🚨UK- 💥12/12 portal rings in my ears like Ben/Ben in London💥
==> Boris Johnson has just launched :
PLAN A was changed since he said a fortnight ago that eligible adults could have a booster by the end of January.
In fact, it is NOW, he brings that target forward by a month in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland.
It is " TO HIT THE PEACE WE WANT" . It is the Peace for them, do you understand ? For you, it could be "Rest in Peace !"
Be ready to have misinformation : they want to create PANIC and rush for the booster. And since they could be short of 💉, a trick of the Great Wizard would be to give you the antiviral orange-red MOLNUPIRAVIR /LAGEVRIO pill ! They just start trials NOW in UK.
They are beginning to select the people they have trapped and who are now registered and under control. "They want to thin the herd", do you understand ?
That booster jab is likely the final solution for the "useless eaters" and the red pill is for the "useful idiots" they want to keep with them and who will be in "their image" since they stick to the Scriptures : they have created a third gender and Molnupiravir is mutagenic...
They have decided to start trials with that Pill NOW in UK, you are the first ones, and before Christmas (I received the information from another source).
MOLNUPIRAVIR/LAGEVRIO is also manufactured under the brand name MOLXVIR, Sun Parmaceuticals.
I already informed in tweets about the mutagenic effects.
Since you know, you won't take any of them, I just want to protect you🕊️.
White Europeans as well as those who have European roots (Canadians...) are targeted and in danger...
The 90 % of the population they want to er@dicate are the Occidental White Europeans, it is part of their "Equity"of the World on a geographical plane and it is the Kalergi-R0thschild Plan. The white Europeans, will be repl@ced by migrants living in their territories 🕊️
Be ready for "punishments", restrictions and l0ckdowns.
That is their PLAN B 🕊️
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@dani_niang TIME
I don't like the word "eternity" because it frightens people. I substitute it for the "never ending STORY", the forever "NOW". Live in the Now ! The question for people is "TO BE or NOT TO BE !" (Continued)
@dani_niang Clock time was reinforced at the Industrial Revolution with the "IRON MONSTER", the train. Giant clocks appeared in stations to set a UNIVERSAL time (for the Freemason UNIVERSAL Church) no longer based on the lunar calendar, no longer based on NATURE (Continued)
@dani_niang since the realm was divided into two, Light and Darkness (from the 4th day of Creation and no longer connected with MYSTORY", that world had gone astray). Time "Passages" were built in Paris close to the stations (Continued)
🚨C'était en 2020, on apprenait qu'E. Macron était un Illuminati et que Philippe De Villiers était franc-maçon...
E Macron assure ses arrières et sélectionne lui-même sa cour car à la Présidence européenne, il devra collaborer main dans la main avec le prochain Président....
Et ne vous inquiétez pas, tous les candidats de la franc-maçonnerie sont parrainés et avalisés par Rothschild, avec un bonus pour ceux qui sont Juifs.
Les LR n'arrivant toujours pas à se mettre d'accord, les boute-en-train ayant non pas chauffé mais échauffé l'électorat...
par leur incompétence, voilà l'outsider Eric Zemmour, réhabilité chez les Ashkénazes qui ont pris Paris et qui va faire la liaison avec la population française bigarrée.
Il est rejoint rapidement par Philippe De Villiers, un souverainiste, rassurant la veille droite.
🚨GLOBAL FREEMASONRY, Freemasons are AntiChrist but Christ has already won, LOVE has won!
Freemasonry has hijacked the Earth,
Freemasonry is the Vatican, adoption of its motto,
Freemasons ? The Jesuits Popes are !
Freemasonry controls the governments,
Freemasonry controls the Institutions,
Freemasonry turned religions into ecumenism
Freemasonry is the Banking Cartel,
Freemasonry hunts the Christians,
Freemasonry are ANTICHRIST,
Freemasonry is the Adversary !
WE ARE AT WAR, a spiritual war against FREEMASONRY.
The Earth is controlled by Freemasonry,
The Jews/ the self proclaimed ELite, have always been AntiChrist.
The people are Christians.
The Earth is a Realm and belongs to Jesus Christ.
The Creator, God, and the Christian warriors, the faithfull, are taking it back !
@b_cryptex@SKY3691111 And there was a film explaining that. A saurian attacking humans, only responded to those who were afraid and therefore ran away... and it did not see those who were not afraid....It is the reason we never stopped telling people to raise their frequency...🕊️
Why do you refuse to listen to us when we speak of positive frequencies ? Music, in the God frequency, brings life and therefore heals too. Violent lyrics promote violent Action and when you go to their concerts, you worship the Devil, the Dark Forces...
@b_cryptex@SKY3691111 1- And it is the same when you listen to their music which serves the Devil. Don't channel them either consequently (think therefore to the false preachers...) and their tongues are forked, the "voices" are crooked and have become blasphemous...
Ursula Van Der Leyer ordered 1,8 billion Pfizer C0VID doses for 36 billlion dollars behind closed doors, a special arrangement with A. Bourla. Do U understand why she wants the Pfizer v@k*cine mandatory now ? MONEY.
The total population in EU was 447 million people on January 2021 against 531.5 in 2019. The EU Parliament is also part of the COVAX system to "v@k*cine" ☠️ the "poor" countries 😠😠😠😠...
In addition, those doses of the first vaccine won't be valid for much longer because the temporary authorization is about to expire which will lead to a dead loss.
And even those who unfortunately still believe in them, don't want it because Pfizer has come out with its novelty