É assim que o Brasil funciona: o "lawfare" clássico. No minuto em que alguém se torna inimigo de quem tem poder, inventa-se um caso para sujar o nome da pessoa abusando do poder do MPF, vazamentos e PF: os frutos podres da LJ e Moro. Ciro tem40a anos de vida pública e de repente:
Aqueles que nunca aceitaram a legitimidade da vitória de Dilma em 2014 inventaram - marchando atrás de Cunha e Temer - um "escândalo" fake para retirá-la. Fizeram a mesma coisa comigo e com @DavidMirandaRio durante #VazaJato: inventaram e vazaram uma falsa investigação judicial.
Como Lula, bolsonaristas, Moro e todas as pessoas, aqueles acusados de corrupção devem ter um processo justo. Ciro não é diferente. Mas até que haja evidência de culpa, é imoral usar esse tipo de tática para sujar o nome de alguém. Isso se aplica a todos, de todas as ideologias.
Estou há meses investigando a fabricação de um caso de corrupção contra Rodrigo Neves, ex-prefeito de Niterói e agora pré-candidato a governador. A corrupção é um crime grave.
*Mas a corrupção inclui abusar do MP para destruir inimigos políticos. Isso foi a lição da #VazaJato.*
Um país dirigido por vazamentos da MPF e promotores não controlados não é democrático. Por isso, a falta de proteções no STF na investigação dos bolsonaristas é preocupante. Devemos exigir proteções sérias quando a reputação e a liberdade de alguém estão em jogo -- **por todos**.
É bom ver essa defesa de Ciro e Cid de Lula. O *princípio* de que ninguém deve ser considerado culpado e de que o estado não pode punir as pessoas até que tenham um *julgamento justo* é algo que devemos todos nos unir. Isso significa aplicá-lo a *todos*:
The isolation, lockdowns, quarantines and the ruptures of connections to community ushered in by COVID policies is causing a vast mental health crisis in the US, so severe that therapists are turning away large numbers of patients needing counseling:
Early in the pandemic, I interviewed 2 experts on depression and addiction: @johannhari101 and Andrew Solomon. They both warned that even short isolation periods -- a few months -- could severely exacerbate the mental health crisis. It's now 2 years.
Like most Freddie deBoer essays, his latest -- on the structural failings of the Dem Party and US liberalism -- is brilliant. Using @chrislhayes as his avatar, he argues Dem elites are petrified to engage in self-critique, thus fixating only on Trump:
As deBoer correctly notes, the Democrats never really accepted Hillary's 2016 loss. They never engaged in self-critique. It became off-limits for Dem media stars to do anything other than blame Russia and racism for everything, leaving them stuck and hated:
DeBoer uses Chris Hayes as his illustrative example because he compares his once-insightful pre-MSNBC Nation columns to the partisan hackery he does now -- whether because he's forced to or wants to or some combination. Like most Dems, his whole world starts & ends with Trump:
The same corporate outlets that most vocally profess concern over "disinformation" are the ones spreading it most casually.
NBC's Assange report is the perfect case study: it is genuinely hard to overstate -- yet easy to prove -- just how casually and aggressively they *lie*.
The reason we decided to dissect and highlight all the lies NBC News packed into this two-minute clip on Assange with @JoeNBC and @clairecmc isn't because it's unusual. It's because it's very common. They're paid to lie. And because the lies are so flagrant it's easy to prove.
The book, "Uneven Justice," makes a persuasive case that this prosecution served to cover up the embarrassment of the Obama DOJ's malfeasance and advance the ambitious Bharara's career.
But it's most important point is that the entire justice system is rigged against defendants.
Obviously, few people are going to sympathize with a billionaire hedge fund manager. But that's the point. That's not the book's goal. His case is done.
The book is a genuine, serious, in-depth study of all the ways federal prosecutors have unchecked power to destroy people.
The term "anti-vax" has expanded so widely that even vaccine advocates, such as Corbyn and trade unions, are now included by virtue of defending bodily autonomy and questioning any claim for more state power.
The UK Parliament approved two bills demanded by conservative PM Boris Johnson: one to fire NHS workers who refuse the vaccine, another to require vaccine passports for large venues.
Will the US liberal-left now accuse Corbyn and trade unions of being "anti-vax" for voting NO?
American liberals have spread mass neurosis. Remember this is the same @Imillhiser who -- before he was at @voxdotcom, when he worked for @NeeraTandem -- kept tweeting every day that he hadn't yet been arrested by Trump and would tweet every day until it was no longer true.🤣
This person - working inside a lavishly funded think tank called the Center for American Progress: funded by the UAE, Silicon Valley and Wall Street giants - really earnestly tweeted this in 2017 for months until he realized Trump didn't give a shit about Ian and wasn't coming.
Think what it does to someone to be daily told by their media outlets that Republicans are coming to impose a fascist coup and put them into Nazi concentration camps -- which is what they believe -- and that Russia has taken control of the US through clandestine blackmail.