Looks like I'm doing another #ImpeachmentSnax daily news dump, this one about the Jan 6 insurrection. Mute this thread if you don't want to deal with politics, news, and/or absolute nonsense.

I'll do this using the same format as the other #ImpeachmentSnax threads with evening roundups of the big news highlights from that day. So please remember the following:
1) I am an asshole, not a pundit. I will cite a news source for every statement, but I'm not impartial. I believe these fuckers engaged in treason against this country and I want to see everyone involved go to jail.

2) If I make a mistake, I will try to correct myself.
3) This is a paid project. Join Patreon or tip me a few bucks and it'll keep going for as long as the money does, or until treasonous fuckers go to jail. Please note "for Impeachment Snax" so I can credit it

ko-fi.com/kbspangler Image
4) Last: if Jim Jordan, Human Goldfish, turns out to be that anonymous congressman pushing the insurrection, I'm gonna lose my goddamned mind and become an incoherent scream machine.

Just so you know. ImageImage
5) Updates will come every evening except on weekends, unless there's a huge news item that can't wait.

See you tonight!
Let's do the first #ImpeachmentSnax news roundup! Tonight, Dec 16, will be a brief all-purpose primer.

There are two main venues through which the Treasonous Fuckers might get reamed. First is the Jan 6 Committee, Thompson (D) and Cheney (R) as chairs.

This is a Select Committee, which means it's gonna do what it's gonna do until it completes its mission or it's shut down. Most of the formal press we've seen has come out of this committee (e.g.: police officer testimony, subpoena of Steve Bannon, etc.).

The current news coverage is all about Mark Meadows and the documents he turned over, including a PowerPoint of insurrection and shame.

Meadows, Bannon, et al named in, or attached to, the Jan 6 insurrection are doing their best to avoid their legal obligations, probably trying to run out the clock.

Colbert has an excellent primer on consequences of ignoring a subpoena beginning at 2:35

It's frustrating AF to watch as these people ignore Congress, and Congress just, "welp," but that's only what we see

If it makes you feel better, imagine Liz Cheney as a peaceful swan frantically paddling beneath the surface and pooping out press teasers

The other main venue are the courts. Justice, gears, grinding slowly, etc. You know these stories: they're the schadenfreude stories we pass around Twitter and then go... "Wait. That bitch tried to overthrow the government and only got two months?"

(An aside: the Rosenberg's son came to speak at my college about what happened to his parents and how they were executed with less evidence than storming the Capitol on live television, and I've been thinking about that almost nonstop for an entire year.)

The courts aren't limited to throwing people in jail. For example, a lawsuit against Proud Boys and Oath Keepers for the financial damage they did to D.C.

It's not only a great way to financially destroy hate groups, but also get evidence of their backers
And, speaking of following the money, the last news item for tonight is that a federal court judge who was appointed by Trump declared Trump needs to turn over his taxes. Trump has time to appeal but you've got to savor these little moments.

#ImpeachmentSnax for Dec 16, 2021

The subpoenas are flying and dots are being connected! It appears that this stellar champion of democracy here is responsible for introducing his fellow insurrectionists on how to commit a coup via PowerPoint.

Speaking of subpoenas, former Trump campaign manager and professional garden gnome cosplayer Brad Parscale needs to turn over his phone records.

And Politico is teasing a year-old lawsuit about Louie Gohmert suing Mike Pence for losing wielding "total authority" over election results, but take this with a large grain of salt as (A) Gohmert, and (B) Politico.

#ImpeachmentSnax for Jan 17, 2021

In today's treason news: this jackass.

But seriously: this jackass.

This might be the most interesting news of the day, though. McConnell is signaling that the committee is actually a legitimate entity.

But, y'know. McConnell.

One news item I missed yesterday: it appears there were more people at Jan 6 armed to the effing teeth than first reported. Shoutout to that one dude who lost his gun while rioting, then reports it missing to the cops, saying “Antifa” stole it.

The #ImpeachmentSnax for Dec 20, 2021.

Alex Jones, the guy who weaponized the far right against the families of dead children and was recently found liable for these actions, is suing the Jan 6 committee to block access to communications and documents.

Over the weekend, Kinzinger (one of the 10 GOP House reps who voted to impeach Trump and is the other Republican on the Jan 6 committee) said that "it's possible" that some of his fellow House reps might have maybe perhaps done some very minor treason.

Which leads to today's big news, where GOP House Rep. Scott Perry has been asked to meet with, and turn over info to the committee. This is Subpoena Lite, aka: a legal warning shot. How Perry responds, and how the committee responds in turn, will be huge.

News for December 21, 2021.

Everything is slowing down for the holidays, but in doing so the Jan 6 committee is laying the groundwork for January's TESTIMONYPALOOZA, so it's nothing but lawsuits and butt-covering on Team Treason.

Scott Perry, the House rep who most certainly doesn't have any incriminating text messages about him, boy howdy nope! has said that he will not speak with the committee, as the very premise of the committee's existence is flawed and is thus illegal.

It looks like we have a formal date for the annual Airing of the Grievances. Let's hope nobody attempts another coup or, at the minimum, is shot.

Personally, I like the idea that Mutiny Festivus is merely yet another distraction explosion because Trump's about to get slapped with criminal charges, which is the holiday gift I really want.

What else we got today? Well, say goodbye to This Asshole for nearly four years. He assaulted an officer during the riot, so he's received one of the harshest sentences thus far. Bye!

#ImpeachmentSnax for Dec 22, 2021

I warned you I was going to lose my mind. I WARNED YOU.

npr.org/2021/12/22/106… Image
I mean, we all knew it was coming. The dude admitted to be in conversation with Trump during the attack before he amended it to after the attack...because you definitely ask someone to call off their insurrectionist militia once the attack is over.

This news item is honestly terrifying, btw. It's possible the DOD was reluctant to come in and stop the coup as some authorities "feared it was Trump’s ‘Reichstag moment" so they let the riot happen rather than put boots on the ground and escalate.

Okay! Let's resume #ImpeachmentSnax for the Jan 6 insurrection. The DOJ has an impressive line-item synopsis of arrests made, charges filed, plea deals, and current sentencing.

The plea deals are of particular interest to those who read between the lines. In some instances, the pleas are ridiculously lenient. Almost insultingly so.

In others, however, it's thought that the plea deals were made so DOJ can move up the food chain.

As it's nearing the one-year anniversary, there are lots of retrospectives popping up to remind us that, yes, we did see a mortally wounded woman on a gurney on live tv, and yes, they did build an actual motherfucking gallows to hang Mike Pence.

It appears that Biden and Harris will address the nation on Jan 6, 2022. I'm sure that they will be well-received by everyone during this extremely stressful time.

The main talking point driving the Wonkmobile today is that the Jan 6 committee has learned what Trump was doing during the insurrection, including ignoring his daughter's pleas to step in and end the attempted coup.

But not all news is bad. Arc of justice, slowly, etc. It's of minor comfort that Ivanka and Don J. are still young enough to grow old and die in prison.

Lastly, listening to this was chilling. It's an audio timeline of Jan 6, and condenses the events of the day into a tight eleven minutes. It's easy to forget how there was a very real possibility we could have seen our representatives murdered on live tv.

Time for #ImpeachmentSnax for Jan 4, 2022.

I was just up on the ceiling (literally) stuffing crap into holes (aka spray foam), so I missed this news when it dropped and I'm catching up on it now.

Please imagine me wearing the biggest shit-eating grin.

This also just dropped.

Now, neither Hannity nor Pence have been subpoenaed. Hannity has been asked to preserve communications and submit them to the inquiry, and someone waved a lightly buttered saltine cracker at Pence to tempt him.

It is with great schadenfreude that we must announce the Festival of Grievances has been moved from primetime rant to standard Trump rally.

And soon we'll be moving from the closed-door meetings and limited public hearings to an open disclosure process. It's important to remember that this committee has been meeting for six months. They're sitting on a lot of data we don't know yet.

Whoops, I thought that was all but they just reported this on the news and I had missed it. Garland will be giving a speech tomorrow night. I'll watch this so you don't have to.

Okay! #ImpeachmentSnax for Jan 5, 2022.

The big news today was AG Garland's speech in which his department is “committed to holding all January 6th perpetrators, at any level, accountable under law." Hang onto this, we'll circle back.

Yesterday, Rep. Raskin put out a new book. You may remember Raskin as lead on the second impeachment. He kinda looks like Ted from SCRUBS if Ted got laid and had a positive self-image.

I have not yet read this book. I usually don't read books like this, as they tend to bore the crap out of me. But Raskin buried his son the day before the Jan 6 riots and the interviews make it sound like this book is a fucking banger.

One of the points Raskin hits is that there are three tiers of culpability in this mess: there are the foot soldiers (rioters), the mobilizers (Proud Boys, etc); and the inner circle.

The inner circle is, of course, Trump and those who orchestrated the entire thing. ImageImage
Let's go back to Garland's speech today, in which he pushed holding all parties responsible, but mostly focused on those first two tiers. That's where most of the current success in prosecutions has been, after all.

There was little direct mention of that inner circle tier.
People are pushing back on how a toothless prosecution which sweeps up the foot soldiers and racists, but allows the inner circle to go free, is not actual justice.

But it's also true that you have to sweep up the foot soldiers first, and then move up the food chain. And, really, Garland can't come out and say that they are investigating Trump without stepping on the anger gas.

The thing that I took away from Garland's speech, though? It wasn't a strict focus on Jan 6 or outcomes directly relating from the riot. A large part of his speech was on violence within America as mechanisms for disrupting the democratic process.
I didn't expect him to go there, tbh. The speech felt like a cross between "I'm WORKING on it, assholes" and "Could you go out and make some FUCKING LAWS to ENCODE THE RIGHT TO VOTE WITHOUT HARASSMENT?!" and that makes me wonder what's coming.

So, yeah. Tomorrow is going to be a day of fresh hot takes straight from the takery. I'll wrap up the headlines tomorrow night.

Please remember this is a paid project and if it's useful to you, throw some cash my way.

All right. #ImpeachmentSnax for Jan 6, 2022.

It's been one year since I, a big politics nerd, started to livetweet what should have been a dull procedural process and instead logged off this hellsite to quietly watch a fucking coup unfold in real time.

This morning, Biden gave the "Dagger at the throat of democracy" speech, which was...eh, it had some good lines.

Didn't name Trump once, but aggressively identified the lies which led to the insurrection and the outcomes of Jan 6.

I have noticed a shift in some GOP figureheads framing the riot as a serious negative event. This morning I tweeted out a video in which Ted Cruz referred to it as an act of "terrorism."

And there's this fucking guy.

But in the House, where Pelosi gave an...event... (jfc lady did you have to make it a Hamilton singalong?) only Liz Cheney and DARTH FUCKING CHENEY THE FIRST OF HIS NAME showed up to represent the GOP.

In the retrospectives unfolding over the last few days, GOP talking points hold that the past is the past, and that the Jan 6 commission is doing nothing to solve current problems.

In contrast to the aforementioned Cruz/Rove/Cheney et. al repositioning, the majority of reps and GOP faithful just want the memories of the riot to go away entirely.

And the part of this that ***really*** bothers me is how it seems like there's a quiet agreement among GOP folks that Trump's coup would have happened if it hadn't been for those darned rioters giving the whole thing a mountain of bad press.

It's been one year since what was arguably the most significant domestic-grown terrorist event took place. There has been no real progress to shore up voting rights, end gerrymandering, remove dark money influence, and so on.

I wish I felt more hopeful.

#ImpeachmentSnax for Jan 7, 2022.

Remember just yesterday when I mentioned Ted Cruz referred to the insurrection as an act of terrorism? That...yeah. Well. He rarely comes off looking good, but this rivals the classic "leaves for Cancun during blizzard."

The big news today is the committee is solidifying its schedule for testimonies. Pence might appear before the month is out. It is likely this won't be a public hearing but a girl can dream.

And the main media talking point today is how Republicans didn't show up to denounce the coup...and what this foretells for the overall health of American politics. Spoiler: nothing good at all.

All right! The household COVID situation is managed so let's don some #ImpeachmentSnax for the last fewwwwwwwWHAAAAAAT?!

McCarthy is one of the flipping waffles I'd love to see yanked back and forth across a red hot testimonial. Reports have him begging Trump to call off the riot, Trump saying "Welp!", McCarthy going RIPSHIT FURIOUS, then covering Trump's ass ever since.

The committee has asked Giuliani to join those Trump allies who need to provide information. These cases are tied up in court. So far, none of them have gotten much traction but, as always, the goal isn't to win but run out the clock.

Because everything is terrible, let's pause and remember that Giuliani gave a presser in the parking lot of a landscape company and expected us to just roll with it.

I mean.

A landscape company.
It's a moment of zen every single fucking time.

All right, more news.

There's a fellow called Ray Epps who has been part of a conspiracy in which pro-insurrectionists hold him up as an example that federal agents wanted violence to break out. This accusation has been turned into a firm no.

Jim Jordan, human goldfish, has responded to the committee's request for information. I am not a lawyer and thus cannot legally find his reasoning fucking hilarious.

And this is simply foul: Republicans in different swing states forged electoral votes in Trump's favor, apparently coordinating efforts to overthrow the election results.


• • •

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10 Jan
A very fast story about COVID and everybody trying to do right in circumstances which are weird and wild and impossible.

Hypothetically, let's pretend someone in this purely fictional household works for the state of North Carolina.
Let's say that the married couple in this hypothetical household has been hypervigilant about COVID protocols from early 2020 through now.

And, of course, right around Christmas, our imaginary couple felt like absolute balls.
They had all of the symptoms of mild Omicron. But they ran all over town and found at-home tests! And they were negative! And the symptoms went away very quickly. so they decided they probably had avoided COVID while catching the flu.
Read 16 tweets
9 Aug 21
Good morning! And if you're reading the IPCC report...well, good morning anyhow.

A lot of people will be shouting about personal responsibility and corporate carbon burdens and government interventions and...and...and...

And I'm going to talk about moss.
Moss is great! Did you know that peatlands (wetland bogs) are immense carbon sinks?

Peatlands are found across the planet. They are, perhaps, best known for their corpses.

Read 14 tweets
8 Aug 21
Petition to replace all current government policymakers with a bunch of women in their late 60s who have seen it all and are sick of your shit.
Woke up mad at how Biden is handling the current outbreak, then remembered the previous dude openly wondered about injecting bleach at a live presser.

We now have an effective model for comparison and it's not doing us any real good.
Getting some fucking pancakes and then coming back to plant more moss.
Read 4 tweets
7 Aug 21
hahahaha there's no way that's...a real.......thing.......... ImageImage
My entire life is now dedicated to tracking down a true HD version of this video. Image
Just showed the video to Brown. He paused, and then said, "That dude has had a wide and varied career."
Read 4 tweets
17 Jun 21
Read 6 tweets
15 Jun 21
Watching Jon Stewart come out strong on the Wuhan lab theory like
Just watching the whole interview, wondering when it's going to snap into a bit, and realizing...oh no, he actually...believes...aaaaw crap.
Nobody have heroes. Heroes just make you sad.
Read 4 tweets

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