Wasn't expecting this👇 this morning. So I had to ride all the way. Was a great morning for it though.
On the ride in I got to listen to this morning's free blinks. It was GOOD.
High-Impact Tools for Teams (2021) by Mastrogiacomo and @AlexOsterwalder
Interestingly @alexosterwalder says that he "won't rest until executives operate like surgeons." If only he's seen some of the things I've seen over my career @LiangRhea! 😆
A lot of team meetings suck and go nowhere. These blinks are offering the panacea. Where do I sign up?
Reasons for poor results:
1/Unsafe team environments (think bullying, intimidation, power dynamics, culture)
2/Misalignment of activites (poor communication, unclear responsibilities, etc)
The solution being offered is the Team Alignment Map (TAM)
"TAM is a simple, four-column chart with a header. The header contains the Mission and the Period."
This reminds me of Situation, Mission, Execution, Admin + Logistics, Command and comms.
Four columns underneath the header: 1/ Joint objectives 2/ Joint commitments 3/ Joint resources 4/ Joint risks
Objectives needs to answer - what are we going to achieve and what work must be done to achieve it together?
The joint commitments column.
Get people to commit to working on certain objectives if you can. Only assign roles if you need to. Doing it this way will give team members a sense of autonomy.
The joint resources column - how much time, money, support do they need to achieve the outcome? etc.
Joint risks - what might happen to derail things? Seeing individual risks helps the team identify risks to all.
The authors outline a forward pass (going from the heading to the risk) and then the backward pass (reconsidering objectives and commitments). They then go through a hypothetical case study.
The backward pass happens when you review the resources and risks column. This might create new joint objectives and commitments.
Once done, take a picture and send the map.
TAM allows rapid assessments by drawing two lines across the four columns.
Joint objectives - clear, neutral, unclear
Commitments - explicit, neutral, implicit
Resources - available, neutral, missing
Risks - under control, neutral, underestimated
Each team member can vote for each column. This gives you a visual representation of where things stand.
It's good if the team feels empowered, but I wonder what happens if they don't feel safe to speak the truth?
When all the markers are at the top, you can start the project.
Trap: make sure you allocate adequate time for discussion of the backward pass.
10 min intro, 30 min TAM, 25 min address qq
"Putting together a team means mixing together different personality types and people who have different expectations about communication and relationships. As any experienced team leader will attest, this can result in some big-time conflicts."
The authors suggest making a team contract.
Big circle. Inside the circle - what behaviour we want. Outside the circle - unacceptable behaviour. Once everyone has had their say, spend 20 mins going around and consolidating. Everyone votes to validate the contract.
Let them know if the contract is violated, there will be a meeting called to discuss incidents on a case-by-case basis.
The purpose of the contract is to establish trust and psychological safety.
Another tool to possibly use is the respect card. Two columns. On the left "list of tips on how to demonstrate respect to others", on the right "how to show that you value others".
I loved these blinks. I really liked the four columns& then the three rows for voting to assess. The team contract is innovative too.
Overall, I'm going to start using some of these things to empower any team that I run in future. It's awesome.
Today's free blinkist. The High 5 Habit (2021) by @melrobbins. Sounds like a positive psychology book. I wonder what tips I can pick up.
Start high fiving yourself in the mirror at the start of the day. It'll cost you nothing and might improve things.
Instead of criticising yourself, give yourself a little encouragement with a high 5.
Today's free blink was An Autobiography by Gandhi. Gandhi was certainly an inspirational and interesting man.
Gandhi was an influential man. Up there with Mandela and Martin Luther King Junior as men who shaped the 20th century in good ways.
The diversity in Gandhi's upbringing seems crucial. His parents were friends with those outside their "tribe" and this rubbed off on Gandhi.
Gandhi got married at 13. I'm trying to imagine what I was like at that age and how immature I was.
Last night my daughter developed a snotty nose. This morning I developed some nasal congestion.
Off to the Covid19 test centre we went.
Saturday morning morphed into Saturday afternoon. There was a long line, and that's ok. I got my daughter to read Wushka - thank goodness for the eduroam provider in the vicinity that powered my trusty Lenovo tablet because my Pixel 4 was running low on juice.
When we got to the desk, I got a surly check-in clerk. My registration was seamless, but my daughter's was problematic.
He asked for UR, Phone number and DOB. I gave him my daughter's UR, my phone number and her DOB. No joy.
I like Carey's metaphor of DNA being like a script for a play. There is considerable room for variation and improvisation - that's the epigenetics. Genotype is the DNA, phenotype is the epigenetic expression.
Today's free blink is Moneyland (2018) by @OliverBullough. Some of the stuff that people do to avoid paying back to society, and some of the stuff they get away with seems outrageous to me after listening to this book summary.
This is her biography from her website. Looks likes she's the CEO of a consulting firm, and used to be head of HR with expertise in diversity and inclusion.
When @DrShirleyDavis speaks, "90 percent of the audience agrees that they would live their lives differently if they could do it again. They’d live purposefully – with more passion and less procrastination."