Former councilwoman Jill Grano, now with the Chamber, hinting at what the fur ban update might be later tonight: The Chamber is asking for delayed enforcement.
That ban is set to begin Jan. 1, but inventory is punched months in advance, Grano says.
Chamber asking for a 9-month delay to give biz the chance to clear inventory and make new purchases. Other cities have done 1-yr grace periods, Grano says.
Grano: "This may not affect hundreds of our biz, but it does affect dozens."
Lindsey Tate, from Two Sole Sisters, picks up that thread. Tate was a driving force behind the opposition to Ballot Measure 301.
"We order our products 6 months in advance," Tate says. "It's challenging to have this measure enforced on such short notice."
"It seems premature to enforce this measure until the language has been clarified," Tate says. (Reminder: There was a possible conflict with state law). Tate also asking for 6 mo delay.
John Woodward asking for a 3-yr grace period.
"The bill passed by a narrowest of margins," Woodward says, "and did not constitute a mandate for quick and immediate action."
Catherine Leuenberger, from Royal Stag Hats, also asking for an extension and amendment to the measure language.
"It is v ambiguous language. It's hard to know what is exempt and what is OK."
Many hats are made with felt from rabbits or beaver, I learned in reporting on this measure.
Hats are exempt, Leuenberger says, bc they're not attached to leather/skin, but it's hard to know that from the measure's language.
Leuenberger asks for "at least a year" so that biz "aren't stuck with items that we've already purchased" but can't legally sell.
Another Leuenberger requesting a delay in enforcement.
Also Christie Lambert from Cedar & Hyde. Currently not selling any fur products, but they have in the past — sourced exclusively from byproducts of the food industry, Lambert says.
"Please do not forget that we biz owners are people, too. Please do not punish biz or their owners any further" than COVID already has. Please give an extension. "We need it," Lambert says. "We really do."
We'll revisit this in a couple hours. Stay tuned.
OK, back to the fur ban. An update from city attorney Sandra Llanes
The petitioner's asked that the language be changed so it is compatible with state law (which I believe allows wild-trapped animals). So that change will happen.
Also there may be some grace period, as businesses were asking. I didn't catch how long that would be.
Llanes says the city is planning to do a 30- or 60-day education period before enforcement would begin.
Similar to what they did with the tent ban. "No citations would be issued" in the education period, Llanes says.
OK, the proposed grace period is only 30-60 days, per Llanes.
Council can make amendments so long as they don't conflict with the measure's intent, Llanes reminds them. "If council were to take a conservative approach, there shouldn't be a legal issue."
Brockett: Are you looking for feedback? Or just letting us know?
Llanes: It's kind of a bit of both.
Yates: Can we trade with petitioners? And not make the changes they requested unless they agree to an extended grace period?
(He put it in slightly different language, more of a request or negotiation)
Llanes: We def intend to go back to petitioners and ask for their input. It would be helpful to have their support in what moves forward. I intend to circle back with those folks.
Benjamin: I've talked with the petitioners and some of the biz owners. They acknowledge this measure was largely symbolic, and had absolutely zero intent to hurt biz. They expressed to me they are OK with a grace period.
"I think it's a matter of what is that grace period number," Benjamin says. That 6-9 month range seems like where we're heading.
Speer: I am supportive of letting ppl sell out their inventory. But concerned that the voters approved this and we're putting a formal moratorium in place, directly conflicting with voter intent.
Moving right along: Public hearing and adoption of rules for any fracking, should it occur in the city. Again, v unlikely, but Boulder doesn't have such regulations, so it's important.
As I said, Boulder doesn't currently have any fracking regulations. Oil/gas drilling hasn't happened here in decades; the last well was capped in the early 90s. (You can still see it at the Zero Diagonal community, or whatever it's called.)
Quite a few speakers about Tantra Lake apt, which BHP took over quite awhile ago. They're converting that all to affordable housing, which means market-rate tenants have to go when their leases are up.
We've seen this happen before. (Can't find the story, but it's from like 2015 in South Boulder when another affordable developer bought existing units.) It always seems cruelly ironic: Ppl displaced to make way for affordable housing.
Not super familiar with the current situation (aside from some emails to council) so I can't speak much to it until I learn more.
Or until Deb at the Camera writes about it.... *fingers crossed*
It's the most wonderful time of the year, #Boulder: The last city council meeting of 2021!
It's a fairly light one, too, so feel free to dip out.
- Public hearing, adoption of new fracking rules (which, yes, seems big, but fracking in Boulder is extremely unlikely)…
(That story is from first reading, so the fracking info is good but all the other stuff in it is old)
Also tonight:
Council is gonna change up the way it does email, and possibly resume some extra-meeting engagement stuff
We're on Vision Zero now. I don't have any notes for this, bc it was added to the meeting packet late. But here's staff's presentation:…
From my perusal, it looks like crashes are down generally, but severe crashes (serious injury or death) are pretty consistent.
Also that traffic fell 39% during 2020 (vehicle miles traveled). Cuz pandemic.
Boulder spent $1.47M in 2021 for snow/ice removal
The city has:
17 plow trucks (4 pairs for 4 primary routes, 9 plows for other routes - 8 secondary, 1 primary)
330 lane miles get plowed (52.6%)
2 trucks, 1 UTV plow multi-use paths
164 miles of on-street bike lanes (83%) and 72 miles of multi-use path (100%) get plowed
204 crosswalks, curb cuts and 42 bus stops are hand-shoveled via contracts