To become climate-neutral by 2050, we need to curb our methane emissions.
In a first-ever EU legislative proposal to #reducemethane emissions in the energy sector, we will require the oil, gas and coal sectors to:
🔸report, and
🔸verify methane emissions
To balance out the impacts of our CO2 emissions, we need to:
🔸drastically reduce our reliance on fossil carbon
🔸upscale carbon farming to store more carbon in nature
🔸promote industrial solutions to sustainably remove & recycle carbon
A smart and sustainable Trans-European Transport Network, boosting high-speed trains and embedding multimodality.
424 cities will be interconnected by ports, airports and railway terminals. Once completed, travel times between these cities will be considerably reduced.
Only 7% of rail kilometres travelled between 2001 and 2018 involved cross-border trips.
We aim to make long-distance cross-border train travel more attractive and the default travel option for many more 🇪🇺 passengers: quicker journeys, more frequencies, and more affordable.
@VeraJourova@dreynders 1⃣️ Digitising our justice systems is key to providing easier and faster access to justice.
Our initiatives:
✅ Digitalisation of cross-border judicial cooperation
✅ Digital information exchange in terrorism cases
✅ Establishing a platform for Joint Investigation Teams
2⃣️ Justice systems also need to be more resilient to crises, and courts need to be able to work in all circumstances.
This is a principle of the rule of law. ⚖️
And equipping justice systems with the appropriate tools is about supporting this principle.