that Donald Trump accepted at least $7.8 million from foreign governments while President without Congress's consent. oversightdemocrats.house.gov/sites/democrat…
In his letter, RM @RepRaskin explained that Trump's "donation" of purported "profits" from foreign states' payments at certain hotels while he pocketed MILLIONS from office rentals and other businesses did not comply with the Constitution.
To be clear, the Constitution forbids acceptance of foreign government payments "OF ANY KIND WHATEVER" without Congressional consent, not just hotel "profits."
BREAKING: RM @RepRaskin and @OversightDems released a report showing former President Trump pocketed at least $7.8 million from 20 foreign states while in office, violating the Constitution and selling out U.S. foreign policy. oversightdemocrats.house.gov/news/press-rel…
The limited records obtained by @OversightDems for just 4 of the 500+ businesses Trump owned while he was President reveal they collected payments from these foreign governments:
In January 2023, Republicans took over the House. New Oversight Committee Chairman @RepJamesComer quickly agreed with Trump’s lawyers to bury further evidence, blocking @OversightDems from discovering additional documents.